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Errors occur because users want better performance and the software updates need new data structures. Others because some people can't spell or use and alternative spelling not encapsulated in the data structures of Trainz. These days the data structures are called KINDs and Containers.

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Thread: Listing of Errors and How to Fix Them Thread Tools Search Thread Rate This Thread Display April 30th, 2010, 02:21 AM #1 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,841

Listing of Errors and How to Fix Them

Hi Everyone,

I've been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to go about fixing errors in 2010. There are so many different kinds and while some are easier to figure out (such as typos) others are not the case. For those who do not speak English as their first language, typos might be a big deal too!

If you have an error you can't understand or fix, simply post it in this thread and wait for a response. If you see an error that hasn't been fixed and know how to fix it, just post an answer.

Periodically (I do have a life) I will edit the second post (below this one) to reflect the error and solution. That way, we can all contribute towards a general "catalogue" of errors and solutions so that other trainzers can look at the catalogue and get a clear and simple answer of how to fix their problem. There are more detailed (and perhaps better worded) answers throughout this thread (or in other threads on the forums here) so look there if you have the time and curiosity.

New trainzers: before you post, please look at the second post below for your error, as most of them are now covered. If you are still stuck or need help, then post. We will only focus on objects that show errors in this thread since that is the most pressing issue to deal with. Please do not post about warnings. As well, if you are having issues with your installation or other things (like surveyor or graphic issues) please start another thread as this one is only meant for errors.

Please thank and support both PEV for his excellent tools and the folks at trainzresources for their noble effort in helping to make trainz more enjoyable.


- Get all the patches for trainz before error correcting. Look on the forums and you'll surely find a link.

- Try updating your assets (some creators have updated them to fix the errors). For those who are new, DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT download every new asset version that is on the DLS. If you select the default custom filter that Auran provided, you will see all the versions that have an update (and will most likely freak out at what you could update). This was a silly mistake on Auran's part but now you know! Instead, what you need to do is to set up a custom filter, perhaps like so: Out of Date = true (we need to get content updates, right?) obsolete = false (but we don't want to download something that has a higher version)

- Go here: and get some/all of PEV's wonderful free software! I personally think you'll need 1) PM2IM (for fixing mesh/unsupported texture errors which are common) 2) Quickshadows (for adding missing shadows which are common) 3) Trainz Mesh Viewer (akin to trainz objectz explorer for those coming from TRS 04 - it lets you see what the mesh looks like as a textured object which is handy when dealing with missing textures) and 4) Images2TGA (which will convert .texture files into .tga's, .bmp's, .jpegs, etc...)

- Get Irfanview or GIMP (both are freeware) for resizing images.

- From Lamont: I use Irfanview extensively, and if you're resizing a texture that's a flat color or "poster-like," it works really well. If you're resizing a photo-type image or something with a lot of detail I've found that Irfanview tends to do a rather crude job (it is, after all, not really intended for advanced image editing). If you have something like Photoshop (including Elements), Corel PhotoPaint, PaintShopPro or one of the other packages you may find that they do a better job with the more detailed images.

- When error correcting, sometimes you get more errors after you correct the first error. Just keep plugging away at it and you'll eventually fix everything. Sometimes, fixing one error will solve many others. Do not lose heart. I've fixed assets with 30 + errors that now work beautifully. The number or errors does not necessarily indicate poor quality or how easy it will be to repair something.

- When closing Content Manager or finishing trainz, open up task manager and wait for the program TADDAEMON to close. It is still working after you close it and will usually close by itself in a few minutes, depending on your computer's specifications. Give it all the time it needs and DO NOT "force close" it because if you do, you risk messing up your database. That means you'll get weird behaviour in trainz and the only way to fix that is to run (and often lengthy) Extended Database Repair (EDR) to fix it. For me, I run this once a month or so and it takes at least 2-3 hours to do (so I do it overnight). There seems to be an issue where you may have no assets that report as faulty (no errors) but after running and EDR, new one's will pop up. It's been said that when you correct some assets or parts, it means other parts that have errors will show up as a result. Just keep correcting errors.

- Auran does not recommend correcting built in assets which may show errors. There are some folks who are doing this anyhow but I personally won't touch them...

- When you get a common error that keeps popping up from creator (i.e. missing a .tga or .bmp) it's worth your while to keep a copy of this image somewhere that is easily accessible. That way, you can just cut and paste/edit it later for your needs (thanks cascaderailroad!). Another analogy: I have a folder on my hard drive called Misc Textures. In there, I have a collection of textures from various models, and when a model is looking for white.tga for example, I'll dig through my pile of bits and pieces looking for the replacement. This is sort of like the scrap box that sits on the workbench that you dig through when you need that replacement screw or nut (from JCitron).

- From WYO: I have found many errors where spaces were added e.g. the body folder is named 40ft_boxcar_body and in the mesh table it is listed as 40ft _boxcar_body. I have also found many where the texture file is green.bmp but the texture.text file says green.tga. And the most egregious error was where the mesh was for a boxcar but the config.txt called it a tank car so you put this tank car on the rails that looks like a boxcar but acts like a tank car even loading 38800 gals of liquids.

- One thing came to my mind: look at the path the error shows. Perhaps it points to a folder where the file should be (like 'body' or something like that). I encountered some similar errors where the 'missing' file WAS in the asset folder but in a wrong folder (thanks Samplaire!).

- If you mean to use PM2IM with "Strip Textures" on (to get rid of unsupported textures) you will have to run it from the program itself by starting it up (NOT as a batch process through *open with* in trainz content manager). The batch process will NOT strip textures (I found this out the hard way).

- Foreign assets that use non-Unicode characters in their texture names are problematic. CMP does not support these and marks the assets as having errors. You can use PM2IM with strip textures enabled and it will rename the non-Unicode characters and list the changes when it is finished. You'd have to adjust all the config.txt's file names and the files they refer to (by opening up each config.txt here) but I think this can fix the asset. I'm not sure if this works all the time though (thanks JCitron/PEV!).

- Passenger platforms that are missing attachment-points for passengers are common errors. There's one thing to watch out for - the , instead of the . in the attachment point item in the lists (thanks JCitron!).

I hope these tips from others and myself help others get past the errors, some serious pitfalls, and much faster into the wonderful world of trainz! Let's begin (look at the next post)!

Gisa ^^ Last edited by gisa; January 25th, 2011 at 11:03 PM.

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post April 30th, 2010, 02:22 AM #2 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,841

Note that there are some errors that are not common that haven't been posted here. Also note that these are examples and are meant as a guide to help new trainzers error correct their assets so they can learn how to error correct on their own (teach a man how to fish and he's fed for life ).


Error: Texture 'bogies.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh ''. Problem: missing a .texture file Solution: Simply copy an existing .texture.txt file, open it up, and change the references inside for what you need. Save and rename the file to what you are missing (in this case bogies.texture.txt).

Error: Unable to load image file 'bogeys.bmp' for texture " " while validating mesh Problem: missing a .bmp texture file. There are several things that could cause this. Solution: Since it can't find the bogies.bmp texture in your folder, it could be misplaced, so take a look in other folders of that asset. If it's not there, you could open up a similar working asset made by the creator and if you are lucky, find that missing file, copy and paste it into the problematic asset and that should clear the error.

If you can't find that missing file, open up the mesh using PEV's Trainz Mesh Viewer and see what the asset (currently) looks like. If you are seeing a LOT of white (or the object is virtually white) you can't fix it, because it's missing the the main textures for the main body (and you can't replace those).

If you can't see any white or very little or small parts, you could go about "making" your own texture. This is not as difficult as it might sound. To do this, use a graphics program (such as MS paint) to create a simple solid box. If you have an idea of what colour it should be, make it that colour. I default to black otherwise as locomotives/rolling stock tend to get dirty in real life. I then save the new file, open it in irfanview and resize it to 16 pixels by 16 pixels. Then substitute the file you just made in and that should clear up the error (thanks rweber!).

Note that for some problematic assets that are missing textures, you can run the IM through PM2IM again to strip out the unsupported textures which will clear the errors.

Error: The Tag 'descirption' is not permitted within a container of type 'bogey'. Problem: typo - should be description Solution: replace 'descirption' with 'description'

Error: The kuid '<kuid:-3:10040>' specified in '0' is not of the correct type. Problem: wrong KUID and format Solution: Check the queues section. The tag is incorrect and should be allowed-products and should look something like this.

queues { load { size 64000 initial-count 0 product-kuid <kuid:-3:10013>

allowed-products { 0 <kuid:-3:10013> 1 <kuid2:30671:9070990:1> 2 <kuid2:30671:9110100:1> 3 <kuid2:30671:9100810:1> 4 <kuid2:30671:9252390:1> 5 <kuid2:30671:9252101:1> 6 <kuid2:30671:9170199:1> 7 <kuid2:30671:9120100:1> 8 <kuid2:30671:9110412:1> 9 <kuid2:30671:9100620:1> 10 <kuid2:30671:9260112:1> 11 <kuid2:30671:9252390:1> } } }

(Thanks JCitron! - see his post [# 9] in this thread)

Error: The Tag 'radius.015' is not permitted within a container of type 'light_switch'. Problem: typo and formatting error Solution: Put some tabs or spaces between "radius" and move ".015" out to the right side. Change .015 to 0.15 (should be correct). This affects the AC4400 from ProTrainz, possibly other assets as well (thanks RRSignal!).

Error: The Tag 'trackview-defaults' is not permitted within a container of type 'behavior'. Problem: third party container that is no longer supported Solution: apparently it didn't do anything, so delete the tag (as it is unsupported)

Error: The Tag 'scale' is not permitted within a container of type 'flowsize'. Problem: incorrect tag? Solution: delete the tag

Error: No selection for tag 'category-region' in 'traincar'. Problem: asset is missing a region under the 'category-region' tag Solution: open up the asset in CCP and select a region. Sometimes you may get an incorrect region, so change it to one that is correct. I prefer doing this through CCP because it's literally a matter of clicking a box but of course, it could be done in explorer as well. For those who want to edit it in explorer, read on.

It seems to be saying there is no entry or an incorrect entry for this tag, but in many cases I do have a legitimate entry (eg. "US") and still get this error. The solution has been to change category-region to the older style category-region-0. The correct syntax for this tag seems to depend on what trainz-build the asset has, and some of the older builds (up to 1.5, I think) need category-region-0. At least that's my reading of the situation.


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Error: the primary and alpha image are not the same size Problem: either a) the images are of different sizes or b) there is an error that refers to other images in their respective config.txt files Solution: check the images to see that they are the same size. If not, open up one image and resize it to the size of the other.

