User:Dom walden/Bivariate Generating Functions

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Combinatorial class = C

Combinatorial parameter = \chi or \zeta

P(X = k) = #(y \in C | X(y) = k) / #C

So X, \chi, \zeta is both a variable and function...

Or, P(E) = \mu(E) = \sum_{e \in E} p(e)

f(x) (pdf)

F(x) = P(X \leq x) = \int_{-\infty}^x f(u)du (cdf)

For continuous variable:

Fourier/characteristic: \lambda_X(s) = \int_{\R} e^{sx} f(x) dx

Laplace: \phi_X(t) = \int_{\R} e^{itx} f(x) dx

(I don't necessarily believe the above...)

X* = \zeta - E(\zeta) / \sqrt{V(\zeta)}

If Y = X - \mu / \sigma then

\phi_Y(t) = e^{-\mu it} \phi_X(t/\sigma)

\lambda_Y(s) = e^{-\mu s} \lambda_X(s/\sigma)

Characteristic function of standard normal:

1/\sqrt{2\pi} \int_R e^{itz} e^{-z^2/2} dz

Discrete limit law

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This applies when the mean and standard deviation of the random variable remain finite.


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If is a subset of the unit disc with at least one point of accumulation in the interior of the disc. If , and pointwise for each


and [1]


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Applying Vitali's theorem, we take the sequence to be and to be the unit disc. All are analytic and bounded on (due to ). The theorem assumes that converges to in which has an accumulation point in .

Vitali's theorem states uniformly converges to on any compact subset of , which we will take as the disc and use Cauchy's coefficient formula:


Vitali's theorem

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Let be a sequence of functions, all analytic on an open connected set and for all and in .

If the sequence converges on a subset of with a point of accumulation in , then converges uniformly on every compact subset of .[3]



We want to prove that each converges to a limit.

We start with a disc centred at the origin of radius and point of accumulation as the origin. Then

Let be a point where the sequence converges. Then

because, by Schwarz's lemma, and .

We choose such that the first term is arbitrarily small and large enough that the second term is arbitrarily small. Therefore, converges to a limit.

Next, we define

For . converges to a limit at as both and converge to a limit. We repeat the argument above, which proved that converges to a limit, to prove that also converges to a limit. We keep repeating this to prove that converges for all .

Since each term of converges to a limit, also converges to a limit for . If we repeat the argument with another disc centred at any limit point (e.g. ), we can extend to any region bounded by .[4]

Schwarz's lemma

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If is analytic and regular(?) for , for and , then



is regular for and on the circle . By the maximum modulus theorem(?) this inequality holds also inside the circle. Because we multiply both sides of the inequality by which gives us our lemma.[6]


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The number of singleton cycles in a permutation of length is given by .

For each we have a singularity at of order 1. If we treat as a constant and apply our estimate for meromorphic functions

as .


as .[7]

Continuous limit law

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This applies when the mean and standard deviation of the random variable tend to infinity.

There are three cases/theorems:

  • Meromorphic
  • Singularity
  • Saddle

Meromorphic schema

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Let be bivariate analytic at with non-negative coefficients. Let be meromorphic in with only a simple pole for positive . Assume:

  1. Meromorphic perturbation: there exists and such that in the domain :
    where and are analytic in and and is a simple zero of .
  2. Non-degeneracy: .
  3. Variability: .

Then, the standardised random variable converges to the Gaussian variable, with speed of convergence and mean and standard deviation asymptotically linear in .[8]


Construct annular region composed of two concentric circles and of radius () and , respectively. By the global Cauchy formula[9] and residue theorem, for in the annular region and in a small enough domain around 1,

By Cauchy's inequality,

where is a finite constant, due to the fact that is non-zero on and is analytic and therefore bounded...


meaning it meets the conditions of the Quasi-powers theorem.[10]


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uniformly for in a fixed neighbourhood of and each analytic in . Assume also


uniformly for . Then

converges in distribution to a Gaussian with mean 0 and variance 1.[11]


Quasi-powers theorem

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Let the be non-negative discrete random variables and be probability generating functions. Assume uniformly in a fixed complex neighbourhood of for

where are analytic at and . Assume satisfies the "variability condition"

Then the mean and variance of satisfy





Convert to a Laplace transform



Continuity of integral transforms

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Theorem from Flajolet and Sedgewick[14].


Also known as Lévy's continuity theorem.

If and have Fourier transforms and , respectively, and has a continuous distribution function, then

if and only if, pointwise for each real


Assume and have Laplace transforms and , respectively, defined on . If pointwise for each real



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Pointwise convergence

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A sequence of functions is said to converge pointwise to on a set if for each point and there exists a number such that


Compared to uniform convergence, is dependent on both and . In other words, as the changes the may have to change as well.

Uniform convergence

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A sequence of functions is said to converge uniformly to on a set if for any there exists a number such that

for and for all

Compared to pointwise convergence, depends only on . In other words, the same holds for all .

Fourier transform

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Laplace transform

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  1. Flajolet and Sedgewick 2009, pp. 624.
  2. Flajolet and Sedgewick 2009, pp. 624.
  3. Flajolet and Sedgewick 2009, pp. 624. Titchmarsh 1939, pp. 168-169.
  4. Titchmarsh 1939, pp. 168-169.
  5. Titchmarsh 1939, pp. 168.
  6. Titchmarsh 1939, pp. 168.
  7. Flajolet and Sedgewick 2009, pp. 625-626.
  8. Flajolet and Sedgewick 2009, pp. 656.
  9. Lang 1999, pp. 145.
  10. Flajolet and Sedgewick 2009, pp. 656-657.
  11. Flajolet and Sedgewick 2009, pp. 690.
  12. Flajolet and Sedgewick 2009, pp. 645-646.
  13. Flajolet and Sedgewick 2009, pp. 646-647.
  14. Flajolet and Sedgewick 2009, pp. 639-640.


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  • Flajolet, Philippe; Sedgewick, Robert (2009). Analytic Combinatorics (PDF). Cambridge University Press.
  • Lang, Serge (1999). Complex Analysis (4th ed.). Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
  • Titchmarsh, E. C. (1939). The Theory of Functions (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.