User:Doruletz72/ONBA/Instructions Set

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INTRODUCTION[edit | edit source]

Instructions are basic actions of a processor. They are designed to work with the processor registers. Therefore, any instruction that addresses memory locations having at least one register as a parameter. Even if the MOVE instruction when both parameters are memory locations, even in this case the transfer is not actually made directly between the two memory locations, but by successive execution of two instructions MOVE "classical" one, where one parameter is a register.

What is an instruction?[edit | edit source]

Difficult to answer this question. Instructions can substitute assignment or arithmetic operators, conditional statements or loops, can manipulate memory locations, can invoke system routines, can interrupt or continue the execution of a program. No matter what programming environment is a program written, in the end, it will be transformed by the compiler / assembler in a binary package that represents a collection of instructions to be executed by processor.
A question arises: is the optimal result code? Or it could be improved. For applications developed by large companies, with the participation of a large number of programmers, it could be. But in OnbC compiler/OnbA assembler case, result code is not the best solution, but it is safe. This the main reason to use directly OnbA instead of OnbC.

Format[edit | edit source]

Any instruction has a mnemonic (a name), followed by operand size and one, two or a set of operands. Some instructions have no operands.

MNEMONIC[.SIZE] <ea> , <ea>
MNEMONIC[.SIZE] <ea>/<ea> , <ea>
MNEMONIC[.SIZE] <ea> , <ea>/<ea>

For some instructions, size can be: byte (.b), word (.w) or long (.l).
The effective address <ea> can be represented in one of the address modes: Dn, An, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L, #data, CCR/SR. See the Address Modess chapter. Examples:

   ; one operand
   pea -2(a5)  ; push on the stack address contained in location referred by A5 and offset -2
   unlk a6     ; release stack created with A6, and restore the old value of A6 
   neg.w (a0)+ ; negate (2-complement) the WORD value from location referred by A0, then increment A0 with size of word (2) 
   neg.l d1  ; negate the LONG value from D1
   ; two operands
   move.b d0, d1 ; copy BYTE value from D0 to D1
   addq.w #100, d0; add  WORD value 100 to the content of D0
   ; set of operands
   move.l a0-a3, -4(a6) ; copies LONG contents of the registers A0-A3 to the location pointed by A6 - 4
   move.l -2(a5), d0-d7/a0-a4 
   ; no operands
   rts ; return from a procedure block; restore the old PC address
   reset ; reset the external circuits

Codification[edit | edit source]

Each instruction is coded on two bytes (word), which means that the code segment is aligned to word size. Some of the operands can be encoded within this word, and the rest in the words immediately following the instruction. If you intend to disassemble the code record of a PRC file, read the first word, identify the instruction and then, interpret the words that follow, depending on the type of instruction that you just identified it. After decoding all the words belonging to the first instruction, the process can continue in the same way to decode the entire code record. Let's get back to the first instruction word. Usually, first four bits of this word contains the binary IDentifier of the instruction. The remaining bits can be codification of the size of the operands, or of the number of the registers used as operands, or of the type of the address mode used for the operands.
Let's consider the instruction ADD - add the source operand to the destination operand, using binary addition and store the result in the destination:

  • Source + Destination -> Destination
  • Synopsis:
  • ADD <ea>, Dn
  • ADD Dn, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Adress Modes:
  • if <ea> is the source: Dn, An*, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L, #data
  • if <ea> is the destination: (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
An*: size is word or long only.

Normally, this information is enough to use the ADD instruction in the program. But in case you want to disassemble binary PRC data, you will need additional information:

  • Format: 1101,3:Reg,3:OpMode,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)


  • 1101 - 4 bits; signature of ADD instruction
  • 3:Reg - 3 bits; the number of Dn register operand (binary codified)
  • 3:OpMode - 3 bits; this field specifies:
  • 1st bit encodes operation order:
0xx <ea> + Dn -> Dn
1xx Dn + <ea> -> <ea>
  • 2nd and 3rd bits encode the operand size:
x00 - byte x01 - word x10 - long x11 - not used
  • 6:3Mode3Reg - 6 bits; this codifies address modes of the <ea>; 3Mode field specifies the code of address mode; 3Reg can specifies the number of the register used

Address Mode 3Mode 3Reg Address Mode 3Mode 3Reg
Dn 000 no. Dn Abs.W 111 000
An 001 no. An Abs.L 111 001
(An) 010 no. An (d16, PC) 111 010
(An)+ 011 no. An (d8, PC, Xi) 111 011
-(An) 100 no. An #data 111 100
(d16, An) 101 no. An
(d8, An, Xi) 110 no. An

As suspected, if the situation requires, first word of instruction may be followed by additional words for the operands values not included in the first word of the instruction.
Additional information is available at

CATEGORIES[edit | edit source]

Depending on the operating, instructions can be classified as follows:

In the followings:

Instruction* - instruction is not implemented by OnbA, but was included in case you want to disassemble a binary file.

Data Movement[edit | edit source]

A-Z IndexCategoriesTOP

  • EXG* - exchanges content of two registers
  • LEA - loads effective address
  • LINK - allocates a stack frame
  • MOVE - moves data/address between two registers/memory locations
  • MOVEA - moves address between two registers/memory locations
  • MOVEM - moves contents of multiple registers
  • MOVEP* - moves peripheral data
  • MOVEQ - moves quick with registers
  • PEA - pushes effective address on the stack
  • UNLK - removes a stack frame

EXG - EXchanGe registers

  • Exchanges the contents of any two registers.
  • Synopsis:
  • EXG Rx, Ry
  • Operands size: .l
  • Rx -> Ry, Ry -> Rx
  • Address Modes: only Dn and An.
  • Flags(CCR): unaffected.
  • Comments: the values from address registers are always treated as signed values.
  • Format: 1110,3:Rx,1,5:OpMode,3:Ry (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Rx - specifies a data or an address register. If it's an exchange between a data register and an address register, this field defines the data register.
  • Rx - specifies a data or an address register. If it's an exchange between a data register and an address register, this field defines the address register.
  • OpMode:
01000 Exg. between data registers
01001 Exg. between address registers
10001 Exg. between data and address registers

