User:Espen180/Quantum Mechanics/Preliminary Mathematics

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Hilbert Space

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A Hilbert space is a generalized complex vector space , which may have an (uncountably) infinite number of dimensions, and on which the following inner product is defined: For any and , we define their inner product such that

i) ,
ii) , and
iii) , and if and only if .

Furthermore, we require that is complete with respect to the norm . Let be a sequence such that for every real number , there exists an integer such that for all integers ,


Then the sequence is called Cauchy, and the completeness axiom states that every Cauchy sequence of vectors in converges to a vector in .

Two vectors are called orthogonal if . A set of vectors orthogonal to one another is neccesarily linearly independent. The proof is left to the reader as an excercise.

A linearly independent subset of is called a basis set if all vectors in have a unique linear expansion in terms of the basis vectors.

Example 1: Let be the set of all square-integrable functions on the real line segment , and let be any such function. Then, since has a unique Fourier expansion, the set is a basis set for .

Hilbert spaces are frequently taken to be function spaces, that is, spaces whose elements are functions of some kind. The kind of Hilbert space we will be using is called a rigged Hilbert space, in which we generalize to spaces of distributions. In effect, this allows the use of the Dirac delta function , defined by

for any real .

Since a function is given uniquely by specifying its value at all elements of its domain, the set is a basis for any function space on the real line.

The Dual Space

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Associated with every Hilbert space is the corresponding dual space , consisting of linear functionals on . A linear functional on is a linear function such that .

Let be an orthogonal basis set in . We then construct the set in by sending to , where is the functional given by for all .


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An operator on a Hilber space is a linear transformation .

Given two operators and on , we can define their composition by for all .

The identity function defined by for all is an operator on .

Given an operator on , the inverse operator, if it exists, is the operator on such that .

Given an operator on , we define its Hermitian adjoint, or simply adjoint, as the unique operator such that for any , we have

An operator is called Hermitian if . It is called unitary if .

Given two operators and on , define their commutator .

An operator A is called normal if .

It is trivi al to show that if an operator is either Hermitian of unitary, then it must neccesarily be normal.

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

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Let be an operator on a Hilbert space and concider the equation


This is called an eigenvalue equation. is called an eigenvalue of , and an eigenvector. We assume the reader to be familar with the eigenvalue problem in the finite-dimensional case. We will now prove a very useful theorem. If is Hermitian, then the eigenvectors of constitute a basis for .