Note that this might cause more problems, but keep on resizing the other .texture files until all the size errors go away.

If the images are the same size, check the config.txt files that refer to them and look at the path the config.txt is pointing too. It could be pointing to a wrong file or file type (i.e. the author wanted it to point to metal.tag but wrote metal.bmp). If so, just change the file type to what exists.

Error: The Tag 'organisationtpr.' is not permitted within a container of type 'traincar'. Problem: typo and spacing error Solution: put a space between organisation and tpr. You could also try to delete the tag (as I believe it's unnecessary)

Error: Unable to load mesh file: 'tanker_procor60037_shadow\tanker_procor60037_shad' Problem: asset is missing a shadow (this is a very common error) Solution: make a shadow for this asset by using PEV's Quickshadows program and either: a) point to it in the config.txt by editing the config.txt in explorer or b) use Content Creator Plus (CCP).

I think b) is easier in some ways because you don't need to add the containers (CCP takes care of that for you). Be warned that if you do use CCP, it will throw up an error message if the main .im file is still a .pm file (since 2009/10 assets must be .im's) and it might bring about other errors because you've updated the main config.txt to '09/'10 standards. To (hopefully) fix/prevent them, make the .IM file ahead of time by opening up the .pm/.im mesh with PM2IM and convert it with "strip textures" enabled. I generally run PM2IM first, when this error shows up, then run quick shadows, then open the asset in CCP and point the new .IM file/path and new file/path in CCP to where the files are. Typically, the asset will be okay after doing so (and for some assets with different errors, you might get lucky and fix everything in one go).

Error: The Tag '?' is not permitted within a container of type 'bogey'. Problem: ? is not a tag! Solution: delete the question mark

Error: The Tag 'orginization' is not permitted within a container of type 'interior'. Problem: spelling Solution: fix up the typing/spelling of orginization to organisation (I believe this is an optional tag)

Error: The Tag 'cameradefault0' is not permitted within a container of type 'interior'. Problem: typo/spacing Solution: put a space between the t in default and 0

Error: The Tag 'trigger-radius' is not permitted within a container of type 'scenery-trackside'. Problem: third-party tag Solution: it's a third party tag and might not work, but if you put it in the extensions container, it would clear the error message (thanks Ianwoodmore!).

Error: The Tag 'number_low' is not permitted within a container of type 'traincar'. Problem: third party tag Solution: In CM3.2, right click on the asset and select "Edit - Edit in Explorer". Double click the config.txt file and edit to remove these two lines: number_low "6624" number_high "6650"

Then, paste them into another temporary notepad/word/wordpad file or write the numbers down. In this example, I'll use these numbers, but the number value itself doesn't matter. The key is to use the numbers you see in your case. Save and close the config.txt.

Double click (open with wordpad) and edit these two lines from: int low = mySoup.GetNamedTagAsInt("number_low"); int high = mySoup.GetNamedTagAsInt("number_high");

to these: int low = 6624; int high = 6650;

(put in the numbers you copied from before here)

Save and close (thanks Rweber! - I stole this from another post ^^)

Error: Binary conversion failed for texture resource 'mesh_body/graycoat.texture.txt'. Problem: possibly compressed .tga image. Solution: Open the image, uncompress it, and save the image. You could also try to update the .texture.txt file, or use PEV's Images2TGA to update it for you. You may need to delete the .texture.txt file before running Images2TGA though (thanks Shane!)

Error: Attachment point 1 (load45t_1) in 'queues\load48t-0\conflicts-with-queues' was not found. Problem: attachment point either does not exist or there is a typo (this is a common error) Solution: Check to see if that particular load-asset exists in the config file and is spelled correctly. If it is spelt correctly, delete the attachment point.

Note that the same solution exists for a general attachment point error.

You could opt to add additional points through PEV's attachment maker, but most should avoid doing so until they are very comfortable with error correcting. I personally just delete the point but that's just me.

Error: The texture 'concreteslab.tga' failed to load (an example: US Station Small 1 <kuid:89219:100012>). Problem: something about the header in the file? Solution: open up the .tga and resave the image which should fix it.

Gisa ^^ Last edited by gisa; January 7th, 2011 at 03:15 AM. Reason: up to page 6

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post April 30th, 2010, 04:55 AM #3 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,841

Headscratcher # 1: Error: The kuid '<kuid:-3:10040>' specified in '0' is not of the correct type.

Seems that this is a bulk load tag which makes sense (the RS I'm having problems with is a hopper). Odd...

Gisa ^^ Last edited by gisa; May 1st, 2010 at 04:29 AM. Reason: Fixed one problem and the other solution is below

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post April 30th, 2010, 06:47 AM #4 clam1952 Welsh Narrow Gauge nut.

Join Date Nov 2008 Location United Kingdom, West Midlands, Gnosall Staffordshire Posts 5,985

Originally Posted by gisa  

Headscratcher # 1: Error: The kuid '<kuid:-3:10040>' specified in '0' is not of the correct type.

Seems that this is a bulk load tag which makes sense (the RS I'm having problems with is a hopper). Odd...

Headscratcher # 2"

Error: Binary conversion failed for texture resource 'mesh_body/graycoat.texture.txt'.

Er...what to do now? When I check for errors before committing it's okay...:/

Gisa ^^ That's probably a compressed TGA problem, uncompressing it should fix it. Malc

Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post April 30th, 2010, 07:06 AM #5 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,841

I was given advice to put

REM Primary=graycoat.texture REM Tile=st

so I took that out and now it shows 2 other errors:

Error: Unable to load image file 'graycoat.texture' for texture 'graycoat.texture.txt' while validating mesh '' Error: Unable to load primary texture 'mesh_body/graycoat.texture' for texture file 'mesh_body/graycoat.texture.txt'.

I've run this through PM2IM with strip textures on. I've substituted both a graycoat.tga file and and greycoat.texture.txt file but no dice...

(ATSF SD-40 Snoot by Sporbust - KUID2:113556:888810:1)

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post April 30th, 2010, 09:44 AM #6 ldowns Trainz Veteran

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America Posts 315

Originally Posted by gisa  

Tips/General Advice/Programs You May Need (feel free to offer recommendations):

- Irfanview (freeware) for resizing images I use Irfanview extensively, and if you're resizing a texture that's a flat color or "poster-like," it works really well. If you're resizing a photo-type image or something with a lot of detail I've found that Irfanview tends to do a rather crude job (it is, after all, not really intended for advanced image editing). If you have something like Photoshop (including Elements), Corel PhotoPaint, PaintShopPro or one of the other packages you may find that they do a better job with the more detailed images.

--Lamont Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post April 30th, 2010, 10:11 AM #7 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,841

Good point. I put that up top if that's okay with you?

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post April 30th, 2010, 10:46 AM #8 WYO WYO Route Builder

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, WYOMING, Sheridan Posts 88

I have found many errors where spaces were added e.g. the body folder is named 40ft_boxcar_body and in the mesh table it is listed as 40ft _boxcar_body I have also found many where the texture file is green.bmp but the texture.text file says green.tga. And the most egregious error was where the mesh was for a boxcar but the config.txt called it a tank car so you put this tank car on the rails that looks like a boxcar but acts like a tank car even loading 38800 gals of liquids.

WYO Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post April 30th, 2010, 11:24 AM #9 JCitron Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, Massachusetts, Haverhill Posts 7,456

Originally Posted by gisa  

Headscratcher # 1: Error: The kuid '<kuid:-3:10040>' specified in '0' is not of the correct type.

Seems that this is a bulk load tag which makes sense (the RS I'm having problems with is a hopper). Odd...

Gisa ^^ Check the queues section. The tag is incorrect and should be allowed-products and should look something like this.

queues { load { size 64000 initial-count 0 product-kuid <kuid:-3:10013>

allowed-products { 0 <kuid:-3:10013> 1 <kuid2:30671:9070990:1> 2 <kuid2:30671:9110100:1> 3 <kuid2:30671:9100810:1> 4 <kuid2:30671:9252390:1> 5 <kuid2:30671:9252101:1> 6 <kuid2:30671:9170199:1> 7 <kuid2:30671:9120100:1> 8 <kuid2:30671:9110412:1> 9 <kuid2:30671:9100620:1> 10 <kuid2:30671:9260112:1> 11 <kuid2:30671:9252390:1> } } }

Hope this helps!

John Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post April 30th, 2010, 03:10 PM #10 ianwoodmore Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location New Zealand Posts 1,673 Blog Entries 7

Hi Gisa,

Many thanks for the support that you are giving John K and I in our Project TARM endeavours. As you have pointed out it is a huge task with not enough hours in the day to do everything needed. The recent problems and non-availability of various Auran servers for much of March and April has significantly slowed our rate of progress for what was a very aggressive timetable. As a consequence, and much to our dismay, any slack in our milestones and targets has been severely eroded. We are working very hard to catchup but it looks like a Mission Impossible. In order to fill the gap I have accelerated the release of some information to enable users to carry out their own repairs.

In relation to this thread the May 2010 issue (due out 16th May) of Trainz Community Newsletter will be covering some of the issues you have raised.

Likely content will include articles that will provide:

Trainz Asset Repair Guide (TARG) - Overview. TARG is the repair equivalent of the CCGTC/wiki.

Experiments in Automating Repairs and Updates Part 1. - The joys and pifalls of using a search and replace text editor to carry out batch modifications to config files.

Manual Repair Procedures Part 1. - An ongoing series explaining how to carry out repairs and indicating that updating to compliance with CCGTC/wiki is often the best course for trouble-free operation in both compatability and native modes of TS2009/TS2010. Here you will see the repair template we will be using and recommend others to use. This article also introduces the Key Caddy which is really a glossary of keywords we are including in config files to indicate the fault or warning being dealt with and to assist you in additional work you may have to do.

The TRAINZLAW Initiative Part 1 - One of the aspects in carrying out any modifications to another author's artwork/creation is to consider copyright, licensing and hosting constraints. While modifications that stay on your computer for your personal use may be OK, there are other considerations if you intend releasing same for upload to DLS or other websites. Part 1 is a once over lightly heads up and an introduction to extending the keywords to give you a simple indication of the copyright/licensing requirements. Later this year I will attempt to give a more detailed discussion on this thorny subject, which incidentally has been the major cause in my delaying the TARL Mk 2 element and the speed with which ongoing implementation can be achieved.

Toolman Part 2 - Peter Villaume (PEV) is working on a series of articles covering the use of his converters, editors and viewers that will appear in the Newsletter later this year. This month I believe he is discussing PM2IM. He has also just developed a new tool ATTACHMENT MAKER (still in beta but available from his website) that will revolutionise repairs to meshes where the config file says there should be an attachment but the mesh file does not contain an attachment point. Smoke is a typical example here. If you haven't yet got ALL his tools, now would be a good time to get them. Our repair procedures will be using them extensively.