LEA - Load effective address

  • Places the specified address into the destination address register.
  • Synopsis:
  • LEA <ea>, An
  • Operands size: .l
  • Address -> An
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR): unaffected.
  • Comments: all 32 bits of An register are affected by this instruction.
   ; struct point
   ;   int x , offset 0
   ;   int y , offset 2
   ;   int z , offset 4
   proc InitPoint(x.w, y.w, z.w)
   local point.6          ; a local point variable (3 words)
      lea point(a6), a0   ; load effective address of point in A0
      move.w x(a6), (a0)  ; point[A0] = x
      move.w y(a6), 2(a0) ; point[A0+2] = y
      move.w z(a6), 4(a0) ; point[A0+4] = z
   ; example of function pointer use
   data                  ; instruct OnbA to output into DATA record
                         ; global variables, referred by A5
   ptrProcExample dc.l 0 ; a global pointer variable, i.e. long size
   proc ProcExample(param1.w, ...)  ; a procedure from which we get the address
   lea ProcExample(pc), a0       ; load <ea> of procedure to A0
   move.l a0, ptrProcExample(a5) ; copy address from A0 to the global pointer variable
   ; unfortunately we cannot use directives to call a function pointer
   ; preparing for a "standard" call
   move.w ..., -(sp)              ; 1. pass parameters of ProcExample on the stack
   movea.l ptrProcExample(a5), a0 ; 2. load ProcExample pointer to A0
   jsr (a0)                       ; execute jump to this address (usually for jumps between code segments)
   addq.l #2, sp                  ; restore the stack after call
  • Format: 0100,3:Reg,111,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - one of the 8 address registers
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

LINK - Link a frame stack

  • Save an An register content on the stack, then creates a local frame stack referred by this An register. To allocate space on the stack for local data area, a negative value should be used for the second operand.
  • Synopsis:
  • LINK An, #data
  • Operands size: .w
  • SP - 4 -> SP, An -> SP
  • SP -> An
  • SP - #data -> SP
  • Address Modes: An for first parameter and #data for second parameter.
  • Flags(CCR): unaffected.
  • Comments: LINK and UNLK can be used to maintain a linked list of local data and parameter areas on the stack for nested subroutine calls. This is your main instruction to build procedures/routines/functions. Never use A7 register (SP). However if you do this save the value of A7 to a variable, not directly on the stack.
  • Examples:
   ; OnbA implementation (always A6 is used)
   proc Example()
   local var.l
      move.l var(a6), d0
   ; disassembled source
   LINK a6, #-4
      move.l -4(a6), d0
   UNLK a6
   ; you can use others An registers
   ; but avoid to use A5 or A7 (SP)
   LINK a2, #-4
      move.l -4(a6), d0
   UNLK a2
  • Format: 0100111001010,3:Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction) + 16 bits offset
  • Reg - indicates the number of address register used.
  • offset - 0 or a negative value which enable to move stack pointer (allocate memory on the stack).
  • OnbA use:
  • You should not specify a size.
  • directives proc ... local ... beginproc are replaced by OnbA with LINK a6, #-<size of local> always.
    A-Z IndexData MovementCategories

MOVE - Move data

  • Moves (copies) source to the destination. After the execution, both source and destination contain same data.
  • Synopsis:
  • MOVE <ea>, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Source -> Destination ; Destination = Source
  • Address Modes:
  • if <ea> is the source: Dn, An*, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L, #data
  • if <ea> is the destination: Dn, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
An*: size is word or long only.
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - 1 if result is negative, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result is zero, 0 otherwise
  • V - 0
  • C - 0
  • Comments: Is the most used instruction, being the equivalent of assignment operator =. The size of the operation may be specified as byte, word or long. When you move to an address register, the value is interpreted as signed. When you move byte or word to a register the upper of the register remains unchanged. See the Address Modes chapter examples.
  • Examples:
   move.l d0, a0     ; value is automatically signed
   move.w #20, d1    ; the upper word of D1 remains unchanged
   move.b -2(a6), d0 ; the upper 3 bytes of D0 remain unchanged
  • Format: 00,2:Size,6:3Mode3Reg(Dst),6:3Mode3Reg(Src) (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Size
  • 01 byte 10 word 11 long
  • 3Mode3Reg(Dst), 6:3Mode3Reg(Src) - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

MOVEA - Move address

  • Moves (copies) source to the destination address register. After the execution, both source and destination contain same data.
  • Synopsis:
  • MOVE <ea>, An
  • Operands size: .w, .l
  • Source -> An ; An = Source
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be Dn, An*, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L, #data
An*: size is word or long only.
  • Flags(CCR): not affected
  • Comments: Word sized operands are sign extended to the 32 bits before the operation is done.
  • Examples:
   movea.l d0, a0    
   movea.w #20, a1 ; value is automatically 32 bits extended
   ; comparison with LEA example
   ; struct point
   ;   int x , offset 0
   ;   int y , offset 2
   ;   int z , offset 4
   proc InitPoint(x.w, y.w, z.w)
   local point.4              ; a local pointer variable to a point structure
      systrap MemPtrNew(6.l)  ; allocate a fixed chunk, 6 bytes size
                              ; for the structure
      movea.l a0, point(a6)   ; get address of point variable
      move.w x(a6), (a0)      ; point[A0] = x
      move.w y(a6), 2(a0)     ; point[A0+2] = y
      move.w z(a6), 4(a0)     ; point[A0+4] = z
      MemPtrFree(&point(a6))  ; free memory
  • Format: 00,2:Size,3:Reg,001,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - one of the 8 address registers
  • Size
  • 01 byte 10 word 11 long
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

MOVEM - Move multiple registers

  • Moves (copies) source to the destination. After the execution, both source and destination contain same data.
  • Synopsis:
  • MOVEM register_list, <ea>
  • MOVEM <ea>, register_list
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Source -> Destination ; Destination = Source
  • Address Modes:
  • if <ea> is the destination (registers to memory): (An), -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • if <ea> is the source (memory to registers): (An), (An)+, (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
An*: size is word or long only.
  • Flags(CCR): not affected.
  • Comments: moves the contents of selected registers to or from consecutive memory locations starting with the location specified by the effective address <ea>. A register is selected if the bit in the mask field corresponding to that register is set. The instruction size determines whether 16 or 32 bits of each register are transferred. In the case of a word transfer to either address or data registers, each word is sign-extended to 32 bits, and the resulting long word is loaded into the associated register. Selecting the addressing mode also selects the mode of operation of the MOVEM instruction, and only the control modes, the predecrement mode, and the postincrement mode are valid. If the effective address is specified by one of the control modes, the registers are transferred starting at the specified address, and the address is incremented by the operand length (2 or 4) following each transfer. The order of the registers is from D0 to D7, then from A0 to A7. If the effective address is specified by the predecrement mode, only a register-to-memory operation is allowed. The registers are stored starting at the specified address minus the operand length (2 or 4), and the address is decremented by the operand length following each transfer. The order of storing is from A7 to A0, then from D7 to D0. When the instruction has completed, the decremented address register contains the address of the last operand stored.
  • Examples:
   proc JuggleWithRegisters()
   local regs.32          ; 7 * 4 bytes block to juggle with 7 registers
      lea regs(a6), a0    ; load base address of regs to A0
      movem.l d0-d6, (a0) ; save all data registers to regs
      movem.l (a0), d0-d6 ; restore them
      movem.l d2-d5/a1-a3, (a0) ; save 4 data registers and 3 address register
      movem.l (a0), d2-d5/a1-a3 ; restore them
      movem.l d3-d4/d6-d7/a2-a4, (a0) ; save
      movem.l (a0), d3-d4/d6-d7/a2-a4 ; restore
   ; save the word registers contents on the stack
   movem.w d0-d7/a0-a6, -(sp) ; increase the stack and save them
   movem.w (sp)+, d0-d7/a0-a6 ; decrese the stack and restore them
  • Format: 01001,1:dr,001,1:Size,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction) and word with mask registers list (bits 15 .. 0 | D0, .. D7, A0, .. A7 for predecrement mode or A7, .. A0, D7, .., D0 for postincrement mode) .
  • dr - specifies the move direction
  • 0 from regs to <ea> 1 from <ea> to regs
  • Size - data size
  • 0 - 16 bits, 1 - 32 bits
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

