User:Espen180/Quantum Mechanics/Formulation of Quantum Mechanics

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Review of Classical Mechanics

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Classical mechanics is divided into two branches, Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian mechanics. In Lagrangian mechanics, a system having degrees of freedom is described by a function of the degrees of fredom and their temporal derivatives. The function is called the Lagrangian of the system. The equations of motion of the system are given by Hamilton's principle, stating that the degrees of freedom change in such a way that the integral

is at an extremum with respect to the path. This is a problem in variational calculus which we will not discuss here. It's solution is

for each individual index . These equations are called the Euler-Lagrange equations. Thus we obtain second-order partial differential equations describing the system. This gives us initial conditions which determine the evolution of the system. However, the Lagrangian formalism is not suited for quantum mechanics. We need the other formalism, Hamiltonian mechanics. The Hamiltonian formalism is based on the following fact. Assume that the degree of freedom does not appear in for some . Then , so we get

where is a constant. In other words, we get a conserved quantity. The hamiltonian formalism is based on replacing in by for all . We can do this by performing a Legendre transformation on . is called the canonical or conjugate momentum associated with . We define


Solving for and inserting, we get the Hamiltonian function . The equations of motion can be found from the Euler-Lagrange equations. We get


These are called Hamilton's equations. We get first-order equation describing our system, again giving us initial conditions, as expected.

Poisson Brackets

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Define the Poisson bracket as the expression


It is readily checked that

where if and otherwise.

We can also obtain a useful expression about the time evolution of arbitrary quatities. Let be any (differentiable) quantity. We then have

by the chain rule. Insering for the time derivatives, we get


The poisson brackets have an important counterpart in quantum mechanics, and are used as a starting point for the theory.

Formulation of Quantum Mechanics

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In quantum mechanics is based on the following postulates:

1. To each state of a physical system there corresponds a state vector in a complex Hilbert space. The state vector has length 1, meaning , and its time evoltution satisfies the Schrödinger equation
where is the Hamiltonian operator of the system. We will get back to determining for a given system.
2. To each physical observable there corresponds a linear operator on the Hilbert space. The operators and for the generalized coordinates and momenta satisfy
3. The expectation value of an observable is .
4. The only possible results when measuring the observable are the eigenvalues of .