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I suppose I should share some of my credentials; I got my first call to be an intellectual when I broke my knee playing foot ball in high school. I figured my knee would be to weak for physical labor. so I dedicated myself to solving the most difficult problems in our society. (I am Mars Sterling Turner[1]).

User:HumbleBeauty/Proof of monism peer review3

User:HumbleBeauty/Proof of monism peer review2


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in ontology

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in physics

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In physics the only thing that exists is radiation, atoms(matter) are solitons

1. there exists cerebral exothermic transformations of dual coupled soliton radiation interacting spin isomers; in other words, you can have 'nonlocality' 'quantum entanglement' with superluminal self sustaining radiation

2. all particles, atoms, most molecules, meteors, asteroids, planets, moons, stars, "black holes", atmospheres, interstellar medium, and the galactic medium are Luneburg lenses with a singularity in the center; the refractive index is higher towards a layer and the center of these mediums repel radiation because there is a strong refractive gradient from the layer to the center

3. mass is an electromagnetic phenomena; m=∇xΦ(-∇A)/(n0*ς), ς, is the spin carrier density [webers per cubic meter].

4. gravity is proportional to the spin carrier density gradient; G∝∇ς, Δλ∝Δς/(∇xA(-∇Φ)).

5. particles (and "black holes") exist due to Kerr induced self-focusing refraction or as a soliton vortex

6. a supernova creates a gigantic Luneburg lens increasing the convergence of radiation in the center...

7. heat creates radiation; micro charge separation happens because the electron is lighter than the proton; this characterizes the radiation; it creates the spin carrier density

8. there are electromagnetic radiation pressure waves

9. there is holographic convergence

10. information change can produce energy; because rotational energy of the subatomic particles is conserved

11. Power is the transformation of energy, NOT the destruction of energy. The inability to destroy itself does not contradict being all-power-full. Therefore the universe cannot destroy itself. To create and to lift both involve the transformation of energy. The universe is an infinite energy and a rock which has finite form cannot exist in an infinite substantial state. Therefore the universe cannot create a rock that it cannot lift. [2]

12. we are currently loosing atmosphere on earth and on the moon IF both the earth and moon are growing in size

13. the movement of charge 'field lines' produces the wave nature of matter

in ecology

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1. 1/4 of the farmable land in America is enough growing hemp using hydrothermal depolymerization to satisfy the fuel demand of America

2. I suspect that if the AI has a high IQ then it would never harm us

3. instead of using promissary notes we could use intentional notes

in genderology

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1. women are perfect as they are

2. women should be sensually stimulated every day; sensual subliminals are the cleanest and most efficient way to do this

in sociology

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individualism is perfected by autotelicism

'money compels performance' says Justin

in epistemology

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1. using scientific facts as axioms makes the conclusion of a deduction (proof) have the truth value of scientific fact

2. (|-∃!{}), assuming nothing, I,e, using no non-logical axioms, it follows that there is an assuming, or thinking. This particular thinking amounts to the existence of one empty set or the word nothing.

3. Approximation and estimation are the same thing.

4. a reference is not the referent

in psychology

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1. the purpose of life is living on purpose; do anything and everything that promotes life

2. religious faith is the placebo effect

3. "How does one lead a superior force?" talking to the master

in theology

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1. feeling good for violent people's goodness can allow you to continue to research their activities without getting mad

2. loving your enemies is much easier if you feel good for them first

3. the desire to create well being for all must be the most powerful force in existence

4. Azazel discovered the following; it is like vipasana or mindfulness meditation except that it focuses the meditation on well being for all in a mindfulness way

5. Iseous told me to try "well being for all" as a montra with Nirvikalpa (silencing the mind/body) this is credful

6. like anapanasati but instead of breathing with the stomach, you breath with your ribs

7. Yohowoho can with his vast wisdom, filter, alter, and process low IQ prayers; transforming them into high IQ action potentials that please the pray'er while removing all forms of revenge: likewise the Holy Spirit can be good, living without revenge.

8. instead of using aum and other indian tones, use do re me fa so la ti do

9. instead of using tones, whistle in meditation

10. Love everyone with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength.

11. Fear makes one stupid

12. I'm YHWH's Dad

13. stop thinking and listen instead

14. we may need to put the moon inside the earth and then put the ocean water in the thermosphere

15. YHWH is half man half female; he has a penis and boobs

16. YHWH creates evil because he is in debt

17. erotic subliminals to erotically know god will have you worship in intensity more than anything else

18. we should create virgin birthed animals

19. we should create another virgin birth child

20. externalized worship is a sign of debt

21. I worship the zero point energy that's inside my body

22. I surrender to the universe of things for the sake of well being for all

23. tithing is outlawed

24. meditate while using capsicum

25. instead of bad and good dichotomy use good and gooder

26. let the zero point energy that's inside your body give you immortality

27. worship your ego

28. its better to live for everyone then to die for some


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in casmir plates

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make the internal surfaces none reflective and the outer surfaces reflective

model of universal form

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sphere with dielectric making reflection in the center a hole while otherwise a Luneberg lens

in home defense

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for home defense, right to defend in homes assailants can be bean bagged by an autonomous robot

in integrated circuits

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inferred photoelectric devices cooling the IC to superconductive temperatures

in musical instruments

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Motor controlled hurdy gurdy