MOVEP - Move peripheral

  • Moves (copies) source to the destination. After the execution, both source and destination contain same data.
  • Synopsis:
  • MOVEP Dx, (d,Ay)
  • MOVEP (d,Ay), Dx
  • Operands size: .w, .l
  • Source -> Destination ; Destination = Source
  • Address Modes: Dn for registers, (d16, An) for memory location.
  • Flags(CCR): not affected.
  • Comments: moves data between a data register and alternate bytes within the address space starting at the location specified and incrementing by two. The high-order byte of the data register is transferred first, and the low-order byte is transferred last. The memory address is specified in the address register indirect plus 16-bit displacement addressing mode.
  • Format: 0000,3:Dx,3:OpMode,001,3:Ay (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Dx - specifies the number of the data register
  • OpMode
  • 100 16 bits move, memory to register
  • 101 32 bits move, memory to register
  • 110 16 bits move, register to memory
  • 111 32 bits move, register to memory
  • Ay - specifies the number of the address register

MOVEQ - Move signed 8-bits data quick

  • Moves (copies) source signed 8-bits data to a data register destination.
  • Synopsis:
  • MOVEQ #data, Dn
  • Operands size: .l
  • immediate data -> Dn
  • Address Modes: #data for source, Dn for destination.
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - 1 if result is negative, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result is zero, 0 otherwise
  • V - 0
  • C - 0
  • Comments: the specified data is sign extended 32-bits, before is moved to the register.
  • Examples:
   moveq #20, d0  ; copies value 20 to d0
   moveq #257, d0 ; copies value 1 to d0 (257 % 256) 
   ; immediate data is used modulo 256
  • Format: 0111,3:Reg,0,8:Data (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - is one of the 8 data registers.
  • Data - immediate data (signed)

PEA - Push effective address

  • Computes the effective address of the operand and pushes it onto the stack.
  • Synopsis:
  • PEA <ea>
  • Operands size: .l
  • SP - 4 -> SP, <ea> -> SP
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be (An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR): not affected
  • Comments: The effective address is a long address. It is used when you want to pass address/pointers to a procedure.
  • Examples:
   proc AnotherProc(param1.l, param2.l) ; assume both are pointers/addresses
   ; now a call of procedure, AnotherProc(var1, &var2)
   proc ExamplePea(var1.l)    ; assume var1 is a pointer
   local var2.w
      pea var2(a6)           ; computes and pushes 4 bytes var2 address onto the stack
      move.l var1(a6), -(sp) ; pushes 4 bytes var1 value (in fact, an address too) onto the stack
      jsr AnotherProc(pc)    ; jump to procedure
      addq.l #8, sp          ; restore stack (increase pointer with 8)
   ; similar with OnbA directive 'call'
      call AnotherProc(var1(a6).l,&var2(a6))
  • Format: 0100100001,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

UNLK - Unlink a stack frame

  • Unlink the stack frame referred by an address register.
  • Synopsis:
  • UNLK An
  • Operands size: .l
  • An -> SP
  • SP -> An, SP + 4 -> SP
  • Address Modes: An
  • Flags(CCR): not affected
  • Comments: Load the stack pointer from the specified address register. Then load the address register with the long word pulled from the top of the stack (pushed by LINK instruction). This instruction does the inverse process of the LINK instruction.
  • Format: 0100111001011,3:Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • one of the 8 address registers (previously used by LINK)

Logical[edit | edit source]

A-Z IndexCategoriesTOP

  • AND, ANDI - logical AND / immediate
  • EOR, EORI - exclusive logical OR / immediate
  • NOT - logical NOT (1 complement)
  • OR, ORI - logical OR / immediate

AND - logical AND

  • Perform a bit-wise AND operation with the source operand and the destination operand and stores the result in the destination operand.
  • Synopsis:
  • AND <ea>, Dn
  • AND Dn, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Source & Destination -> Destination
  • Address Modes:
  • if <ea> is the source: Dn, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L, #data
  • if <ea> is the destination: (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - 1 if MSBi(result) == 1, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result is zero, 0 otherwise
  • V - 0
  • C - 0
  • Comments: the contents of an address register may not be used as an operand.
  • Examples:
   ; stores 2 word values in a long one
   proc Store2Number(n1.w, n2.w)
      move.w n1(a6), d0    ; loads n1 word value to D0
      lsl #8, d0           ; shifts to the left 16 positions, moves lower word to upper word
      lsl #8, d0           
      and.l #FFFF0000, d0  ; preserves the upper word and clears the lower word
      move.w n2(a6), d0    ; loads n2 word value to D0
                           ; now D0(long) = n1(upper word):n2(lower word)
   ; instead of 
   lsl #8, d0
   lsl #8, d0
   ; you can use
   move.w #16, d1
   lsl d1, d0
   ; but is a bit slower
  • Format: 1100,3:Reg,3:OpMode,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - the number of Dn register operand (binary codified)
  • OpMode:
  • 1st bit encodes operation order:
0xx <ea> & Dn -> Dn
1xx Dn & <ea> -> <ea>
  • 2nd and 3rd bits encode the operand size:
x00 - byte x01 - word x10 - long x11 - not used
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

ANDI - logical AND immediate

  • Perform a bit-wise AND operation with the immediate data and the destination operand and stores the result in the destination operand.
  • Synopsis:
  • ANDI #data, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Immediate Data & Destination -> Destination
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be addressed Dn, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - 1 if MSBi(result) == 1, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result is zero, 0 otherwise
  • V - 0
  • C - 0
  • Comments: the size of immediate data matches the operation size.
  • Examples:
   ; in previous example
   and.l #FFFF0000, d0
   ; it is better to be replaced with
   andi.l #FFFF0000, d0
  • Format: 00000010,2:Size,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Size - specifies how to deal with the words following the instruction (the immediate data)
  • 00 - byte operation (the lower byte of the next word)
  • 01 - word operation (the entire next word)
  • 10 - long operation (the next two words)
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