Community Comment - I will be asking Trainzers what they think of Auran's Content Creator Plus (CCP). Community input into suggesting improvements to this builtin tool would be welcome. Could it become the holy grail for config file makers? What are its foibles and limitations?

Community Input to developing Trainz Community Website

As part of our website development we want an easier way of finding what compliance is required with CCGTC/wiki plus how_to guides/tutorials when the asset needs a repair or update. If anyone has expertise in this area John K would be grateful if they contact him urgently.

Community Input to Repair Guide - This thread will be useful in expanding TARG, provided there is constant input. Otherwise the thread will disappear below the forum noise level within a few weeks. While I believe TARG and the Newsletter will cover repairs and updates comprehensively in the longer term, I will be on the lookout for areas that I have overlooked or where someone has a repair or workaround I haven't found yet. That way it will be available and visible to a wider audience for much longer.


In the meantime guys have you read February, March and April editions of the Newsletter available at TRD. It takes a lot of effort to keep this Newsletter topical and useful. Your active support by subscribing or downloading will encourage us to keep it going. You can of course also become a contributor of articles. Last edited by ianwoodmore; April 30th, 2010 at 03:25 PM. N3V Beta Tester Asset X, PEVTools and TARDIS Beta Tester

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Thread: Listing of Errors and How to Fix Them Thread Tools Search Thread Rate This Thread Display May 1st, 2010, 03:41 AM #11 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Thanks John for your help! ^^

Ian, I'm happy to help support you guys in what ever way I can. I think what you guys are doing is really important, especially for the future of trainz since most new trainzers will no doubt be overwhelmed with this aspect of the game.

I am definitely looking forward to the next newsletter!

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 1st, 2010, 09:36 AM #12 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Today's challenge (I'm getting much better at error correcting but this one is a bit out of my league):

Error: Attachment point 1 (load45t_1) in 'queues\load48t-0\conflicts-with-queues' was not found.

(TTX TOFC 89flatcar by sporbust - <kuid2:113556:10000044:1> )

On an aside, some of you may have noticed I'm referring your information either by a) posting the problem and solution (by post number) or b) posting the solution in the "catalogue" up top.

If you don't want me to do that, please tell me when you post (or if you see that later and want me to remove it, that's fine too).

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 2nd, 2010, 11:03 PM #13 Johnk Boarded October 2001

Join Date Nov 2006 Location Australia, Queensland, Cairns Posts 1,543

Hi Gisa and thanks for your comments and support.

One problem we have with the Trainz Community News is that of distribution. It would seem that a large percentage of Forum users only read a specific section or even a specific thread. I say this because every time I post a comment about the TCN, we get at least another 10 to 20 readers.

At present we've reaching an readership of around 600, but would dearly love to see that figure double or even quadruple. To help achieve this goal, we're always adding new things that will appear to a wider audience - more tutorials, screenshot of the week, website updates and maybe even new assets.

It's early days yet, but we do need help with the Trainz Community web site which is almost ready to open. I'm not familiar with Joomla, so if anyone reading this post is, please contact me and volunteer a hand to get the site running. I've done all the hack work, but I just need someone to help me set up the menu structure and post a few articles that have already been written. Also, if anyone out there is familiar with Desktop Publishing, I'd love them to help me put the news together each month. This would give me more time to concentrate on the main TARM database.

A link to my TCN news post can be found here:



Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 2nd, 2010, 11:46 PM #14 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

It's my pleasure John. I spent about 2 days correcting about 150 items which means at this rate, I'll never get to PLAY trainz...@@

It's also why I made it a point to mention the efforts you guys are doing since I know you all need literal assistance as well as moral support. Unfortunately, I don't have the skills in programming nor the time to do this (45 hour work weeks, on top of overtime, on top of volunteering soon and on top of part-time studies).

I think that anything good will speak for itself and I think more and more members will realize the importance of what you are doing. Your banner is also a good idea.

Build it and they will come.

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 3rd, 2010, 01:46 AM #15 JCitron Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, Massachusetts, Haverhill Posts 7,471

Originally Posted by gisa  

Today's challenge (I'm getting much better at error correcting but this one is a bit out of my league):

Error: Attachment point 1 (load45t_1) in 'queues\load48t-0\conflicts-with-queues' was not found.

(TTX TOFC 89flatcar by sporbust - <kuid2:113556:10000044:1> )

On an aside, some of you may have noticed I'm referring your information either by a) posting the problem and solution (by post number) or b) posting the solution in the "catalogue" up top.

If you don't want me to do that, please tell me when you post (or if you see that later and want me to remove it, that's fine too).

Gisa ^^ Gisa,

This is another one of those quick fixes. Check to see if that particular load-asset exists in the config file and is spelled correctly. If not, delete the referenced asset.

You'll find there are also many passenger platforms that are missing attachment-points for passengers. There's one thing to watch out for - the , instead of the . in the attachment point item in the lists.

John Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 3rd, 2010, 02:12 AM #16 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Ah right on John. I thought this was something that would require the addition of an attachment point...glad to hear it is simpler than that.

My monitor burnt out but I should be able to look at this file in a few days...thanks for your input John!

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 3rd, 2010, 04:53 AM #17 gch Trainz Member

Join Date Mar 2010 Location England, Herts, Clifton, Beds Posts 18

Upgrade Build to 42203

I am at an even more basic level than you. I just want to know how to upgrade from Build 41615 to 42203.

As the lin k is not working and Auran make no mention of iy I can only assume it has been taken down deliberately.

Just curious about what Build you and others are working on at the moment.

Graham Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 3rd, 2010, 04:59 AM #18 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

I just tried too and it's not working. You should submit a ticket to the helpdesk and make a separate thread to post in the forums here as well.

Apparently the patches fix a ton of bugs. Not all of them but many. I'm waiting on the next one...

Good luck!

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 3rd, 2010, 09:25 AM #19 clam1952 Welsh Narrow Gauge nut.

Join Date Nov 2008 Location United Kingdom, West Midlands, Gnosall Staffordshire Posts 5,992

[quote=gch;603553]I am at an even more basic level than you. I just want to know how to upgrade from Build 41615 to 42203.

As the lin k is not working and Auran make no mention of iy I can only assume it has been taken down deliberately.


Not taken down deliberately the server is down. Malc

Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 3rd, 2010, 05:13 PM #20 RRSignal Beered

Join Date Oct 2009 Location United States of America, Floatin' Along the Delaware River Posts 4,866 Blog Entries 3

This is another one with similar - almost identical config files - and where one works and the other doesn't. The "male" hotbox detector shows error-free in CM. However, the "female" hotbox detector shows this error:

Error: The Tag 'trigger-radius' is not permitted within a container of type 'scenery-trackside'.

Defects detector, male voice,<kuid2:30671:23307:1> Defects detector, female voice,<kuid2:30671:23306:1>

Both seem to be the same other than the audio files and the description. And I checked for typos.

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Thread: Listing of Errors and How to Fix Them Thread Tools Search Thread Rate This Thread Display May 3rd, 2010, 11:49 PM #21 Conc8c Trainz Member

Join Date Mar 2010 Location Australia Posts 7

Originally Posted by gisa  

I was given advice to put

REM Primary=graycoat.texture REM Tile=st

so I took that out and now it shows 2 other errors:

Error: Unable to load image file 'graycoat.texture' for texture 'graycoat.texture.txt' while validating mesh '' Error: Unable to load primary texture 'mesh_body/graycoat.texture' for texture file 'mesh_body/graycoat.texture.txt'.

I've run this through PM2IM with strip textures on. I've substituted both a graycoat.tga file and and greycoat.texture.txt file but no dice...

(ATSF SD-40 Snoot by Sporbust - KUID2:113556:888810:1)

Gisa ^^

Hi Gisa,

First of all thanks for this thread - great idea. It's helped me quite a lot already since reading it yesterday. I'm only new to Trainz (6 weeks!) so still getting my head around it all.

Regarding your problem above I don't have a solution sorry but have been battling with the same or similar issues over the last week or so. Therefore I just wanted to add my observations in the hope someone can help us both out and no doubt the many others with the same problems.

I'm guessing, like I did, you may have arrived at the error above after creating 'graycoat.texture.txt' in response to the error: Warning: The *.texture.txt file is missing for texture resource 'graycoat.texture'

Anyway, here's what I've noticed so far while trying to fix these - anyone, please correct if I'm wrong. There appears to be 2 ways textures are included:

First (old way?) is as a standard graphics file like '.jpg', '.bmp', '.tga', etc., and they require a '*.texture.txt' file to reference them. Therefore, as you said in your 2nd post in this thread, if you get the error: Warning: The '*.texture.txt' file is missing for texture resource 'graycoat.bmp' you just go ahead and copy another '*.texture.txt' file, edit the name and contents of the copy to match the '.bmp' file mentioned in the error and it fixes it.

The second way (new way?) is as a special graphics file '*.texture' - I'm still trying to work out what creates these. However they appear to need to be referenced within the '*.im' mesh files (guessing it's to do with the latest mesh format???) as I did a bit of digging with a HEX editor. They don't seem to require any '*.texture.txt' files. All the assets that I've looked at so far (without any errors or warnings) that use the '*.texture' graphic format don't have any '*.texture.txt' files.

So, as I found out and I'm guessing you and many others have, creating a '*.texture.txt' file for these doesn’t fix them and just creates other errors. I have many assets producing this error: Warning: The *.texture.txt file is missing for texture resource '*.texture'. Therefore, hoping someone can help us out with a fix for this one.

If I find any other fixes that you or someone else hasn't covered I'll be more than happy to document and post.

As an aside and encouragement to John and Ian, I found the TRD site from this thread. I've downloaded all the previous newsletters and subscribed. They're great and looking forward to the May one. Thanks guys!

Cheers, Con. Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 4th, 2010, 04:40 AM #22 yukonzoom Making it better c. 1973

Join Date Nov 2006 Location Caldwell, Idaho Posts 973

Originally Posted by gisa  

I was given advice to put

REM Primary=graycoat.texture REM Tile=st

so I took that out and now it shows 2 other errors:

Error: Unable to load image file 'graycoat.texture' for texture 'graycoat.texture.txt' while validating mesh '' Error: Unable to load primary texture 'mesh_body/graycoat.texture' for texture file 'mesh_body/graycoat.texture.txt'.

I've run this through PM2IM with strip textures on. I've substituted both a graycoat.tga file and and greycoat.texture.txt file but no dice...