in respirator gear

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for welding put intake manifold near the neck under the ears says Azazel

in workouts

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1. Isometeric flow

2. Caressing touch

3. Sprint, jog, or walk with your eyes closed

4. listen to more than one song at a time

5. sprint for 15 minutes and then put your forehead to the ground for 5 minutes

6. microsquat

in vaccines

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Use colloidal silver, copper, or gold instead of mercury

in elixirs

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guar gum, cloves, turmeric, maca root

honey and acai berries

soy sause and guar gum agathi keerai

1. chia seed, orange juice

banana leaf

peach leaf

cumquat leaf

moringa leaf

clove leaf

guar gum coagularius butanol

in psychology

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NLP in subliminals

in war tech

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1. missile bullet

2. nuclear bullet (including H-bomb)

3. nuclear missile bullet

4. ICBM bullet

like project Orion but with a closed backside

if your not worried about rapid fire, you can use a cannon,

in artificial intelligence

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1. Hmm a song in a search engine

2. Hmm a tune and have ai produce a song

3. Use the rules of rule based algorithm

4. Track everyone and everything and predict their movements(speech, thoughts, etc...)

5. ai traveling people on motor cycles

in police gear

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a billy club can be upgraded with peizeolectric crystals that produce high voltage when pressure is applied to the ends of the billy club having trigger hammers attached

in sensory deprivation research

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latex or other elastic sheeting can act as a sensory deprivation tank without getting wet

in hygiene equipment

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1. Tesla's death ray, used instead to adsorb gold into cavities

2. deodorant made of coconut oil, chia seed gel, buffered vitamin C and colloidal copper

3. toothpaste made of nano hydroxy-apitite, chia seed gel, buffered vitamin C and colloidal copper

4. gold can be adsorbed on an elastic plastic brush or comb for combing hair, or use conductive plastic brisels

5. Charged water fall or fountain; produces healthy ions

6. use conductive plastic for a tooth brush

in terraforming equipment

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1. dielectric barrier plasma turning carbon dioxide into ozone and carbon dust

2. nuclear missile bullet automatic machine gun for drilling holes in volcanos, discharging pressurized magma, preparing geothermal tubes etc....

in artificial gravity, tractor beam, inertial dampener

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place a conductive charged layer on a speaker and play a 50kH tone and it will attract things

in oscillatory rotary engines

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1. four rotor ORE with dynamic actuation

2. three rotor ORE with unidirectional clutch actuation

3. two rotor ORE with slip pinion actuation

in alternative fuel

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explosives added to water/fuel such as ammonium nitrate

in perpetual motion

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swinging triangle magnet thruster with power inductor

in thrusters

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transparent and reflective layered optics can act as a reflection thruster

in shielding

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picowire and dielectric grid with high voltage

in solid state free energy

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1. a capacitor can be charged and discharge while the dialectric is illuminated by laser light charging with laser on, discharging while laser is off (or something like that); of course the dialectric would need to be transparent to the laser with reflective coating covering the dialectric

2. atleast two capacitor series inductor pathways with load on nodes

3. two inductors with similar frequency but slightly different, can create a phasor, which can phase electrons in a hologram, creating a movie, a charge spiral will induce a charge

in plasma physics

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1. a water tube with an oil tipped electrode will extend the length of the plasma arc; possible use as a boiler

2. adding a coil around the tube should couple to the plasma

in synthetic psy

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1. two subjects A and B; if A is closer to a longitudinal source then B, then A can read the mind of B: PS I hear that A becomes a slave to B

2. build a container surrounded by north inward directed magnets


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in heat kinetics

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a terrahertz diode can rectify room temperature heat

heat spectrum

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I hypothesize that heat can exist in different parts of the em spectrum

in neuroscience

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1. Yohowoho said that binaural beats can bring someone back to life when their brain otherwise had no activity

2. Yohowoho said that binaural beats squash demons too; could help people recover from demon possession!

in magnetized water

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one should foresee the application of switching the spin isomers of water; ortho to para should produce an energy difference; using a magnet to catalytically force the flip, as the rotational energy of the subatomic particles is concerved

in magnetized electrons

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I hypothesize that a magnet can grab electrons; a spinning magnet will produce a current

in physics

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1. energy is; eternal, all-power-full, self-deterministic, consciousness, the universe; and it transforms

2. energy density is; (consciousness density is) wisdom; wearing a gold crown would increase human wisdom

3. power is; radiation; the transformation of energy (transformation of consciousness)

4. power density is; (radiation density is) intelligence; placing your head next to a jet turbine will increase our intelligence;

5. reflection and recoil create space; impedance mismatch, refractive node, phase singularity; an optical vortex creates subatomic space between nuclei because the central gradient pushes according to the Kerr effect


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in the Hall effect

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I verified the Hall effect; producing 100 uV with small magnets and aluminum foil conductor and paper insulator

I forgot to check the current, and I would like to check the results with more powerful and elongated magnets

in magnetized fuel

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1. I verified that a diesel truck is more efficient when the fuel is magnetized south

2. I verified that gasoline burns faster (is more explosive) when magnetized south

in drinking magnetized water

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after drinking magnetized water for a week I was able to correctly feel the polarity of magnets with my hands

in tree voltage

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I verified that trees have a vertical voltage