EOR - logical exclusive OR

  • Perform a bit-wise exclusive OR operation with the source operand data register and the destination operand and stores the result in the destination operand.
  • Synopsis:
  • EOR Dn, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Dn ^ Destination -> Destination
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be Dn, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - = MSBi(result)
  • Z - 1 if result is zero, 0 otherwise
  • V - 0
  • C - 0
  • Comments: two successive EOR operations between same values restore the initial contents of the destination.
  • Examples:
   eor.l d0, (a0)   ; alters contents of (a0) memory location
   move.l (a0), d1  ; get this value for use
   eor.l d0, (a0)   ; restore initial contents of (a0)
  • Format: 1011,3:Reg,3:OpMode,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - the number of Dn register operand (binary codified)
  • OpMode:
  • 100 byte 101 word 110 long
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.
  • OnbA use: - if you don't specify a size, .w is used by default. Dn mode for <ea> not supported.
    A-Z IndexLogicalCategories

EORI - exclusive OR immediate

  • Perform a bit-wise exclusive OR operation with the source immediate data and the destination operand and stores the result in the destination operand.
  • Synopsis:
  • EOR #data, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Immediate Data ^ Destination -> Destination
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be Dn, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - = MSBi(result)
  • Z - 1 if result is zero, 0 otherwise
  • V - 0
  • C - 0
  • Comments: same as EOR instruction but operation is performed with immediate data instead of a data register.
  • Examples:
   eori.l #100000, d0       ; d0 long content is altered
   eori.w #1000, -2(a0)     ; (a0 - 2) word content is altered
   eori.b #200, 2(a0, d0.w) ; (a0 + 2 + d0) lower byte is altered
  • Format: 00001010,2:Size,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction) + additional words for immediate data.
  • Size - the number of Dn register operand (binary codified)
  • 00 byte 01 word 10 long
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

NOT - logical NOT

  • Logical NOT complement (1-complement).
  • Synopsis:
  • NOT <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Destination -> ~Destination
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be Dn, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - 1 if result < 0, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result == 0, 0 otherwise
  • V - 0
  • C - 0
  • Comments: All bits of the specified operand are inverted and the result is placed back in the operand. Good to invert the status of bit-variables (flags).
  • Examples:
   move.b var(a6), d0   ; gets value of var to D0
   andi.b #9, d0        ; selects only bits 3 and 0 from var; 9 = 00001001 
                        ; D0 = 0000x00x
   not.b d0             ; inverts D0
                        ; D0 = 1111y11y, where y = inverted x
   andi.b #246, var(a6) ; clears bits 3 and 0 from var; 246 = 11110110
   and.b d0, var(a6)    ; sets the new value for bits 3 and 0
  • Format: 01000110,2:Size,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction) + additional words for immediate data.
  • Size - the number of Dn register operand (binary codified)
  • 00 byte 01 word 10 long
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

OR - logical OR

  • Perform a bit-wise OR operation with the source operand and the destination operand and stores the result in the destination operand.
  • Synopsis:
  • OR <ea>, Dn
  • OR Dn, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Source | Destination -> Destination
  • Address Modes:
  • if <ea> is the source: Dn, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L, #data
  • if <ea> is the destination: (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - 1 if MSBi(result) == 1, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result is zero, 0 otherwise
  • V - 0
  • C - 0
  • Comments: the contents of an address register may not be used as an operand.
  • Examples:
   ; AND examples
   ; stores 2 word values in a long one
   ; using MOVE for lower word
   proc Store2Number(n1.w, n2.w)
      move.w n1(a6), d0    ; loads n1 word value to D0
      lsl #8, d0           ; shifts to the left 16 positions, moves lower word to upper word
      lsl #8, d0           
      and.l #FFFF0000, d0  ; preserves the upper word and clears the lower word
      move.w n2(a6), d0    ; loads n2 word value to D0
                           ; now D0(long) = n1(upper word):n2(lower word)
   ; AND examples
   ; stores 2 word values in a long one
   ; using OR for lower word
   proc Store2Number(n1.w, n2.w)
      move.w n1(a6), d0    ; loads n1 word value to D0
      lsl #8, d0           ; shifts to the left 16 positions, moves lower word to upper word
      lsl #8, d0           
      and.l #FFFF0000, d0  ; preserves the upper word and clears the lower word
      or.w n2(a6), d0      ; loads n2 word value to the lower D0 word
                           ; now D0(long) = n1(upper word):n2(lower word)
  • Format: 1000,3:Reg,3:OpMode,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - the number of Dn register operand (binary codified)
  • OpMode:
  • 1st bit encodes operation order:
0xx <ea> & Dn -> Dn
1xx Dn & <ea> -> <ea>
  • 2nd and 3rd bits encode the operand size:
x00 - byte x01 - word x10 - long x11 - not used
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

ORI - logical OR immediate

  • Perform a bit-wise OR operation with the immediate data and the destination operand and stores the result in the destination operand.
  • Synopsis:
  • OR #data, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Immediate Data | Destination -> Destination
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be addressed Dn, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - 1 if MSBi(result) == 1, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result is zero, 0 otherwise
  • V - 0
  • C - 0
  • Comments: the size of immediate data matches the operation size.
  • Examples:
   ; for OR #data address mode 
   or.w #1000, d0
   ; it is better to be replaced with ORI stance
   ori.w #1000, d0
   ; it is faster
  • Format: 00000000,2:Size,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Size - specifies how to deal with the words following the instruction (the immediate data)
  • 00 - byte operation (the lower byte of the next word)
  • 01 - word operation (the entire next word)
  • 10 - long operation (the next two words)
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

Integer Arithmetic[edit | edit source]

A-Z IndexCategoriesTOP

  • ADD, ADDA, ADDI, ADDQ, ADDX - adds value / address / immediate / quick / with extend
  • SUB, SUBA, SUBI, SUBQ, SUBX - subtracts value / address / immediate / quick / with extend
  • MULS, MULU - multiplies signed / unsigned
  • DIVS, DIVU - divides signed / unsigned
  • CMP, CMP2*, CMPA*, CMPI, CMPM* - compares value / with 2 bounds / address / immediate / memory
  • NEG, NEGX - negates value / with extend (2 complement)
  • CLR - clears operand
  • EXT - extends sign and size

ADD - Adds an integer

  • Adds the source operand to the destination operand.
  • Synopsis:
  • ADD <ea>, Dn
  • ADD Dn, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Source + Destination -> Destination
  • Address Modes:
  • if <ea> is the source: Dn, An*, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L, #data
  • if <ea> is the destination: (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
An*: size is word or long only.
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - contents value of C bit
  • N - 1 if result is negative, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result is zero, 0 otherwise
  • V - 1 if an overflow occurs, 0 otherwise
  • C - 1 if a carry occurs, 0 otherwise
  • Comments: the addition is binary performed. The size of the operation may be specified as byte, word or long.
  • Examples:
   proc AddNumbers(n1.l, n2.l)
      move.l n1(a6), d0  ; D0 contains n1
      add.l n2(a6), d0   ; D0 contains n1 + n2
                         ; must be read immediate after the return from procedure 
   ; a non-orthodox example
   proc AddNumbers(n1.l, n2.l)
      move.l n1(a6), d0  ; D0 contains n1
      add.l d0, n2(a6)   ; n2 contains n1 + n2
      move.l n2(a6), d0  ; now copy content of n2 location to D0 because
                         ; n2 is parameter pushed to a location from the stack
                         ; which will be released after the return from the procedure
  • Format: 1101,3:Reg,3:OpMode,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - the number of Dn register operand (binary codified)
  • OpMode:
  • 1st bit encodes operation order:
0xx <ea> + Dn -> Dn
1xx Dn + <ea> -> <ea>
  • 2nd and 3rd bits encode the operand size:
x00 - byte x01 - word x10 - long x11 - not used
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

ADDA - Adds an address

  • Adds the source operand to the destination operand.
  • Synopsis:
  • ADDA <ea>, An
  • Operands size: .w, .l
  • Source + An -> An
  • Address Modes: Dn, An, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L, #data
  • Flags(CCR): not affected.
  • Comments: the addition is binary performed. The size of the operation may be specified word or long. To make it possible to mix address operations with data operations, this instruction won't affect any flag.
  • Examples:
   ; init an array of 10 integers with value 1
   proc InitArray()
   local array_int.20 ; array of 10 integers
      lea array_int(a6), a0 ; load base address of the array
      move.w 10, d0         ; init counter (D0)
         move.w #1, (a0)    ; array_int[a0] = 1
         adda.l #2, a0      ; a0 = a0 + 2, address of the next array member
         sub.w #1, d0       ; decrease counter, D0--
         bne LOOP           ; if Z != 0 (D0 != 0 ), loop again
  • Format: 1101,3:Reg,3:OpMode,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - the number of An register operand (binary codified)
  • OpMode:
  • 011 Word operation. Operand is extended to 32 bits
  • 111 Long operation
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

ADDI - Add immediate data

  • Adds the immediate data to the destination operand.
  • Synopsis:
  • ADDI #data, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Data + Destination -> Destination
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be addressed using Dn, An, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - contents value of C bit
  • N - 1 if result is negative, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result is zero, 0 otherwise
  • V - 1 if an overflow occurs, 0 otherwise
  • C - 1 if a carry occurs, 0 otherwise
  • Comments: the size of immediate data matches the operation size. Most assemblers automatically choose ADDI if the source operand to an ADD instruction is immediate. Don't forget to prefix immediate value with #.
  • Examples:
   addi.b #8, d0 ; add byte value 8 to the contents of D0
   addi.w #1000, -4(a6) ; add word value 1000 to the value stored at address pointed by (a6 - 4)
  • Format: 00000110,2:Size,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Size - specifies how to deal with the words following the instruction (the immediate data)
  • 00 - byte operation (the lower byte of the next word)
  • 01 - word operation (the entire next word)
  • 10 - long operation (the next two words)
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

ADDQ - Add 3-bits immediate data quick

  • Adds the 3-bits immediate data (values 1 .. 8) to the destination operand.
  • Synopsis:
  • ADDQ #data, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Data(3 bits) + Destination -> Destination
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be addressed using Dn, An*, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
An* - word and long only
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - contents value of C bit
  • N - 1 if result is negative, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result is zero, 0 otherwise
  • V - 1 if an overflow occurs, 0 otherwise
  • C - 1 if a carry occurs, 0 otherwise
  • Comments: when adding to the address registers, CCR are not affected, and the entire destination address register is used regardless of the operation size. The instruction is very quick and much shorter than the usual ADD. Don't forget to prefix immediate value with #.
  • Examples:
   addq.b #8, d0 ; add byte value 8 to the contents of D0
   addq.w #10, a2 ; wrong!!! the immediate value exceed 8
   ;very good to use with index operations
      addq.w #1, d0 ; d0++
      cmp ...
      bne Loop
  • Format: 0101,3:Data,0,2:Size,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Data
  • 000 - represent value 8
  • 001 ... 111 - values 1 to 7
  • Size - specifies how to deal with the words following the instruction (the immediate data)
  • 00 - byte operation (the lower byte of the next word)
  • 01 - word operation (the entire next word)
  • 10 - long operation (the next two words)
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

ADDX - Add integer with extend

  • Adds the source operand to the destination operand along with extend bit.
  • Synopsis:
  • ADDX Dy, Dx
  • ADDX -(Ay), -(Ax)
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Source + Destination + CCR(X) -> Destination
  • Address Modes:
  • Data register to data register: Dn
  • Memory to memory: -(An)
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - contents value of C bit
  • N - 1 if result is negative, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 0 if result is nonzero, unchanged otherwise
  • V - 1 if an overflow occurs, 0 otherwise
  • C - 1 if a carry occurs, 0 otherwise
  • Comments: normally the Z condition bit is set via programming before the start of an operation. That allows successful tests for zero results upon completion of multiple-precision operations. In other words, Z flag works different now, allowing to check if a big number is zero (bigger than 32 bits). You must set the zero flag before making the addition though, shorter than comparing a register with itself.
  • Format: 1101,3:Rx,1,2:Size,00,1:R/M,3:Ry
  • Rx - destination register.
  • Ry - source register.
  • R/M:
  • 0 - data register 1 - address register
  • Size
  • 00 - byte 01 - word 10 - long

CLR - Clear operand

  • Clears an operand and sets Z flag.
  • Synopsis:
  • CLR <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Destination -> 0
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be Dn, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - 0
  • Z - 1
  • V - 0
  • C - 0
  • Comments: address registers cannot be cleared in this manner.
  • Examples:
   clr.w d0         ; D0 = 0
   ; is faster than
   move.w #0, d0    ; D0 = 0
  • Format: 01000010,2:Size,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Size
  • 00 - byte 01 - word 10 - long
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

CMP - Compare with operand

  • Subtracts without changing the destination (compares), the source operand from destination data register, and set CCR flags according to the result.
  • Synopsis:
  • CMP <ea>, Dn
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Destination - Source -> CCR
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be Dn, An*, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L, (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), #data
An* - word or long only
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - 1 if result < 0, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result == 0, 0 otherwise
  • V - 1 if overflow occurs, 0 otherwise
  • C - 1 if carry/borrow occurs, 0 otherwise
  • Comments: content of the destination data register is not changed.
  • Examples:
   clr.w d0           ; D0 = 0
      addq.w #1, d0   ; D0 ++
      cmp.w #10, d0   ; D0 == 10 ? (comparison result is 0?)
      bne StartLoop   ; no, (bne means Z == 0, means comparison result != 0) loop again
                      ; yes (Z == 1), continue execution
  • Format: 1011,3:Reg,3:OpMode,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - one the 8 data registers
  • OpMode
  • 000 - byte 001 - word 010 - long
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

CMP2 - Compare with 2 bounds

  • Compares Rn destination with 2 lower and upper bounds stored in source.
  • Synopsis:
  • CMP2 <ea>, Rn
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Rn ∩ Source(lower, upper) -> CCR
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be (An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L, (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi)
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - undefined
  • Z - 1 if Rn == lower or Rn == upper, 0 otherwise
  • V - undefined
  • C - 1 if Rn < lower or Rn > upper, 0 otherwise
  • Comments: <ea> contains the bounds pair: upper bound following the lower bound. For signed comparisons, the arithmetically smaller value should be used as the lower bound. For unsigned comparisons, the logically smaller value should be the lower bound. If Rn is a data register and the operation size is byte or word, only the appropriate low-order part of Rn is checked. If Rn is an address register and the operation size is byte or word, the bounds operands are sign-extended to 32 bits, and the resultant operands are compared to the full 32 bits of An. If the upper bound equals the lower bound, the valid range is a single value.
  • Format: 00000,2:Size,011,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction) + 1:d/a,3:Reg,000000000000
  • Size
  • 00 - byte 01 - word 10 - long
  • Reg - one the 8 registers specified by d/a
  • d/a - type of the registers
  • 0 - data 1 - address
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

CMPA - Compare address

  • Subtracts without changing the destination (compares), the source operand from destination address register, and set CCR flags according to the result.
  • Synopsis:
  • CMPA <ea>, An
  • Operands size: .w, .l
  • Destination - Source -> CCR
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be Dn, An, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L, (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), #data
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - 1 if result < 0, 0 otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result == 0, 0 otherwise
  • V - 1 if overflow occurs, 0 otherwise
  • C - 1 if borrow occurs, 0 otherwise
  • Comments: the content of destination address register is not changed. Word size source operands are sign extended to long for comparison.
  • Format: 1011,3:Reg,3:OpMode,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg
  • OpMode
  • 011 - word 111 - long
  • Reg - one the 8 address registers
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.


Bit Manipulation[edit | edit source]

A-Z IndexCategoriesTOP

  • BTST - tests a bit
  • BCHG - tests and inverts a bit
  • BCLR - tests and clears a bit (to 0)
  • BSET - tests and sets a bit (to 1)
  • TAS - tests and operand and sets a bit

BCHG - Bit change

  • Test a bit in the destination operand and set Z flag appropriately, then inverts the bit in destination.
  • Synopsis:
  • BCHG Dn, <ea>
  • BCHG #data, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .l
  • Destination[bit] ? -> CCR(Z); Destination[bit] = ~Destination[bit]
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be addressed using Dn*, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
Dn* - long only for register; for other modes byte only.
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - not affected
  • Z - 1 if Destination[bit] == 0, 0 otherwise
  • V - not affected
  • C - not affected
  • Comments: if the destination is a data register, any of its 32 bits can be specified (32 modulo value). When the destination is a memory location, the operation must be a byte operation, and therefore the bit number is modulo 8. In all cases bit 0 of the operand is the least significant bit.
  • Examples:
   proc ChangeSign(varAddr.l)
      movea.l varAddr(a6), a0  ; load varAddr in A0
      move.l #31, d0           ; 31 bit of a long (sign bit)
      bchg d0, (a0)            ; change sign of value pointed by varAddr
  • Format:
  • for register: 0000,3:Reg,101,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - one of the 8 data registers
  • for immediate data: 0000100001,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

BCLR - Bit clear

  • Test a bit in the destination operand and set Z flag appropriately, then clears the bit in destination.
  • Synopsis:
  • BCLR Dn, <ea>
  • BCLR #data, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .l
  • Destination[bit] ? -> CCR(Z); Destination[bit] = 0
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be addressed using Dn*, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
Dn* - long only for register; for other modes byte only.
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - not affected
  • Z - 1 if Destination[bit] == 0, 0 otherwise
  • V - not affected
  • C - not affected
  • Comments: if the destination is a data register, any of its 32 bits can be specified (32 modulo value). When the destination is a memory location, the operation must be a byte operation, and therefore the bit number is modulo 8. In all cases bit 0 of the operand is the least significant bit.
  • Examples:
   proc PositiveIntegers(varValue.w)
      lea varValue(a6), a0  ; load address of varValue in A0
      move.l #15, d0        ; 15 bit of a word (sign bit)
      bclr d0, (a0)         ; positive the varValue
      move.w (a0), d0       ; return the varValue to D0
  • Format:
  • for register: 0000,3:Reg,110,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - one of the 8 data registers
  • for immediate data: 0000100010,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

BSET - Bit set

  • Test a bit in the destination operand and set Z flag appropriately, then clears the bit in destination.
  • Synopsis:
  • BSET Dn, <ea>
  • BSET #data, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .l
  • Destination[bit] ? -> CCR(Z); Destination[bit] = 1
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be addressed using Dn*, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
Dn* - long only for register; for other modes byte only.
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - not affected
  • Z - 1 if Destination[bit] == 0, 0 otherwise
  • V - not affected
  • C - not affected
  • Comments: if the destination is a data register, any of its 32 bits can be specified (32 modulo value). When the destination is a memory location, the operation must be a byte operation, and therefore the bit number is modulo 8. In all cases bit 0 of the operand is the least significant bit.
  • Examples:
   proc NegativeBytes(varValue.b)
      bset #7, varValue(a6)   ; negative the varValue
      move.w varValue(a6), d0 ; return the varValue to D0
  • Format:
  • for register: 0000,3:Reg,111,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - one of the 8 data registers
  • for immediate data: 0000100011,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

BTST - Bit test

  • Test a bit in the destination operand and set Z flag appropriately.
  • Synopsis:
  • BTST Dn, <ea>
  • BTST #data, <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .l
  • Destination[bit] ? -> CCR(Z)
  • Address Modes: <ea> can be addressed using Dn*, (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
Dn* - long only for register; for other modes byte only.
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - not affected
  • N - not affected
  • Z - 1 if Destination[bit] == 0, 0 otherwise
  • V - not affected
  • C - not affected
  • Comments: if the destination is a data register, any of its 32 bits can be specified (32 modulo value). When the destination is a memory location, the operation must be a byte operation, and therefore the bit number is modulo 8. In all cases bit 0 of the operand is the least significant bit.
  • Examples:
   proc RetrieveBit(varValue.w, varBitNo.w)
      move.w varBitNo(a6), d0 ; load BitNo value to D0
      btst d0, varValue(a6)   ; test BitNo from varValue
                              ; if bit == 1, Z == 0
                              ; if bit == 0, Z == 1
                              ; BNE is equal with: if(Z == 0) or if(Z != 1)
      bne ReturnOne           ; Branch Not Equal 0 (Z not equal 1) to ReturnOne 
                              ; else continue
      clr.w d0                ; return 0 to D0
      bra End                  
      move.w #1, d0           ; return 1 to D0   
  • Format:
  • for register: 0000,3:Reg,100,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Reg - one of the 8 data registers
  • for immediate data: 0000100000,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.