(ATSF SD-40 Snoot by Sporbust - KUID2:113556:888810:1)

Gisa ^^ greycoat.texture is an old trainz texture file. It can be confusing, .texture is the file extension of the image file (like .tga, or .bmp), not to be confused with greycoat.texture.txt that contains REM Primary=graycoat.tga REM Tile=st Trainz will still access and use the file in rendering the mesh, but it will always give an annoying error.

Solution: You need to run that one through PEVsoft Images2TGA. Open the greycoat.texture file with the program and then resave it with a .tga extension. It will automatically create the greycoat.texture.txt file for you. That should be all you need to do. Repeat with any *.texture files you find in the asset folder. This should fix the error.

I have been fully utilizing PEV's wonderful tools over the last couple days and have already upgraded all of phil_c's old ver 1.x locos to 2010 standard. They all work flawlessly now. I am working on norfolksouthern37's locos now, so far doing pretty good. Last edited by yukonzoom; May 4th, 2010 at 05:11 AM.

When all else fails... Play with your Trainz! Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 4th, 2010, 04:48 AM #23 yukonzoom Making it better c. 1973

Join Date Nov 2006 Location Caldwell, Idaho Posts 973

Originally Posted by gch  

I am at an even more basic level than you. I just want to know how to upgrade from Build 41615 to 42203.

As the lin k is not working and Auran make no mention of iy I can only assume it has been taken down deliberately.

Just curious about what Build you and others are working on at the moment.

Graham I had to download the upgrade from a site outside auran. Just search TS2010 SP2 in google or yahoo and you will find it. It's about a 200mb download and took me about 5 hours to install once downloaded.

When all else fails... Play with your Trainz! Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 4th, 2010, 04:59 AM #24 yukonzoom Making it better c. 1973

Join Date Nov 2006 Location Caldwell, Idaho Posts 973

Originally Posted by gisa  

Today's challenge (I'm getting much better at error correcting but this one is a bit out of my league):

Error: Attachment point 1 (load45t_1) in 'queues\load48t-0\conflicts-with-queues' was not found.

(TTX TOFC 89flatcar by sporbust - <kuid2:113556:10000044:1> )

On an aside, some of you may have noticed I'm referring your information either by a) posting the problem and solution (by post number) or b) posting the solution in the "catalogue" up top.

If you don't want me to do that, please tell me when you post (or if you see that later and want me to remove it, that's fine too).

Gisa ^^ That one can be extremely difficult, especially on a flatcar. A good example would be whitepass's flatcar. When he built the mesh, he added many attachment points to accomodate many different kinds of freight, i.e. logs, containers, general merchandise, etc. If all the attachment points have relatively the same name like "a.att01", a.att02, etc., then the only one who knows which point is for what is the creator. Problems that could arise from guessing would be if you set up a container on an attachment point meant for a log, you would have your container hanging over the side of the flatcar, or hovering above it. If the creator was organized in his creating, he would give the points obvious names so thay can be figured out by someone else. Last edited by yukonzoom; May 4th, 2010 at 05:13 AM.

When all else fails... Play with your Trainz! Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 4th, 2010, 09:10 AM #25 Conc8c Trainz Member

Join Date Mar 2010 Location Australia Posts 7

Originally Posted by yukonzoom  

greycoat.texture is an old trainz texture file. It can be confusing, .texture is the file extension of the image file (like .tga, or .bmp), not to be confused with greycoat.texture.txt that contains REM Primary=graycoat.tga REM Tile=st Trainz will still access and use the file in rendering the mesh, but it will always give an annoying error.

Solution: You need to run that one through PEVsoft Images2TGA. Open the greycoat.texture file with the program and then resave it with a .tga extension. It will automatically create the greycoat.texture.txt file for you. That should be all you need to do. Repeat with any *.texture files you find in the asset folder. This should fix the error.

I have been fully utilizing PEV's wonderful tools over the last couple days and have already upgraded all of phil_c's old ver 1.x locos to 2010 standard. They all work flawlessly now. I am working on norfolksouthern37's locos now, so far doing pretty good. Hi Yukonzoom,

Well I got that back to front didn't I? Thanks for clearing that up.

Installed PEV's tools earlier and that did the trick thanks. They are great. I also got it to work in CM3.2 as an "Open With >" option for right mouse click. This does the whole set of '*.texture' files in one go which makes it very fast. For anyone not using PEV's Images2TGA integrated into CM it's worth taking the time to figure it out and ask here if you get stuck.

Gisa, did you get PEV's tools working for you?

Thanks again, Con. Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 5th, 2010, 02:04 AM #26 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Excellent tips here gents. I was away on business...and my monitor burnt out last Saturday. The replacement I ordered should arrive either on Thursday or Friday (typing this on my wife's laptop).

I will do some more digging and editing of this post later. For now, I want to say thanks to both you guys for your support and effort. I managed to fix that asset (by putting in a .bmp) but now I know why it doesn't work and how to fix that kind of problem (thank you again Yukonzoom).

The problem is, these tools are great but understanding why one needs to use them (or how) can sometimes take a bit for stubborn, dense folks like me.

I am just glad we can help out others (and myself) though!

Seems odd that we have to download the patch from a 3rd party website. That's risky and sloppy on Auran's part but I'm assuming they are working on getting it back up...

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 6th, 2010, 09:31 AM #27 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Originally Posted by JCitron  


This is another one of those quick fixes. Check to see if that particular load-asset exists in the config file and is spelled correctly. If not, delete the referenced asset.

You'll find there are also many passenger platforms that are missing attachment-points for passengers. There's one thing to watch out for - the , instead of the . in the attachment point item in the lists.

John My new monitor arrived and I took a peek at this one. Still stuck...tried to find a typo but couldn't see any.

Error: Attachment point 1 (load45t_1) in 'queues\load48t-0\conflicts-with-queues' was not found.

(TTX TOFC 89flatcar by sporbust - <kuid2:113556:10000044:1> )

Could anyone who has got this working guide me through this?

Originally Posted by RRSignal  

This is another one with similar - almost identical config files - and where one works and the other doesn't. The "male" hotbox detector shows error-free in CM. However, the "female" hotbox detector shows this error:

Error: The Tag 'trigger-radius' is not permitted within a container of type 'scenery-trackside'.

Defects detector, male voice,<kuid2:30671:23307:1> Defects detector, female voice,<kuid2:30671:23306:1>

Both seem to be the same other than the audio files and the description. And I checked for typos. Has anyone found a solution for this one?

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 6th, 2010, 11:39 AM #28 ianwoodmore Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location New Zealand Posts 1,674 Blog Entries 7


trigger-radius is not shown in CCGTC or wiki list of tags and containers.

It would appear to be a third party tag which CM will fault because it fails validation as an illegal tag.

The reason the male one is not showing an error is that it is a builtin and thus Auran in their wisdom suppresses the error message.

Third party tags should be enveloped in the extensions container. This will get rid of the CM fault message, but then author's intended use may not work unless script is changed.

Examples of other third party tags with this type of problem are

bluestar chameleon numbers Last edited by ianwoodmore; May 6th, 2010 at 11:47 AM. N3V Beta Tester Asset X, PEVTools and TARDIS Beta Tester Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 6th, 2010, 07:56 PM #29 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

TY Ian, that will be welcome news to RRsignal. I just asked about it because this thread just isn't about me and I'd like to help everyone who has difficulties with error correcting.

Thank you again!

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 6th, 2010, 08:19 PM #30 JCitron Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, Massachusetts, Haverhill Posts 7,471

Overall I've had good luck repairing problems, but there are some that seem to get me stuck. In most cases, I've ended up deleting the asset out of frustration rather than fight them anymore.

1) Foreign assets that use non-Unicode characters in their texture names. CMP does not support these well and marks the assets as having errors. Using PEV's PM2IM eliminates the non-Unicode characters, but there's no way of matching them up to the original mesh so the asset is still bad and totally unrepairable.

2) Missing textures for the corresponding texture.txt file, but deleting the texture.txt file won't fix the problem.

With some of these I was able to get around the error by recreating a placement texture, or taking another texture.txt file and copying it. In the latter case, I also choose a texture that would be logical so the replacement isn't obvious.

What's confusing with this error is in previous versions of CMP (TRS2006 & TS2009), deleting the texture.txt file fixed the problem; now it does not.


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Thread: Listing of Errors and How to Fix Them Thread Tools Search Thread Rate This Thread Display May 6th, 2010, 09:18 PM #31 RRSignal Beered

Join Date Oct 2009 Location United States of America, Floatin' Along the Delaware River Posts 4,866 Blog Entries 3

Thanks gisa and JCitron. I haven't determined if this particular tab is made operative in some way; I have been exploring what I think may be limitations of Trainz (notice poor signaling, no cab signals, no sanding ability, no wheel slip, and lack of defect detectors, etc. in most locos and scenarios.) I'm trying to wrap my brain around why these are few and far between if they exist at all, even though MSTS supported these features almost a decade ago.

I freely admit a lack of knowledge at this time and am sure many if not all these things are solvable; it's just a question of me or someone else developing the appropriate scripts. I have made my first priority building some routes, but some of the routes I wish to develop contain some of these elements, and I was hoping some of this content e.g. hotbox detectors had already been built and established. I think I will concentration of getting the route done first and then figuring out how to get the "strange stuff" working. Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 6th, 2010, 09:38 PM #32 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

I'm more of a layman personally (in that I just want to place and drive trains) but that's just me. I know that there is a sand key (I think it's x?). I believe the signalling has been improved in 09/10 but I could be mistaken. There should be some cab signalling as well (I know Trainz Classics, which came before 09 had that).

Hopefully others can chime in and help you find/use what you wish.

Good luck!

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 7th, 2010, 12:00 PM #33 JCitron Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, Massachusetts, Haverhill Posts 7,471

Originally Posted by gisa  

I'm more of a layman personally (in that I just want to place and drive trains) but that's just me. I know that there is a sand key (I think it's x?). I believe the signalling has been improved in 09/10 but I could be mistaken. There should be some cab signalling as well (I know Trainz Classics, which came before 09 had that).

Hopefully others can chime in and help you find/use what you wish.

Good luck!

Gisa ^^ I'm not much different other than I like to tinker with things, thus my old model railroad world, and me being a former computer technician.

Auran's Trainz supports many of these features, but it's up to the content developer to create the features such as defect detectors, which seem to have recently appeared on the DLS. The signalling capabilities and the AI have improved more and more over the recurring versions and even more so since the introduction of the Classics series. Some of the locomotives used in the Classics and now TS2010 have CAB signals. They were introduced with the Harlem Route in Classics 1.

