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Applications for computers are a necessity for everyone and even more important for those in academia. Computer application software is an interface between the user of the computer and the operating system of the computer. This software allows an infinite number of uses for a computer. Typical computer applications would include: word processors, spreadsheets, databases, media players, presentation software, and e-mail.

Word processors, next to e-mail, are likely the most used computer application by students. Word prcessors allow for assignments to be legible, formatted, spell-checked, and printed. It allows students to concentrate more on the content of their projects and focus less on the grammar and spelling.

Spreadsheets are a necessity for all business students. Spreadsheets are used to tabulate numbers and create graphs and charts. With the built-in calculation functionality it saves students the possible errors in manual calculations and a number changed on the sheet will change all the connected numbers in real time.

Many classes now also require Microsoft Powerpoint for in class presentations. Presentation applications like PowerPoint provide a relatively simple, professional format of project presentation. By creating individual slides, a student has full control over the visual and audio aspects of their presentation. Again this allows for more concentration on the content and less focus on the presentation display. It also allows for quick, easy, and possibly frequent changes to content.

Many educational institutions such as colleges and universities now use web portals for personalized access to course materials, grades, fees as well as other information.

The most ubiquitous application not only for students and academics, but for the world at large is E-mail or Electronic Mail. Though many primary and secondary schools frown on free mail services. Many of them have set their firewalls set to prevent access to these services. The schools have purchased their own domains and created their own E-mail services for their students and faculty. E-mail allows for near instant letter communication with their professors, other students, and the school administration.


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Programming Languages History

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The first programming language developed was FORTRAN in November 1954 which progressed to FORTRAN I in October of 1956, FORTRAN II in 1957 and a form of FORTRAN is still used today. There have been several programming languages that were created from scratch. Fortran was the first one, then there was: B-O in 1957 which transformed into the better known COBAL in 1958, LISP arrived in 1958, APL in 1960, Snobol in 1962, JOSS in 1964 which has morphed into M ANSI ISO, Forth in 1968, sh in 1969, Prolog in 1970, ML in 1973 and B in 1981. (ref#1). All other marketed languages can have their history traced back to one or more of these languages at some point in time.

HTML or "Hyper Text Markup Language" a programming language mostly used in the creation of Web Pages. A markup language simply denotes a form of programming in which there is text with extra information relating to that text. With HTML this is accomplished by using tags, which are commands in brackets like <>. Putting a B in the brackets before the text and a /b in brackets after the text will bold that text. HTML gained wide acceptance in the creation of web pages because it is simple to use and understand. Most of the web is primarily text based.

XMLor "Extesible Markup Language" is an advancement over HTML. It has had a tremendous impact on the internet, surfing and the transmission of data. It allows two computers to communicate with each other. RSSor Really Simple Syndication allows for applications to update automatically when updated by the webmaster. This incredibly powerful feature has helped the expansion of blogs (web logs) which are frequently used as online diaries and vblogs (video web logs) which are blgs with a video component.

Java is a programming language that allows interactive web pages. It is has its language taken from C and C++ but is much more simpler. With Java animation is also relatively easily done.

OS Classifications

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There are several types of Operating Systems which can be catagorized. Multi-user operating systems two or more users to run programs at the same time. Mount Royal College uses a multi-user operating system for the school. It can handle hundreds, if not thousands of concurrent users. A Multiprocessing OS can allow a single program to run on more than one CPU. Multitasking OS's allows more than one program to be running at the same time. Multithreading allows for different parts of the same program to be running concurrently. And finally, Real Time operating systems have an instant response to input.

Current Implementation

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Everyone is aware of operating systems and their function to translate applications into instructions that the computer can understand. However, operating systems are much more prevelant than most people suspect. They now persist not only in laptops or desktops, but in a wide variety of other devices. Operating systems have extreme versatility, especially with today's technologies. They also have large scaleability, which means that operating systems can be simplified greatly or have features even the programmers may not be aware of. Operating systems now are used on routers, PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) and mobile phones as well as a multitude of other computers including laundry machines and refridgerators. This does make sense as the computer in a typical modern cell phone is now more powerful than a desktop computer from 20 years ago. It also allows for customization of cellphones such as individualized rings and wallpapers.