Shift and Rotation[edit | edit source]

A-Z IndexCategoriesTOP

  • ASL*, ASR - arithmetic shift to the left / right
  • LSL, LSR - logical shift to the left / right
  • ROL, ROR - logical rotation to the left / right
  • ROXL, ROXR - logical rotation to the left / right with extend
  • SWAP - swaps the content of a register

ASL - Arithmetic shift to left

  • Arithmetically shifts the bits of the operand to the left.
  • Synopsis:
  • ASL Dx, Dy
  • ASL #data, Dy
  • ASL <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Destination << ShiftCount -> Destination
C <───── OPERAND <───── 0

X <─────┘
  • Address Modes: <ea> supported mode are (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - is set according with the last bit shifted out of the operand. Not affected if ShifCount == 0
  • N - 1 if MSBi(result) == 1, cleared otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result == 0, cleared otherwise
  • V - 1 if MSBi(result) is changed at any time during the shift operation, cleared otherwise
  • C - set according with the last bit shifted out of the operand, 0 if ShifCount == 0
  • Comments: arithmetic shift to the left can be useful as efficient ways of performing multiplication of signed integers by powers of two. The carry bit (C) receives the last bit shifted out of the operand.
  • For register shifting: shift value specified is modulo 64.
  • For immediate shifting: shift range is 1 to 8.
  • For memory shifting: an operand can be shifted one bit only, and the operand is restricted to word.
  • Format:
  • for register/immediate 1110,3:Nr/Reg,0,2:Size,1:i/r,00,3:Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • for memory 1110000011,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Nr/Reg - the number of Dn register or number of shifting
  • Size
  • 00 byte operation
  • 01 word operation
  • 10 long operation
  • i/r
  • 0 - number of shifting is specified in the instruction as immediate data
  • 1 - number of shifting is specified in data register
  • Reg
  • For register shifting: indicates the number of data register on which shifting is applied.
  • For immediate shifting: indicates operand which should be shifted.
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

ASR - Arithmetic shift to right

  • Arithmetically shifts the bits of the operand to the right.
  • Synopsis:
  • ASR Dx, Dy
  • ASR #data, Dy
  • ASR <ea>
  • Operands size: .b, .w, .l
  • Destination >> ShiftCount -> Destination
┌──> OPERAND ──────> C
│ │ │
└───┘ └──────> X
  • Address Modes: <ea> supported mode are (An), (An)+, -(An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - is set according with the last bit shifted out of the operand. Not affected if ShifCount == 0
  • N - 1 if MSBi(result) == 1, cleared otherwise
  • Z - 1 if result == 0, cleared otherwise
  • V - 1 if MSBi(result) is changed at any time during the shift operation, cleared otherwise
  • C - set according with the last bit shifted out of the operand, 0 if ShifCount == 0
  • Comments: arithmetic shift to the right can be useful as efficient ways of performing division of signed integers by powers of two. The carry bit (C) receives the last bit shifted out of the operand. Instead of being filled with all 0s, as in logical shift right, when shifting to the right, the leftmost bit (sign bit) is replicated to fill in all the vacant positions.
  • For register shifting: shift value specified is modulo 64.
  • For immediate shifting: shift range is 1 to 8.
  • For memory shifting: an operand can be shifted one bit only, and the operand is restricted to word.
  • Format:
  • for register/immediate 1110,3:Nr/Reg,0,2:Size,1:i/r,00,3:Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • for memory 1110000011,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • Nr/Reg - the number of Dn register or number of shifting
  • Size
  • 00 byte operation
  • 01 word operation
  • 10 long operation
  • i/r
  • 0 - number of shifting is specified in the instruction as immediate data
  • 1 - number of shifting is specified in data register
  • Reg
  • For register shifting: indicates the number of data register on which shifting is applied.
  • For immediate shifting: indicates operand which should be shifted.
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.


BCD Arithmetic[edit | edit source]

A-Z IndexCategoriesTOP

  • ABCD* - adds two BCD values
  • SBCD* - subtracts two BCD values
  • NBCD* - negates a BCD value

ABCD - Adds Binary Coded Decimal values

  • Adds the source operand to the destination operand along with extend bit.
  • Synopsis:
  • ABCD Dy, Dx
  • ABCD -(Ay), -(Ax)
  • Operands size: .b
  • SourceBCD + DestinationBCD + CCR(X) -> DestinationBCD
  • Address Modes:
  • Data register to data register: Dn
  • Memory to memory: -(An)
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - contents value of C bit
  • N - undefined
  • Z - 0 if result is nonzero, unchanged otherwise
  • V - undefined
  • C - 1 if a decimal carry occurs, 0 otherwise
  • Comments: the addition is performed using binary coded decimal arithmetic. This operation is a byte operation only. When you add BCD numbers stored in many bytes, you must start at the highest address (the LSB in the BCD number) an go upwards. The X flag is set if the addition results in a carry, which is added to the next byte.
  • Format: 1100,3:Rx,10000,1:R/M,3:Ry
  • Rx - destination register.
  • Ry - source register.
  • R/M:
  • 0 - data register
  • 1 - address register


Program Control[edit | edit source]

A-Z IndexCategoriesTOP

  • Bcc, BRA - conditional branches
  • DBcc - conditional loops
  • Scc - conditional sets/clears a byte
  • BSR, JSR - procedures calls
  • RTS - return from a procedure
  • JMP - absolute jump
  • RTR - restore PC and CCR from the stack
  • TST - tests an operand for 0

Bcc - Branch if condition code

  • Branch to a label if certain flags are set.
  • Synopsis:
  • Bcc <label>
  • Operands size: .b, .w
  • if cc == TRUE branch to <label>
  • PC + offset(label) -> PC
  • Address Modes: Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR): not affected.
  • Comments: if condition code is true then program execution continues at PC + offset of the label. Offset, signed value, is the relative value in bytes which separates the Bcc instruction of mentioned label. It not need a special address method. You specify a label, which the compile will change to a relative address, byte or word, depending on how far you will jump.
  • Examples:
   ; a for loop
   ; for(i=10; i>0; i--)
   move #10, d0   ; d0 = 10
      subq #1, d0  ; d0--
      tst d0      ; test for 0
      bne MyLabel ; if not equal with 0 jump to MyLabel
   ; real code
   ; disassembled
   move.w #10, d0   ; 
   subq.w #1, d0     ; <- here, former MyLabel
   tst.w d0         ; 
   bne.s $FA        ; relative offset to the former MyLabel
  • Format: 0110,4:cc,8:offset
  • cc field values:
0000 BRA BRanch Always 0001 not used
0010 BHI Branch if Higher Than if Z == 0 && C == 0 0011 BLS Branch if Lower or Same if Z == 1 && C == 1
0100 BCC Branch if Carry Clear if C == 0 0101 BCS Branch if Carry Set if C == 1
0110 BNE Branch if Not Equal if Z == 0 0111 BEQ Branch if EQual if Z == 1
1000 BVC Branch if oVerflow is Clear if V == 0 1001 BVS Branch if oVerflow is Set if V == 1
1010 BPL Branch if PLus if N == 0 1011 BMI Branch if MInus if N == 1
1100 BGE Branch if Greater or Equal if N == V 1101 BLT Branch if Less Than if N != V
1110 BGT Branch if Greater Than if N == V && Z == 0 1111 BLE Branch if Less or Equal if N != V && Z == 1
  • offset specifies the size of offset operand, used to address <label>:
  • $00 - a byte value for offset
  • $FF - a word value for offset
  • OnbA use:

BRA - Branch always

  • Branch always to a label.
  • Synopsis:
  • BRA <label>
  • Operands size: .b, .w
  • PC + offset(label) -> PC
  • Address Modes: Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR): not affected.
  • Comments: always program execution continues at PC + offset of the label. Offset, signed value, is the relative value in bytes which separates the BRA instruction of mentioned label. It not need a special address method. You specify a label, which the compile will change to a relative address, byte or word, depending on how far you will jump.
  • Examples:
   proc GetSign(var.w)
      tst.w var(a6)       ; test for 0
      bne NonZero         ; Branch Not Equal 0 to NonZero
                          ; (Z == 0 -> we have a nonzero value, Z flag is cleared)
                          ; else continue execution
      move.w #0, d0       ; return 0 to D0 
      bra End             ; branch to end of procedure
      bgt ReturnPositive  ; Branch Greater Than to ReturnPositive 
                          ; (N == V ( = 0)), we have a positive value, N flag is cleared)
                          ; else continue execution
     ReturnNegative       ; formal label just for easy understanding
      move.w #-1, d0      ; return -1 to D0 
      bra End             ; branch to end of procedure
     ReturnPositive       ; 
      move.w #1, d0       ; return 1 to D0
     End                  ; end of procedure
  • Format: 01100000,8:offset
  • offset specifies the size of offset operand, used to address <label>:
  • $00 - a byte value for offset
  • $FF - a word value for offset

BSR - Branch to subroutine

  • Push the address (long) immediately following the BSR instruction on the stack, then branch to subroutine.
  • Synopsis:
  • BSR label(PC)
  • Operands size: .b, .w
  • SP - 4 -> SP, (PC) -> SP
  • PC + offset(label) -> PC
  • Address Modes: Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR): not affected.
  • Comments: program execution continues at PC + offset of the label. Label is referred by PC register. Offset, signed value, is the relative value in bytes which separates the BSR instruction of mentioned label. It not need a special address method. You specify a label, which the compile will change to a relative address, byte or word, depending on how far you will jump.
  • Format: 01100001,8:offset
  • offset specifies the size of offset operand, used to address <label>:
  • $00 - a byte value for offset
  • $FF - a word value for offset

DBcc -
JSR - Jump to subroutine

  • Push the address (long) immediately following the JSR instruction onto the stack, then jump to subroutine.
  • Synopsis:
  • JSR <ea>
  • Operands size: n/a
  • SP - 4 -> SP, (PC) -> SP
  • PC + <ea> -> PC
  • Address Modes: (An), (d16, An), (d8, An, Xi), (d16, PC), (d8, PC, Xi), Abs.W, Abs.L
  • Flags(CCR): not affected.
  • Comments: program execution continues at PC + <ea>.
  • Examples:
    ;standard use (harder)
    AddProcedure         ; label of procedure for easy call
     link a6, #0         ; push a6 to stack, creates local frame stack referred by a6
     move.w 8(a6), d0    ; load first word parameter in D0
     add.w 10(a6), d0    ; add second word parameter to D0
     unlk a6             ; free a6 frame stack, restore a6 from stack
     rts                 ; return, restore old PC value
    move.w #2, -(sp)     ; put 2, as second parameter on the stack
    move.w #3, -(sp)     ; put 3, as first parameter on the stack
    jsr AddProcedure(pc) ; save PC on the stack, then load address of AddProcedure
                         ; execute AddProcedure
    addq.l #4, sp        ; restore stack
    tst.w d0             ; using return value from D0
    ;OnbA implementation
    proc AddProcedure(var1.w, var2.w)
       move.w var1(a6), d0
       add.w var2(a6), d0
    call AddProcedure(#3.w, #2.w)
    tst.w d0
  • Format: 0100111010,6:3Mode3Reg (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • 3Mode3Reg - codifies address modes of the <ea>; see the table above.

Scc -

System Control[edit | edit source]

A-Z IndexCategoriesTOP

CHK2 -
MOVE from USP -

CCR and SR[edit | edit source]

A-Z IndexCategoriesTOP

ANDI to CCR - logical AND immediate to CCR

  • Perform a bit-wise AND operation with the immediate data and CCR as destination and stores the result in the CCR.
  • Synopsis:
  • ANDI #data, CCR
  • Operands size: .b
  • Immediate Data & CCR -> CCR
  • Address Modes: CCR
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - 0 if Immediate Data[4] == 0, unchanged otherwise
  • N - 0 if Immediate Data[3] == 0, unchanged otherwise
  • Z - 0 if Immediate Data[2] == 0, unchanged otherwise
  • V - 0 if Immediate Data[1] == 0, unchanged otherwise
  • C - 0 if Immediate Data[0] == 0, unchanged otherwise
  • Comments: the size of immediate data must be a byte.
  • Format: 0000001000111100 (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • OnbA use: - not implemented. (ccr or CCR syntax not recognized by OnbA)
    A-Z Index - CCR and SRCategories

ANDI to SR - logical AND immediate to SR

  • Perform a bit-wise AND operation with the immediate data and SR as destination and stores the result in the SR.
  • Synopsis:
  • ANDI #data, SR
  • Operands size: .b
  • Immediate Data & SR -> SR
  • Address Modes: SR
  • Flags(CCR):
  • X - 0 if Immediate Data[4] == 0, unchanged otherwise
  • N - 0 if Immediate Data[3] == 0, unchanged otherwise
  • Z - 0 if Immediate Data[2] == 0, unchanged otherwise
  • V - 0 if Immediate Data[1] == 0, unchanged otherwise
  • C - 0 if Immediate Data[0] == 0, unchanged otherwise
  • Comments: the size of immediate data must be a word. All bits of status register are affected. When execute a SR instruction you must set the S-bit (bit 13) first.
  • Format: 0000001001111100 (16 bits, first word of the instruction)
  • OnbA use: - not implemented. (sr or SR syntax not recognized by OnbA)
    A-Z IndexCCR and SRCategories

EORI to SR -
MOVE from CCR -
MOVE from SR -
MOVE to SR -
ORI to CCR -
ORI to SR -

A-Z Index[edit | edit source]


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