As time has gone on, the supporting community has set the bar higher and higher so our content quality has improved dramatically over the years. The end result is the old game engine has since needed a refurbishment, and this is happening slowly with each recent version of Trainz. (I know the pundits will say where, but how many of these guys remember CE and TRS 1.0!)

Let's hope that our feedback to the the Helpdesk regarding the issues we have now, plus our continued support of each other, will help keep this hobby going.

John Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 7th, 2010, 08:55 PM #34 Apl16 Trainz Re-skinner

Join Date Apr 2010 Location Canada Posts 45

viewing the game


I downloaded ts2010 today, everything went smoothly until I played the tutorial and I could only hear the loco sound but i couldn't see anything.

I believe its because I'm using a laptop and it clearly says its not supported but may work, i just tried to see. On the hardware check, it passed everything and it said it is safe and will work.

I don't know the exact details, I'm using i will send the other details next time.

Acer Aspire 6930 Windows 7 (32bit)

Thanks for the help. [IMG]file:///C:/Users/aaa/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot-10.png[/IMG] Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 8th, 2010, 01:01 AM #35 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Not exactly the right thread to help your problem but I will try.

Do you have all the most recent drivers for your computer?

What is your video card? If it's onboard, it might not work. Trainz is demanding that way...

Try both openGL and directx to see what happens. Also make sure you have both patches applied.

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 10th, 2010, 10:12 PM #36 yukonzoom Making it better c. 1973

Join Date Nov 2006 Location Caldwell, Idaho Posts 973

Originally Posted by JCitron  

Overall I've had good luck repairing problems, but there are some that seem to get me stuck. In most cases, I've ended up deleting the asset out of frustration rather than fight them anymore.

1) Foreign assets that use non-Unicode characters in their texture names. CMP does not support these well and marks the assets as having errors. Using PEV's PM2IM eliminates the non-Unicode characters, but there's no way of matching them up to the original mesh so the asset is still bad and totally unrepairable.

2) Missing textures for the corresponding texture.txt file, but deleting the texture.txt file won't fix the problem.

With some of these I was able to get around the error by recreating a placement texture, or taking another texture.txt file and copying it. In the latter case, I also choose a texture that would be logical so the replacement isn't obvious.

What's confusing with this error is in previous versions of CMP (TRS2006 & TS2009), deleting the texture.txt file fixed the problem; now it does not.

John Deleting the texture.txt file will only work if the mesh didn't need the texture anyway. Sometimes in multiple exports of a mesh the creator may forget to delete unused or obsolete textures (guilty!). Other times the texture just gets lost somewhere in the installation. There are a few ways you can fix this... 1. If you can delete the texture.txt file and the error goes away, problem solved. Apparently the mesh wasn't looking for it anyway. 2. If the error doesn't go away and you now get an error for a missing texture.txt file, then put the file back where it is supposed to be and view the mesh in a mesh viewer or in trainz (if it will let you) and look for blank spots. Missing texture files will show up as flat white on the mesh. If its a secondary texture like say for example, a texture for a lamp post, then one way you can fix it is to open another similar asset (that doesn't have an error) from the same creator and search for the missing texture file and copy it. Many creators will reuse the same textures (guilty again!) in different models to save time. If it is called something like blue.tga, simply make 16x16 pixel texture file in photoshop, paint it a color blue that might look good and save it as blue.tga, because likely that is all that the missing texture is. Main textures (any texture that is used in rendering most of the mesh) can't be fixed easily. Those are usually complex texture files, and are unique to that asset. If those are missing, you may as well delete the asset, or try to contact the creator to assist in fixing it.

When all else fails... Play with your Trainz! Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 10th, 2010, 10:20 PM #37 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Excellent advice. This is something I've discovered on my own but I'm glad you wrote this down YZ for others to see.

I find I can correct those errors many times but these days I'm getting a lot of attachment point errors and those are not so simple to fix. For those, I am waiting for TARM and the suggestions they say there to see what to do about those. There's plenty of stuff to fix up though so I'll keep on correcting in the meantime...

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 10th, 2010, 11:07 PM #38 JCitron Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, Massachusetts, Haverhill Posts 7,471

Originally Posted by gisa  

Excellent advice. This is something I've discovered on my own but I'm glad you wrote this down YZ for others to see.

I find I can correct those errors many times but these days I'm getting a lot of attachment point errors and those are not so simple to fix. For those, I am waiting for TARM and the suggestions they say there to see what to do about those. There's plenty of stuff to fix up though so I'll keep on correcting in the meantime...

Gisa ^^ I would like to thank YZ as well for the advice.

This makes sense that the mesh is looking for the texture that no longer exists due to many reasons. This is kind of like the collect for output option found in Quark Express or old PageMaker. The programs are supposed to collect all the fonts and images for printing, but for some reason would forget some of them so the output would have bad images and Courier instead of the chosen font.

I have used the small 16 x 16 image and that has worked as well as copying a similar texture from the same creator. I have a folder on my hard drive called Misc Textures. In there I have a collection of textures from various models, and when a model is looking for white.tga for example, I'll dig through my pile of bits and pieces looking for the replacement. This is sort of like the scrap box that sits on the workbench that you dig through when you need that replacement screw or nut.

John Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 11th, 2010, 12:11 AM #39 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Originally Posted by JCitron  

I would like to thank YZ as well for the advice.

This makes sense that the mesh is looking for the texture that no longer exists due to many reasons. This is kind of like the collect for output option found in Quark Express or old PageMaker. The programs are supposed to collect all the fonts and images for printing, but for some reason would forget some of them so the output would have bad images and Courier instead of the chosen font.

I have used the small 16 x 16 image and that has worked as well as copying a similar texture from the same creator. I have a folder on my hard drive called Misc Textures. In there I have a collection of textures from various models, and when a model is looking for white.tga for example, I'll dig through my pile of bits and pieces looking for the replacement. This is sort of like the scrap box that sits on the workbench that you dig through when you need that replacement screw or nut.

John This too is excellent advice! I cannot remember who, but someone else on the forums suggested this (I think it was edrickv sp?). I have a folder where I keep example.texture.txt files and .tgas/bitmaps. I find that if a creator makes several items that have errors, they tend to repeat themselves so a simple cut and paste helps sometimes.

Of course, there are times when you can have the texture.txt file and appropriate .tga/bitmap/jpeg there and it won't load. You can try to strip the unsupported textures out by opening and saving the im/pm with Pev's awesome PM2IM but as YukonZoom has correctly stated, this doesn't always work either. Then there's nothing one can do (as far as I can see) but hope for a rerelease (which unfortunately for many creators who have long since left trainz, not really going to happen).

I applaud the error correcting efforts on Auran's part but it's just too bad it wasn't strict from the beginning as it would have saved a lot of older assets. One could argue that would have put off creators and we'd have less material to work with now though...

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 11th, 2010, 12:29 AM #40 JCitron Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, Massachusetts, Haverhill Posts 7,471

Originally Posted by gisa  

This too is excellent advice! I cannot remember who, but someone else on the forums suggested this (I think it was edrickv sp?). I have a folder where I keep example.texture.txt files and .tgas/bitmaps. I find that if a creator makes several items that have errors, they tend to repeat themselves so a simple cut and paste helps sometimes.

Of course, there are times when you can have the texture.txt file and appropriate .tga/bitmap/jpeg there and it won't load. You can try to strip the unsupported textures out by opening and saving the im/pm with Pev's awesome PM2IM but as YukonZoom has correctly stated, this doesn't always work either. Then there's nothing one can do (as far as I can see) but hope for a rerelease (which unfortunately for many creators who have long since left trainz, not really going to happen).

I applaud the error correcting efforts on Auran's part but it's just too bad it wasn't strict from the beginning as it would have saved a lot of older assets. One could argue that would have put off creators and we'd have less material to work with now though...

Gisa ^^ I agree with you on the error checking. This came along a bit late in the development process. In away this is like many home-grown companies and products are developed. What starts out as a hobby and a basement project turns into a business which is built up by seat of its pants. In the process, the bugs are worked out along the way, but there are growing pains such as these as well.

My use of the folder came out of fixing a group of similar models. As you've noted many developers use the same textures over and over. As I was discecting a locomotive, I needed a place to put textures other than my desktop, which by then had quite a few textures and their .texture.txt files. So in the end, a folder was made to hold them. As time went on, I found myself going back to this folder more than once for similar textures and the folder has remained on my system.

Peter V's tools are totally amazing. I wish I could thank him personally for the work he has done on this. I don't envy his coding, but I do look at it in total amazement since I've programmed in the past for school projects, and know the work at least from a learning approach, that goes into writing programs like this.

Sadly as you've noted, many content developers have left, but like any longterm project this is what happens. People come and go and the project continues. Unfortunately with Trainz, there is the legacy factor, which comes into play because of all of the older items we still use. For the old items that can't be fixed no matter what, I've sucked it up and deleted them from my system. There's no reason to keep them if they don't work.


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Thread: Listing of Errors and How to Fix Them-page05

Thread Tools Search Thread Rate This Thread Display May 11th, 2010, 12:29 AM #41 yukonzoom Making it better c. 1973

Join Date Nov 2006 Location Caldwell, Idaho Posts 973

Most creators usually don't release an updated version if they think the current version is working fine. Most errors that result are usually from a botched intallation. Sometimes I have found that deleting the asset and reinstalling it from the CDP will make it work.

Another error I came across with guido73's Autoflo II hoppers is several missing "bump" textures. The "bump" textures help add 3d effect to the mesh without adding polygons. Deleting the texture.txt files of the missing textures fixed the error, so I was to assume the mesh didn't need them. However, knowing what they were used for I instead opened the corrosponding texture file to each missing bump file in photoshop, embossed it, and resaved it with the filename the texture.txt was looking for. In this case it was the same filename with "_bump" added to it. This also fixed the error. It was a little extra work, but just in case it was actually needed, it would add more detail to the hopper.

When all else fails... Play with your Trainz! Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 11th, 2010, 01:28 AM #42 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Originally Posted by JCitron  

Peter V's tools are totally amazing. I wish I could thank him personally for the work he has done on this. I don't envy his coding, but I do look at it in total amazement since I've programmed in the past for school projects, and know the work at least from a learning approach, that goes into writing programs like this.

Sadly as you've noted, many content developers have left, but like any longterm project this is what happens. People come and go and the project continues. Unfortunately with Trainz, there is the legacy factor, which comes into play because of all of the older items we still use. For the old items that can't be fixed no matter what, I've sucked it up and deleted them from my system. There's no reason to keep them if they don't work.

John Totally agree with you. PEV's tools are a Godsend and are frankly, the only thing managing to prop up 2010 IMHO.