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Current operating systems have numerous 'holes' in their programming. These vulnerabilities make it possible for people to 'attack' and/or use your computer with, or more commonly without, your knowledge. Microsoft has well documented weaknesses, but that could have much to do with the number of users who are interested in the operating system, and the amount of attention it receives since it is the most common operating systemin the world. There are methods to close these holes. One of the newer abilities of well known operating systems is the ability to update the software either manually or automatically. These updates are normally downloaded to your computer from the internet and installed on your computer, basically changing the structure of the programming to make the operating system more secure. Another option is a program like Norton anti virus. It is one of the most common, but there are many other choices the consumer has the ability to choose from. Anti viruses protects your computer from outside dangers, such as hackers and scammers to viruses. A hacker can log onto your computer and see all your personal information, and possible have access to even your banking information. Viruses are common in today's world, they come from recieving files, downloading things off the internet, or even visiting certain sites. Virus programs work with your operating systems starting up when you start the computer and constantly check everything the computer does for anything that might be a threat.


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Tape Drives

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Tape drives research began in 1949 by IBM. The whole process was to find a suitable replacement for punch cards. The necessities being the replacement should be compact, faster, cheaper and reusable. The big difference between a tape drive and a audio cassette tape is in the machinery. The drives themselves are much quicker and more accurate than a home cassette player. The tapes store data in a continuous string of bits, also known as, sequential data, and the need to find a particular part of the information that is being searched for requires a mechanically efficient and accurate machine. They are able to fast-forward and rewind to a particular spot on the tape with high speed and accuracy. This is the image of the large reel-to-reel machines seen in old television and movies, and are still used today for their cost effectiveness for backups. Backups are the recording of data from a computer hard drive to another secondary storage device. Although compact discs are gaining in popularity, tape drives are still widely available. The improvement in tape drives has been dramatic since their inception. The original tape drive, IBM 701 Tape Drive, could store 100 bpi (bits per inch), run at a speed of 70 ips (inches per second) and could be as long as 1400 feet. Since then tapes have evolved to run 200, 556, 800, 1600, and even 6250 bpi. They run at greater speeds than original, and have lengths up to 3600 feet. Tape drives were at their prime up until the 1990's. Then the flexibility, speed, and storage abilities of hard drives overtook tape drives. As mentioned earlier, tape drives are still available, but are now relegated to inexpensive backups of vast amounts of data.


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Wireless Mouse

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The classical wired mouse, although it has changed connectors to the computer, is still the most used type of mouse. However, the new wireless technologies are allowing for wireless mice to become more prevelant.

Most wireless mice use radio frequency (RF) technologies to communicate information to your computer. The RF technology used is frequently the Bluetooth technology. It doesn't matter whether the mouse uses normal RF technology or the standards associated with Bluetooth. Each requires two main components: a transmitter and a receiver. Here's how they work:

1. The transmitter is housed in the mouse. It sends an electromagnetic (radio) signal that encodes the information (possibly by Bluetooth) about the mouse's movements and the buttons you click.

2. The receiver, which is connected to your computer, accepts the signal, decodes it and passes it on to the mouse driver software and your computer's operating system.

3. The receiver can be a separate device that plugs into your computer, a special card that you place in an expansion slot, or a built-in component. Many laptop computers now come with built-in Bluetooth capabilities.

One of the biggest advantages of radio frequency over another well tested technolgy for short distance wireless communications, infrared, is the lack of need for a line-of-site transmission. Radio frequencies work in a sphere from the transmitter.

An important note to wireless mice is the necessity of being "paired" with it's receiver. Pairing means that the devices are both operating on the same frequency, same channel, and use a common identification code. The reason pairing is so important is to filter out interference from RF devices and other sources.


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In 1987 the National Science Foundation (NSF) created the NSFNET (National Science Foundation NETwork)which was the first hight-speed network backbone in 1987. There were 170 smaller networks that were connected by a T1 line and was able to transmit at the incredible speed of 1.544 Mbps). This speed is fantastic due to the fact that most modems of the time operated at 300bps, if a computer had a modem. Although the National Science Foundation began the projoct it worked closely with IBM, MCI and Merit. In 1988, in cooperation, these companies developed a 45Mbps backbone. This is known as a T3 line.

