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Wikibooks:Constitution is a metadata page that serves as a reference point for those who wish to be involved in editing the {{w: Libre knowledge}} w:Constitution in every languages and cultures of the world.

Structural principles for Wikibooks:Constitution page:

  • defines the scope of the project
  • establishes the formatting conventions for individual pages and books (e.g. how each individual item should be structured) lists participating contributors
  • provides subject-specific forums

Stages of the project

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  1. * Standard of look and feel. Knowing that the conventions for books on mathematics or chemistry are worlds apart from the conventions for foreign languages, so the first goal is to build the constitution page standard, that can be applied to all constitution pages project.
  2. Allows the development of special interest communities within Wikibooks. Define collaborating roles and rules.
  3. Permits strategic planning and consensual discussion create a central location for discussion instead of fragmented discussion over several different talk pages.
  4. Allows controlled dynamic evolution. The inherent problem in any communal project is that without central authority chaos emerges. But with excessive central authority, stagnation sets in. The Wikibooks:Constitution is a 'central authority' (thus providing the benefits of stability), but the Wikibooks:Constitution page itself remains consensual and dynamic. Where evolution occurs, the process can be centrally managed.
  5. Helps to build community among users, by creating common goals that people can work towards. Wikibookians tend to be focused on their own books and their own pet projects, and WikiProjects allow users to get together and work collaboratively on greater goals.


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