It's hard to do but you are right...some content is simply broken and can't be fixed. It's hard to let go but there is a lot of stuff I've downloaded that I'll never use. I'm in this phase for the time being. What I can't fix easily or don't know how to fix but want to fix later I just leave for now. So much to correct...

Originally Posted by yukonzoom  

Most creators usually don't release an updated version if they think the current version is working fine. Most errors that result are usually from a botched intallation. Sometimes I have found that deleting the asset and reinstalling it from the CDP will make it work.

Another error I came across with guido73's Autoflo II hoppers is several missing "bump" textures. The "bump" textures help add 3d effect to the mesh without adding polygons. Deleting the texture.txt files of the missing textures fixed the error, so I was to assume the mesh didn't need them. However, knowing what they were used for I instead opened the corrosponding texture file to each missing bump file in photoshop, embossed it, and resaved it with the filename the texture.txt was looking for. In this case it was the same filename with "_bump" added to it. This also fixed the error. It was a little extra work, but just in case it was actually needed, it would add more detail to the hopper. That's really neat that you managed to fix this. Unfortunately, I don't have photoshop nor have any idea how to do this. It's demanding enough to have us do all these error corrections (but a reality of trainz I guess). Perhaps you could contact Guido (at rrmods) with these fixed configs and images. I haven't gotten around to fixing rolling stock yet but that's next on my list. @@ Otherwise, I just delete the .txt files if only to save time...

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 11th, 2010, 01:54 AM #43 PEV Trainz Veteran

Join Date Feb 2007 Location Australia, NSW, Sydney Posts 1,951

Originally Posted by JCitron  

In part: 1) Foreign assets that use non-Unicode characters in their texture names. CMP does not support these well and marks the assets as having errors. Using PEV's PM2IM eliminates the non-Unicode characters, but there's no way of matching them up to the original mesh so the asset is still bad and totally unrepairable. John, In these cases I suggest that you check the PM2IM trawl log, if you have used the OpenWith facility. The old name and new name are listed in the log.

And, don't throw the asset away until you have looked at the processed mesh in my Mesh Text Viewer.. It will give you the names of the textures that the mesh is looking for.. If they don't exist it is often possible to make a suitable texture or steal one from another asset or your texture library folder. Keep in mind that the name of the texture.txt file does not have to match the image names contained in it. So any image can be connect to a texture using the texture.txt file.

One more thing.. Like most software writers I update my programs. I suggest you check my download page occasionally to ensure you have the latest version of any of my programs. The latest version number is always included in the program description.

Note also I don't change the names of my installers for each new version.. this ensures at any download links (like those in the Wiki) to my programs don't break when I update them.

Thank you all for you support.

PS. Some of you are saying here that you are throwing away assets you can't get to work. In my experience the number of total write-offs can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Except for scripts that don't work, normal mesh based assets can be made to work with a little persistence. Fortunately the mesh exporters have always been pretty robust so mesh errors as such are almost non-existent.

Those meshes that seem corrupted have been processed with a text editor that has added a CRLF(hexODOA) for every hexOA (line feed).. First thing you notice is the file is the wrong length when you try to parse it with my Mesh Text Viewer. (and the parsing crashes). Fixing these sometimes works first time, on other occasions it's quite difficult. (Hopefully all occurrences of this problem now have been fixed.. There were quite a few of them in TS2009) Last edited by PEV; May 11th, 2010 at 02:57 AM. Peter V

Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 11th, 2010, 07:33 AM #44 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

It's my pleasure to support you in any way possible PEV! ^^

I just wanted to point out one bit of advice about error-correcting that I've come to realize.

Sometimes you will notice that when validating, 2010 will demand a shadow mesh. What I normally do is convert the mesh/strip textures c/o PM2IM and then make a quick shadow with PEV's excellent PEV QuickShadows. I find it easier to readjust the path for the .im and shadow using content creator plus but the caveat is that it will bump up the requirements for what it asking for (not only will it find more errors, but things that might have been a pass before will get flagged).

Example: Joe Ramos' DRGW SD40T-2 5357 <kuid:138423:20017> When you run for errors, you'll see its missing digit.texture files. REmoving them helps clear the errors but...

When readjusting using CCP, you'll get error messages if you remove the digit.texture files and save the config.txt. You can avoid this if you add the mesh table manually via explorer. No substitute seems to work (in that if I put in properly named .texture files, I still get errors) nor will removing the texture.txt files help (as the mesh seems to demand them at that point).

My point is, be careful when using CCP because once it bumps up the requirements you might find yourself fixing problems that can't be fixed. In that case, the best thing to do is revert and do it manually through explorer (more work) so I suppose fixing in CCP is limited for me depending on what errors show up. It's too bad you couldn't adjust the trainz version of the config.txt in CCP so as to avoid this...

Just a heads up!

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 11th, 2010, 08:44 AM #45 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Sorry to trouble everyone, got another problem I can't solve and it's come up several times.

Error: The Tag 'number_low' is not permitted within a container of type 'traincar'.

Doing some hunting on google, I came to a post that suggested this.

extensions {

arn_data-86661 {

number_low "10" number_high "476" number_colour "3" } }

I get the idea that I should replace the number_low/_high tag with this but what KUID and colour should I put in? I can't seem to find any information about this in the TCCCG...

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 11th, 2010, 03:42 PM #46 ianwoodmore Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location New Zealand Posts 1,674 Blog Entries 7

Once again these are third party tags that CM validation says are illegal, so they won't be in the CCGTC/wiki.

Putting them in extensions container will shut CM up but like the bluestar and chameleon, I'n not sure if they still work. The script files will need altering presumably and I haven't even started on that steep learning curve. We need a script updating project and a tame scripter to do the work. Unfortunately ain't many of those around.

Currently in my "later" basket. I've got 1,000 shadows, and 500 PM2IM and shadowpm meshtables to generate first. Last edited by ianwoodmore; May 11th, 2010 at 03:47 PM. N3V Beta Tester Asset X, PEVTools and TARDIS Beta Tester Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 11th, 2010, 08:26 PM #47 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

I see. Thanks for letting me know about that.

Hang in there...I'm sure you've got plenty to do to put it mildly!

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 29th, 2010, 05:52 PM #48 RRSignal Beered

Join Date Oct 2009 Location United States of America, Floatin' Along the Delaware River Posts 4,866 Blog Entries 3

Originally Posted by gisa  

Error: The Tag 'radius.015' is not permitted within a container of type 'light_switch'.

Problem: you cannot use this tag for a light switch Solution: delete tag This is merely a typo. Put some tabs or spaces between "radius" and move ".015" out to the right side and it will work. I actually changed this value to 0.15 and it looks correct. This affects the AC4400 from ProTrainz, possibly other assets as well.

Another problem with the interiors of all the AC4400s is that there is a texture without a graphic to go with it. Simply deleting the leftside vents.texture.txt file eliminates all serious errors. Also, with the locomotive models themselves, if you get a missing kuid of 52779:53000, simply do into the config.txt file and delete that kuid as per recommendations by TPR. Last edited by RRSignal; May 29th, 2010 at 05:59 PM. Reason: Added some info on fixing AC4400s specifically Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post May 29th, 2010, 11:39 PM #49 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

I will try this out. Thanks for posting it!

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 17th, 2010, 09:30 PM #50 RRSignal Beered

Join Date Oct 2009 Location United States of America, Floatin' Along the Delaware River Posts 4,866 Blog Entries 3

Below is an email, with a few edits, I recently sent to a Trainzer interested in fixing content. It is by no means comprehensive, but intended to point one in the right direction, a kind of FAQ, if you will.

I do believe that I have become accomplished enough at fixing assets that I could handle most errors directed at me. Not warnings, but errors. If you have questions or asset errors in TS2010, please post here.

Short FAQ: I can't think offhand of how to fix every asset based on error messages, but here are some common ones. Make sure text files (.txt files) are associated with WORDPAD, not Word or Notepad.

Download PEV's tools. You will definitely need PM2IM, and MeshViewer. I have fixed things with Attachment Maker but don't mess with this until you are sure of what you are doing. Make sure to set up your file associations such that double-clicking on a .IM file opens MeshViewer. Also, unless you own a copy of Photoshop or PaintShop Pro, download GIMP (for Windows, not the Linux or Unix versions.) Make sure to at least associate TGA files with it. If you have Irfanview installed, it can handle other filetypes well enough - Irfanview just seems to have a problem with TGAs for me.

Probably the most common "error" will read something like "The tag NAME is empty." All you need to do is to open this for edit (preferably in explorer) and open the config.txt file. Copy-and-paste a good description (always present somewhere in the config file) to the right of the NAME tag. Make sure it's in quotes though. recommit and viola! It's fixed.

If you get an error to the effect of "Tag blagblagblag may not be used in container blahblah", check to see if the tag is misspelled. If it reads "descrption" rather than "description" then that's a giveaway. Also, some authors like to put really long messages in their config files regarding license, etc. I don't think Trainz config files were meant for such long messages. Often, these will appear along the left as if there were tags, and Trainz interprets them exactly as such. I think, older versions of Trainz, if your comment required more than X number of characters to say, it allowed you to continue as long as you put more text in quotes on a following line. TS2010 definitely does not like this. The solution is to create/change the original tag to "description" (which is an official, recognized tag) and then, on the comments to the right, delete out any quotation marks such that everything is one big quote.

If you get an error to the effect that a mesh cannot be loaded, open for edit and double-click on it. Assuming you set up the file associations as I recommended, you should be able to see the asset in full glory. Now, exit out of MeshViewer. Look to see if all of it's texture images as well as it's *.textures.txt files exist. If so, 99% chance that the mesh itself has the problem. Now, this step, you should only have to do once. Right click on he mesh. Select Open With. It should suggest opening with MeshViewer, but you don't want to do that. Find the "browse" button and browse to wherever PEV's PM2IM is installed and associate that with IM files. Make SURE that the checkbox to 'always associate files of this type" is NOT checked (since you want IM files to always open by MeshViewer, except in certain cases.) Now, run PM2IM and, under Options, select "Close on Done" and, most important, "Strip Textures." Again, you only have to do this once unless you change PM2IM's settings. Exit out. Now, right-click on the defective IM file, select Open With, and choose PM2IM. The program will strip out the textures and now just recommit. Only if this fails is it time for another strategy, and posting here might help.

