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The aim of this Wikibook is to introduce the readers to the AVT technique known as Dubbing. This introduction is based on the Polish dubbed version of the movie Shrek. You are going to learn about various strategies and techniques used during a translation process and then you may use this knowledge in practice - by doing the translation exercises that will test your creativity, language-sensitivity, and ability to condense, reduce, or domesticate the lines and dialogues taken from the movie.

Shrek's and Fiona's costumes

Movie Shrek

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Basic information

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Popularity around the world

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Cabin dubbing


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Bartosz Wierzbięta

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Process of dubbing

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Translation techniques

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Now you have an opportunity to use theory in practice. Try your hand at these fragments presented in the table. First, you have the original line in English, then transcribed line from Polish dubbing and the last column is for you and your version. In this exercise try to reduce the sensation of something being "exotic", "foreign","unknown" for an average Polish viewer and try to come up with names, places, popcultural references that are widely known in Poland.

1. We will start with something pretty easy, meaning national cuisine and typical plates. In the original Donkey wants to prepare waffles for breakfast, in the Polish translation we have jajecznica. Do you have other idea? What else do Poles like to eat for breakfast?

English Polish Your version
We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning I'm making waffles. Ale będzie ubaw, męskie rozmowy, takie o życiu i o śmierci. A rano... zrobię jajecznicę!

2. Next example is also connected with food. In the original version Donkey talks about dessert called parfait which is not widely known in Poland, so the translator decided to change it to something much more popular in our country, traditional even, namely: kremówki. Think about another popular Polish dessert, it has to have layers.

English Polish Your version
Donkey: You know what else everybody likes? Parfaits. Have you ever met a person, you say, Let's get some parfait, they say, No, I don't like no parfait? Parfaits are delicious.

Shrek: No! You dense, irritating, miniature beast of burden! Ogres are like onions! End of story.
Donkey: Parfaits may be the most delicious thing on the whole damn planet..

Osioł: Wiesz co jeszcze wszyscy lubią? kremówki. Znasz kogoś, co jak mu powiesz: „Ej, chodźmy na kremówki”, to mówi „Nie, stary, nie lubię kremówek”. Kremówki są pycha!

Shrek (przerywając Osłowi): NIE! TY TĘPY, IRYTUJĄCY, KŁAPOUCHY GADUŁO! OGRY SĄ JAK CEBULA! Koniec kwestii.
Osioł: Kremówki to jednakowoż jedno z najlepszych ciastek, ja to wiem. Masz chusteczkę? Pociekła mi na samą myśl o kremówkach ślinka.


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In this section you are going to practise condensation technique which, as you have learned, is widely used in audiovisual translation. Your version should be a summary of the original lines and it should include the initial meaning.

1. In this scene Donkey is looking for the stairs and at the same time he is "motivating" himself. The whole image here revolves around the stairs and their construction elements. The protagonist uses a few idioms and phrases connected with stairs. Try your hand at this challenge - remember to condense this excerpt and to play with idioms, with the whole image.

English Polish Your version
Cool. You handle the dragon.

I'll handle the stairs. I'll find those stairs. I'll whip their butt too. Those stairs won't know which way they're going. I'm gonna take drastic steps. Kick it to the kerb. Don't mess with me. I'm the stair master. I've mastered the stairs. I wish I had a step right here. I'd step all over it.

Dobra, ty zajmij się smokiem, ja biorę na siebie schody.

Znajdę je, skubane, i skopię im poręcz tak, że nie będą wiedziały, którędy na górę, a co! Bezwzględny będę! Zero litości! Znam karate, czwarty stopień wtajemniczenia, nie? Ale będzie jatka, no będzie rzeźnia normalnie!


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Creative thinking exercises

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Now it is time to get creative! Below you have various movie fragments that I consider to be a challenge. There are songs, cultural references, rhymes, and stylization. Your task is to provide better (I know it is extremely difficult), funnier, more contemporary translations; you have to defeat Bartosz Wierzbięta, humour and words are your weapon:)

1. You will start with a quotation that has entered an everyday speech. Here you have a reference to the lyrics of the song "Śpiewać każdy może" performed by Jerzy Stuhr (he voiced Donkey)[1]. Try to come up with something different, colloquial, not necessarily a cultural reference.

English Polish Your version
- Ha, ha! That's right, fool! Now I'm a flying, talking donkey. You might have seen a house fly, maybe even a super fly, but I bet you are not never seen a donkey fly. No jak ty głupku! Latam, gadam, pełny serwis! Latać każdy może, trochę lepiej, czasem trochę gorzej. Ale niestety ja mam talent!

2. Now we move on to rhyming. Interestingly enough, the rhymed line uttered by Donkey has not been retained in the translation. It is time to make up for it! Looking for the words that rhyme is a great "linguistic" warm-up.

English Polish Your version
Hey, wait a minute! I got a great idea! I'll stick with you.

You're a mean, green, fighting machine.
Together we'll scare the spit out of anybody that crosses us.

Ej , czekaj, mam bomba pomysł! Idę z tobą.

Z moim mózgiem i Twoim gabarytem cała droga nasza!
Nikt nam nie podskoczy.

3. Now it is time for a short word formation exercise: do your best and attempt to come up with as many versions as possible:

English Polish Your version
Attention, all fairy tale things! Uwaga wszystkie dość nietypowe stwory!
You got that kind of. I-don't-care-what-nobody... thinks-of-me thing. I like that. I respect that, Shrek. Masz spoko podejście do życia, wiesz? Dokładnie, tak trzymaj Shrek.

4. Create your own version of the Gingerman Verse

English Polish Your version
Run, run, run, as fast as you can!

You can't catch me! I'm the gingerbread man!

Ciach, ciach, biegnij ile masz sił!

I tak nie uciekniesz, w męczarniach będziesz się wił!

Further reading

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  1. Jerzy Stuhr "Śpiewać każdy może"
  2. Interview with the translator, Bartosz Wierzbięta