Backbones are the basic infrastructure of the internet. They are high speed lines that directly connect large hubs, companies and academic institutes. Typically trunk line backbones are made of fibre optic cables. Many of these fibre optic cables are bundled together to increase capacity. The rating system for fibreobtic cables is designated with OC for optical carrier. For example an OC-3 has a transmitting capacity of 155Mbps whereas an OC-48 can transmit 2488Mbps (2.488Gbps). An OC-48 is about 44,430 times faster than a standard 56Kbps modem still available today. This huge network of backbones between countries governments, educational institutions, research institutions and companies operate their own backbones which interconnect. The entire network is a gigantic agreement between these institutions sprawling around the world allowing the freedom of intercommunication.


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A form of artificial intelligence is being used more and more frequently in diagnosis. There are all types of areas where A.I. can determine whether the behaviour of different systems is correct. Initially, the easiest systems for computer intelligence to calculate whether systems are being run to specifications is other computers. Automobiles are a prime example of this. There are increasing numbers of sensors for every new model year in automobiles. A computer can be plugged in and, after copying the information recorded by the sensors, make a determination as to any problems that fall outside the normal range of use. It is important for computer system algorithms to be able to determine which part of a system is failing, where that part is located, the type of fault in the part and many systems now provide the steps to fix the problems. All diagnosis is based on observations which are taken by different sensors.

A major determinant to the effectiveness of A.I. to accurately diagnose problems is the base of knowledge it works with. The number of variables involved in even simple diagnoses like an automobile are large. Then for each variable there is a different weight applied to each. Then each weight can change over time. These calculations become more and more complex the more variable the subject. The initial knowledge usually comes from people who are experts in a particular field. However one of the major tasks of the creation of A.I. is the development of intuition which mankind is able to utilize.

In time it is likely that artificial intelligence will be able to diagnoses with a high degree of accuracy, not only technical systems with the necessary number of sensors, but organic matter as well. Walk into a doctors office and let the wall know how you are feeling. Next thing you know the room speaks to you and tells you both your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.


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Data Mining

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Data Mining is a process that uses rules of association with the collection of vast amounts of data. It incorportates statistics, data collection and recognition of patterns and trends. The most common type of data mining today is the use of programs within programs that record computer habits, websites visited and much more information about both the user and computer. The analysis of the data provides profiles that are used by all kinds of organizations. Frequently the programs to do the data mining are included in purchased software and downloaded software. However it is also frequently installed on a computer through the use of a virus or worm or other such malicious tool.

There is no inherant danger to data mining. It is the use of the information that is most troubling. When such techniques can include information like credit card numbers and bank accounts there is an obvious troubling potential for the use of the date. What is meant by no inherant danger is the software data mining collection does not damage a computer, it just records what the computer is doing.

One of the major reasons for collecting such vast amounts of infomation is for resale. Different on-line merchants would like to know where and when each online shopper is spending their money. Then they can use that informatio to direct their marketing and timing to a more dedicated market.

The data that is mined, or collected, can come from a vast array of sources. As stated above, the most common form of data mining is the infection of a computer. It can also be extracted from POS (Point Of Sale) transactions, all kinds of data bases, online resources, articles, etc. Although this is an easy way to gather information there is also off-line sources and databases that can be included through the old-style manual data entry.

[edit] Fusion/cleaning

With all the information the recieve the company must filter through the information to find what the need

[edit] Data

Meta-Data is data about data; it describes how and when and by whom a particular set of data was collected and how it’s formatted. Meta-Data is essential for understanding information stored in data warehouse

[edit] Warehouse

Data warehouse is a special database of cleaned up data and Meta-data. Both the data and the Meta-Data are sent to the data warehouse.


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Paypal is a third party e-commerce company. They are capable of debiting and crediting credit cards and bank accounts for those with an account. Although credit card or banking information is not required for all services Paypal provides, they are required for many of them. Paypal is one of the world's primary methods of online payment with more than 100 million accounts worldwide.