The last error I'll cover for now is if you get an error like "gray.tga is not a power of 2, please resize it." Double-click the TGA file Trainz is complaining about to open it. Select from the menu IMAGE and then Canvas Size. In the top size box, set the horizontal size of the image that IS a power of two (32, 64, 128, 256, etc.) Normally, GIMP will try to scale the image according to the aspect ratio. Usually, that's undesirable. To the right of the numbers looks kind of like a chain. Click on it and the chain opens - now, the aspect ratio isn't locked! You can then enter a power of two number in the lower box and click the Resize button. Contrary to popular belief, textures DO NOT have to be squares. e.g. you can have one that is 64x32, 512x256, 16x256, 1024x8 or 2x1024. All that matters is that both the height and width are powers of 2. When saving a TGA file, you should get a dialogue pop up that has a check box that says "Use RLE compression". MAKE SURE THIS IS UNCHECKED. TS2010 cannot handle compressed TGAs, though, it seems, earlier versions can.

Oh, one last one: If you find a file missing, like a texture file, do a SEARCH on that filename. I prefer to do it through DOS with the dir {blahblah.texture.txt} /s command, but do whatever works for you. Take a note of the broken asset's author (first part of the kuid, in CM). With some luck, your search will turn up something under the same kuid, e.g. d:\Program Files\Auran\TS2010\userdata\local\hash-4C\{author kuid} {rest of asset kuid}. Just copy the needed file from that directory/folder to the one open for edit. Recommit and you're done. I say to use a file from the same author/kuid creator as many creators tend to reuse source files to the degree possible.

Oh, one last word on missing textures. If all else fails, you CAN make something, such as a simple square, in GIMP and color it as appropriate. I prefer not to do that because some textures (especially newer ones) aren't simple colored boxes, but rather complex images. Some say it is a good idea to make a texture in some loud color to see how it works in the final product; if it plays a small role, you can get away with using a simple, monotone texture; otherwise, you might want to make or borrow a more complex one from another asset. Last edited by RRSignal; June 17th, 2010 at 09:42 PM.

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Thread: Listing of Errors and How to Fix Them Thread Tools Search Thread Rate This Thread Display June 18th, 2010, 12:53 AM #51 rainmaster Trainz Veteran

Join Date Jul 2007 Location Australia, Queensland, Laidley Posts 101

Trainview Rule

This thread sounds wonderful. have got lots of good information. Can anyone help with Trackview rule. It gives the following error.

Error: The Tag 'trackview-defaults' is not permitted within a container of type 'behavior'.

It still works, but if the train is going in reverse, it still shows the forward direction. I'm sure it changed direction in TRS2004. Any help appreciated. This is a wonderful asset. Lance Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 18th, 2010, 02:31 AM #52 Mick_Berg Trainz Veteran

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES Posts 2,511

Originally Posted by rainmaster  

This thread sounds wonderful. have got lots of good information. Can anyone help with Trackview rule. It gives the following error.

Error: The Tag 'trackview-defaults' is not permitted within a container of type 'behavior'.

It still works, but if the train is going in reverse, it still shows the forward direction. I'm sure it changed direction in TRS2004. Any help appreciated. This is a wonderful asset. Lance Delete the entire section "trackview-defaults". Apparently it didn't do anything. This should clear the error. General concensus is that the problem you describe happens only with dual-cab locos. The rule should behave OK with single cab locos and multiple units. Unfortunately the author of Track View has left the Auran community, and is unwilling to update the rule, so there's nothing we can do about it. Mick Berg. Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 18th, 2010, 02:33 AM #53 shahichirag Trainz Spotter

Join Date Nov 2006 Location India, Maharashtra, Mumbai Posts 59


I have TRS 2010 build 41491

Not sure if this is where I post but after fixing errors on committing the asset I get an error 'failed to commit changes to asset <kuid...> due to database access error' and the file is not committed. I have to click revert in order to commit the file in which case the error returns.

Thanks Chirag Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 20th, 2010, 02:01 AM #54 rainmaster Trainz Veteran

Join Date Jul 2007 Location Australia, Queensland, Laidley Posts 101

Originally Posted by Mick_Berg  

Delete the entire section "trackview-defaults". Apparently it didn't do anything. This should clear the error. General concensus is that the problem you describe happens only with dual-cab locos. The rule should behave OK with single cab locos and multiple units. Unfortunately the author of Track View has left the Auran community, and is unwilling to update the rule, so there's nothing we can do about it. Mick Berg. Did as you suggested Got rid of errors haven't checked on dual cab loco yet, but if it doesn't work I can live with it, Lance Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 20th, 2010, 02:06 AM #55 rainmaster Trainz Veteran

Join Date Jul 2007 Location Australia, Queensland, Laidley Posts 101

Haven't seen the "bendy" mentioned. This happens in lots of assets. This is an error message from kuid2:93677:400504:1.

Error: The Tag 'length' is not permitted within a container of type 'track'. Error: The Tag 'grounded' is not permitted within a container of type 'track'. Error: The Tag 'width' is not permitted within a container of type 'track'. Error: The Tag 'bendy' is not permitted within a container of type 'track'. Error: The Tag 'uncached_alphas' is not permitted within a container of type 'track'.

I haven't tried to correct any of the errors. Some are typos, but what is the 'bendy' Lance Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 20th, 2010, 04:13 AM #56 rweber95 Trainz Veteran

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, Washington, Tacoma Posts 5,696

bendy - Used in kind switches and bridges. Switches how track is bent on corners, set as 1 allows the mesh to be deformed as the spline is bent around corners. A picture of the effect is on page 77 in the TRS2006CCG.


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June 23rd, 2010, 11:39 AM #57 misquetofarmer Trainz Spotter

Join Date Jul 2008 Location United States of America Posts 56

Fixing simple errors(missing texture.txt)

I am pretty new to scripting however I am trying. I have cloned a simple trigger device and made a small change in the script (i.e changed a conditional loop from an "if" to a "while" statement) I am not sure if my one script change will make the difference I would like but I get stuck before I can test it. I get a texture.txt file missing in two texture resources. the resources are present in the edit directory but I have no clue how to repair the differences between the two. any help would be appreciated.

I have some lofty ideas but I figured I would start with something small and simple before I wade into deeper waters with writing full blocks of code.

Thanks. Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 24th, 2010, 12:47 AM #58 rainmaster Trainz Veteran

Join Date Jul 2007 Location Australia, Queensland, Laidley Posts 101

Originally Posted by rweber95  

bendy - Used in kind switches and bridges. Switches how track is bent on corners, set as 1 allows the mesh to be deformed as the spline is bent around corners. A picture of the effect is on page 77 in the TRS2006CCG.

Bob Thanks for the reply. Realise it applies to switches etc. Don't have TRS2006 installed. But what I wanted to know is what can I do to get rid of the error message, Regards, Lance Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 28th, 2010, 09:42 PM #59 tomurban Trainz Veteran

Join Date Sep 2008 Location United States of America, NY, Posts 2,212

Has anyone attempted to repair the "unsupported kind" error in the config. file for the built in Bigsteam interior. It is kuid 523:55901 It shows up as an error in 09 and probably 2010 as well.

tomurban Last edited by tomurban; June 29th, 2010 at 11:06 AM. Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 28th, 2010, 09:43 PM #60 tomurban Trainz Veteran

Join Date Sep 2008 Location United States of America, NY, Posts 2,212

Has anyone attempted to repair the "unsupported kind" error in the config. file for the built in Bigsteam interior. It is kuid 523:55901 It shows up as an error in 09 and probably 2010 as well.


Sorry for the double post. I tried to delete it, but was unsuccessful. Last edited by tomurban; June 29th, 2010 at 11:04 AM. Reason: double post

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Thread: Listing of Errors and How to Fix Them Thread Tools Search Thread Rate This Thread Display June 29th, 2010, 07:00 AM #61 olpe Trainz Veteran

Join Date Nov 2006 Location Norway, Hordaland, Vaksdal Posts 151

Originally Posted by gisa  

Error: Texture 'bogies.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh ''.

Problem: missing a .texture file Solution: Simply copy an existing .texture.txt file, open it up, change the references inside for what you need and save and rename it to what you are missing (in this case bogies.texture.txt). In the case where the 'bogies.texture' does excist, what would then be the problem / solution? Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 29th, 2010, 08:57 AM #62 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842 you have PEVsoft's PM 2 IM converter? You should get this program, turn on strip textures and run the mesh through that. It might help. If others want to chime in, please do so.

Let us know the name of the object and it's KUID number too.

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 29th, 2010, 09:55 AM #63 Johnk Boarded October 2001

Join Date Nov 2006 Location Australia, Queensland, Cairns Posts 1,543

A tutorial for PM2IM is available in the May edition of the Trainz Community News


I suggest you download every issue because PEV has tutorials for other tools in the April and June issues. There will be yet another in the July issue due out on the 15th July.


Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 29th, 2010, 11:48 AM #64 olpe Trainz Veteran

Join Date Nov 2006 Location Norway, Hordaland, Vaksdal Posts 151

Originally Posted by gisa you have PEVsoft's PM 2 IM converter? You should get this program, turn on strip textures and run the mesh through that. It might help. If others want to chime in, please do so.

Let us know the name of the object and it's KUID number too.

Gisa ^^ Thanks, that worked .

I asked as a general, rather than specifying which kuid I was working on, since it is likely that it's a problem that may appear on different kuids. In my case, I got it on vonbane's BNSF SD40-2 H1 #7303 and BNSF SD40-2 H1 #7313, <kuid2:105187:1019:1> and <kuid2:105187:1020:1>.

Thanks for your help. I might ask for more, thought I'd try to make and keep my trainz more or less faulty free (wish me luck ). Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 29th, 2010, 12:00 PM #65 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

I've long since given up trying to correct the ~ 4000 errors or so for the time being. I simply don't have the time for it and I want to enjoy my hobby. Perhaps I will aim for native mode later but for now...

Glad I could help you out though!

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 29th, 2010, 12:14 PM #66 olpe Trainz Veteran

Join Date Nov 2006 Location Norway, Hordaland, Vaksdal Posts 151

I only have ~30, so I thought why not. TS2010 runs quite unstable, so I thought I'd see if it could make a difference... Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post June 29th, 2010, 02:06 PM #67 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Really? It's only crashed once or twice for me, mind you I don't use it heavily (I'm working on a route in '04 at the moment). I can say that it is more stable than '04 for sure, but that's just my case. I think it varies from person to person and sure, correcting errors is a great thing to do if you can. For me, some of the legacy objects are a must and I really want to correct them somehow someday...

Too bad Auran didn't hire someone/a crew to fix up all the broken assets up to '10 standards. I'd gladly pay an extra 10-20 dollars for error free assets so that a) stability b) frame rates and c) the amount of time saved would be useful. Oh well...

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 10th, 2010, 02:22 PM #68 Douglas0d3 Trainz Member

Join Date Mar 2010 Location Canada, New Brunswick, Fredericton Posts 4

Repairs - Any easy way? Feeling overwhelmed! New to Trainz

I started with Trainz 2010 => updated to SP-2 build 42203 and did the repair to resolve "faulty" assets.

Wanting to try out sessions developed by others, I downloaded Declaration Yard 2010 route and session => got 68 broken assets in the route, 14 broken + 7 broken dependencies + 8 missing in the session => contacted Gary but as I worked through the problems there were many other authors.

A few of the problems are listed below:

Faulty 101340:1150 (Declaration Yard 2010 Session) => 14 broken, 7 broken dependencies, 8 missing 1. Faulty 64038:151023 Error: The Tag 'organisationtpr.' is not permitted within a container of type 'traincar'. Warning: Progressive meshes are no longer supported by Trainz. Though these meshes may work in Trainz, it is recommended that you switch to a LOD mesh. Error: Unable to load mesh file: 'tanker_procor60037_shadow\tanker_procor60037_shad' Error: No selection for tag 'category-region' in 'traincar'. Error: The kuid '<kuid:-3:10044>' specified in 'product-kuid' is not of the correct type. 2. Faulty dependency 56063:100375:2 => faulty 62941:50302 Error: The Tag '?' is not permitted within a container of type 'bogey'. Warning: Progressive meshes are no longer supported by Trainz. Though these meshes may work in Trainz, it is recommended that you switch to a LOD mesh. 3. Faulty dependency 101340:9507:1 => Faulty 46819:55014 Error: The Tag 'cameradefault0' is not permitted within a container of type 'interior'. Error: The Tag 'orginization' is not permitted within a container of type 'interior'. Faulty 101340:1148 (Declaration Yard 2010 Route) => 68 broken 1. Faulty 67261:29151 Error: Unable to load primary texture 'crates.tga' for texture file 'crates.texture.txt'. Error: Binary conversion failed for texture resource 'crates.texture.txt'. Error: Unable to load primary texture 'misccab.tga' for texture file 'misccab.texture.txt'. Error: Binary conversion failed for texture resource 'misccab.texture.txt'.

I feel overwhelmed! The author indicates that once he corrected missing dependencies that the route and session are working for him. Douglas Margison Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 10th, 2010, 02:37 PM #69 davesnow USAF Vet & Proud of it

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, Arkansas, Jonesboro Posts 2,701

Error: Unable to load primary texture '[name].tga' for texture file '[name].texture.txt'.

This error causes all my DLoaded locos to not show up in TS2010. It is the worst error I have encountered.


Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 10th, 2010, 03:00 PM #70 ianwoodmore Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location New Zealand Posts 1,674 Blog Entries 7


Asset 1

no space between tag organisation and value "tpr" PM meshes are warning only but could be converted to IM. red flag due to missing shadow mesh. for category-region invalid country code plus white space. Use "US" The asset used for product-kuid is a category. A common mistake. Must be a product. quick fix is to copy/paste first of allowed-products.

Asset 2

Delete '?'. May show as underscore on some text editors. PM same fix as above.

Asset 3

tag cameradefault needs space to value second tag spell 'organisation'


The texture.txt files quoted are garbage left behind by author. Delete both. The binary conversion message usually means the texture file is missing.

These errors and warnings are common. Apply same logic as above.

Content Manager will tell you when you get it right as you will see "0 errors 0 defects" message when you RMB 'View Errors and Warnings' Last edited by ianwoodmore; July 10th, 2010 at 03:36 PM. N3V Beta Tester Asset X, PEVTools and TARDIS Beta Tester

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Thread: Listing of Errors and How to Fix Them Thread Tools Search Thread Rate This Thread Display July 10th, 2010, 10:04 PM #71 Mick_Berg Trainz Veteran

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES Posts 2,511

I'm getting these errors on Slugsmasher's Invisicab: Error: Unable to load mesh file: 'invisible_car_body\'

Also a similar error regarding the shadow file.

Problem is that the mesh file is in fact: 'invisible_car_body/'. So it isn't a matter of converting it from .pm.

Any suggestions? Apologies if it's been covered elsewhere. Mick Berg. Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 10th, 2010, 11:24 PM #72 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Hmm, Mick just for kicks, why not run that mesh and shadow through PM2IM converter and see if can do it. Some meshes are messed up and crash the program. If that is the case, then the mesh as to my knowledge is unrepairable.

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 11th, 2010, 12:42 AM #73 ianwoodmore Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location New Zealand Posts 1,674 Blog Entries 7

There is nothing wrong with mesh. You just haven't completed the conversion.

Originally this is a PM mesh with no shadow.

But CM doesn't know it is invisible. So it red flags.

When you converted it to IM, ludicrous as it may seem, you can make CM happy by amending config file with a meshtable and pointing it at IM mesh. Then run PEV's Quickshadows and include that in meshtable.

The PM warnings will then disappear.

You'll need to give kuid:86661:55710 invisible interior a conversion too minus a shadow of course and when you incorporate the meshtable, dont forget to delete tag 'mesh' as meshtable supersedes it.

Don't know what it looks like as I'm in the middle of doing a batch convert of 1,000 assets (Drake's trees for Project Talltreez II), and don't want to stop.

The Invisicab is used by 44 other assets, mostly scenarios which may not run in TS2009/10. I don't have TRS2006 anymore to check it out. Let me know what the results are.

I suspect a shadow running around without a body. This is one situation where an alternative might be better. A very small shadow say 2 x 2 pixel black would be unobtrusive, and probably work quite well. Last edited by ianwoodmore; July 11th, 2010 at 12:57 AM. N3V Beta Tester Asset X, PEVTools and TARDIS Beta Tester Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 11th, 2010, 01:09 AM #74 ianwoodmore Moderator

Join Date Nov 2006 Location New Zealand Posts 1,674 Blog Entries 7

Cute. I can place it in TS2010 Surveyor. Run environment diurnal and no body, no shadow only red and green arrows.

Quickdrive to Driver and I have a Driver with invisible loco. Runs in DCC and derails too just like a normal.

Now all you need is a ghostly banshee whistle and a bit of vapour. Do ghost trains obey signals?

What fun.

Edit. Actually there is engine sound and hornsound even though silent is included. Similarly, I have a visible interior with opaque windows (opacity is set to 1 in interior cab mesh if viewed in PEV's Mesh Text Viewer. In TS2009 Opacity is a boolean 0 clean windows, 1 opaque. Author needs to play with other settings to get see through windows). I guess ghosts don't need to see where they are going. Last edited by ianwoodmore; July 11th, 2010 at 01:33 AM. N3V Beta Tester Asset X, PEVTools and TARDIS Beta Tester Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 11th, 2010, 02:39 AM #75 Mick_Berg Trainz Veteran

Join Date Nov 2006 Location United States of America, CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES Posts 2,511

Thanks folks, will experiment tomorrow. EDIT: I tried to follow your advice but it's a bit advanced for me. Adding a mesh-table resulted in a new error message (but at least the original error went away! Here's the config if you wouldn't mind having a look:

kuid <kuid:86661:15710> origin "USA" bogey <kuid:-10:149> fonts 0 engine 1 name "InvisiCAB" mass 2000 company "ss04" kind "traincar" enginespec <kuid:-1:42004203> enginesound <kuid:86661:53710> hornsound <kuid:86661:54710> interior <kuid:86661:55710> trainz-build 1.3 category-class "AT" category-region-0 "AU" category-region-1 "US" category-era-0 "1920s" category-era-1 "1930s" category-era-2 "1940s" obsolete-table { } asset-filename "invisible_car_body" description "InvisiCAB is an invisible car........Original concept by Al Barten. Silent sounds by Gary Hoorn." username "InvisiCAB" author "Rich Blake" organisation "trainzproroutes // trainz narrowgaugers" contact-email "" contact-website "" license "This item or package is provided free...... must be authorized by the original creator." kuid-table { 0 <kuid:-1:42004203> 1 <kuid:-10:149> 2 <kuid:86661:53710> 3 <kuid:86661:54710> 4 <kuid:86661:55710>

The asset folder contains the config.txt and a sub-folder "invisible_car_body" which contains "". That's all there is. If I get rid of this error I will have 156,500 assets and no errors, Pretty good if you ask me!! Thanks, Mick Berg. Last edited by Mick_Berg; July 11th, 2010 at 01:37 PM. Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 13th, 2010, 08:14 PM #76 JohnnyC1 BNSF-UP-NS

Join Date Aug 2009 Location United States of America, CA Posts 1,425

I have been using the advice in this thread to fix asset errors in my 2009 Trainz. I am stumped by a particular error that I have not seem mentioned; a gap will appear between two coupled cars, and sometimes a particular piece of rolling stock will show up with just the green & red arrows or just one arrow. These will show up after I have cloned or fixed an error.

Johnny Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 13th, 2010, 08:25 PM #77 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Originally Posted by JohnnyC1  

I have been using the advice in this thread to fix asset errors in my 2009 Trainz. I am stumped by a particular error that I have not seem mentioned; a gap will appear between two coupled cars, and sometimes a particular piece of rolling stock will show up with just the green & red arrows or just one arrow. These will show up after I have cloned or fixed an error.

Johnny Funny how you mentioned that, I noticed that error too lately and am wondering what it is. Perhaps a faulty asset? Only seems to happen to some rolling stock for me.

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 18th, 2010, 04:07 PM #78 JohnnyC1 BNSF-UP-NS

Join Date Aug 2009 Location United States of America, CA Posts 1,425

I think I found a fix for the problem. I had a length of track I wanted to modify and every time I clicked on the splines I would get the audible error warning as if there was a piece of rolling stock on the track. What had happened earlier was that I placed a box car on that track and only one arrow, (red/green) directional, was displayed in surveyor. When I went to drive mode and coupled my engine to the car, a space of one car length appeared between the box car and the engine. Back to surveyor I uncoupled and removed both cars. However, that space turned out to be an invisible car and was not removed. So when I latter attempted to modify the track, the invisible car was still present, thus the error sound.

The way I removed the invisible car wast to couple a car on each end of the invisible car. You will know you have located the culprit when a space is created between the coupled cars and you can move the cars as a unit. Go to add consist mode and delete the train, you can now modify the track!

Johnny Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 18th, 2010, 09:20 PM #79 gisa Routelayer Ordinaire...

Join Date Nov 2006 Location GTA, Canada Posts 2,842

Great way to get rid of it but I'd like to know what causes it in the first place...

Gisa ^^

"Build it and they will come..." Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post July 19th, 2010, 02:01 AM #80 JohnnyC1 BNSF-UP-NS

Join Date Aug 2009 Location United States of America, CA Posts 1,425

Most of the time the assets have some kind of defect in them, and most but not all, are assets that I have cloned and added product too, it works about 95% on the simple invisible products, but some of the assets will not work in 2009/2010 no mater what I try.


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