Paypal allows for online payments for individuals and businesses to transfer funds electronically and securely. There is powerful encryption software that is used to allow people to make these financial transactions. The funds that are transferred by paypal are held in a Paypal account until the person with control of the account specifies what are to be done with the balance. They can be credited to the credit cards or bank accounts set up with the paypal account, or can be used for other puchases and transactions through the paypal system.

Paypal is especially good for use on online auctions, purchases of goods and services, or to make donations. It is a secure third party operator which limits the amount of personal information that must be passed around for normal internet transactions. The only information that is given is a paypal account number and all financial transactions are accomplished by paypal. It can even sent cash.

There is now some competition to Paypal such as "C2it" and "Certa Pay" (A canadian company).

Repetitive Strain Injury

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Also commonly known by "RSI", Repetitive Strain Injuries are the result of repeated physical movements which can damage tendons, nerves, muscles and other soft body tissures. There is no limitation on the occupations which this sydrome is related to. It can be anybody form musicians, to computer techs, to factory workers.

When it comes to computers these injuries seem to be causing an epidemic directly related to the increase in computer use. Especially affecting the hands, arms, and shoulders. One of the main culprets of Repetitive Strain Injuries is the use of a mouse or trackballs. If there is an initial injury, draging the mouse slowly actually increases the damage. There is also a problem with the thousands of repeated keystrokes which work the same muscles in the same way over and over, causing the injury. The typing technique and body position is extremely important. Incorrect positioning leads to unnecessary stress on the tendons and nerves in the hand, wrist, arms, and even the shoulders and neck. Lack of adequate rest and breaks and using excessive force almost guarantee trouble.

What are the Symptoms?

 1) Tightness, discomfort, stiffness, soreness or burning in the hands, wrists, fingers, forearms, or elbows
 2) Tingling, coldness, or numbness in the hands
 3) Clumsiness or loss of strength and coordination in the hands
 4) Pain that wakes you up at night
 5) Feeling a need to massage your hands, wrists, and arms
 6) Pain in the upper back, shoulders, or neck associated with using the computer.

Object Oriented Programming

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Object Oriented Programming

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OOP (Object Oriented Programming)uses objects which are self-contained items that have a data type, a data structue, and can also have the data. For example an object might be road objects, vehicle objects, landscape objects which could be part of a driving simulation.

The object is self contained in that it only has necessary data sent to it, and the results are sent back. To change a current object takes a little more work. Especially if the source code is not available for the object, only the functionality. The objects have both functions and data and can be related to other objects.

One of the principal advantages of object-oriented programming techniques over procedural programming techniques is that they enable programmers to create modules that do not need to be changed when a new type of object is added. A programmer can simply create a new object that exhibits many of its features taken from existing objects. This makes object-oriented programs extremely easier to modify.

To perform object-oriented programming, one needs an object-oriented programming language (OOPL). Java, C++ and Smalltalk are three of the more popular languages, and there are also object-oriented versions of Pascal.

Refresh Rate vs. Sampling Rate

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Refresh Rate

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The refresh rate refers to monitors, televisions and other visual display devices. It is also known as: "vertical refresh rate", or "vertical scan rate for CRTs. It refers to the number of times in a second that a display is fully lit up. For a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) this is the number of times the ray draws from the top corner of the screen to the opposite bottom corner, in one second. It is measured in hertz. It is this phenomenon that causes the bar on a screen that is seen on a television show as the refresh rate is not enough to compensate for the intermediate frames taken by the camera.

This is in contrast to a frame rate, which is the number of frames shown per second. Whereas if a monitor has a 48Hz refresh rate and the show is at a 24 frame rate, then the screen will be lit up twice for each frame that appears on the screen.

Sampling Rate

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The sampling rate for audio is the equivilant to the refresh rate for video. There are instances that the refresh rate is called the sampling rate interchangeably. In audio, this is the number of times a second that the sound input is recorded and saved. The sample rate of an audio recording is a good indicator of the overall sound quality. With the same measurement unit as the refresh rate, it is a noticeably higher number for a sampling rate for audio. Here are some rates and what they are commonly used for: