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About Me

I am Carly and I live in Chester, VA. I live with my husband, Lee, and our dog Zeak. Both are handfuls.

Our dog Zeak
Our dog Zeak

We were married this past November so I guess I am still part of the "Newly Wed" group. I love to sing and I am a HUGE Karaoke fanatic, so I of course had Karaoke at my wedding. This is my first semester with ODU and I am in the Distance Learning program. I graduated from Longwood Universtiy in 2004 with a BA in Theatre. I have been involved with Theatre and Music most of my life. I ended up not pursuing it after college and jumped from job to job. My husband and family suggested that I go back to school to become a teacher. Now, throughout most of my life I had stated that I would never become a teacher. I kept saying that I didn't like school when I was there and why would I choose a profession where I had to be there all day. Also, I just didn't think I had the patience for it. All of this was coming out of my mouth when I was younger. Well, as time passed the idea of teaching crept back into my head and I started to seriously consider the matter. The more and more I thought about it the better I liked the idea. So, after many discussions with myself I decided to do this and I am very excited to begin this journey. Currently I am not working, but I am trying to start substitue teaching in my local area. When all is said and done, I would like to teach 4th grade. I recently had the opportunity to sit in with a friend's 4th grade class and I just fell in love with the whole atmosphere. By the end of the day I was more excited about teaching than I had been before. I look forward to the rest of this process and pray that I will be an incredible teacher.

My Educational Philosophy

my music teacher at my wedding
my music teacher at my wedding

When I was in school I was lucky enough to have this one teacher who meant the world to me. She was my music teacher and she taught me way more than just music. I believe that she helped me grow into the person I am today. My Philosophy is that we, as teachers, should be mentors to our students. We should not only teach them academic lessons but life lessons as well. I want to interact with the students, be that through technology, group activities or discussions, peer reviews, etc. When I teach I want to talk with my students and not at them. I never want there to be a wall between us where they do not feel like they can connect with me. I want my students to look back, as I do, and remember me for teaching them and listening to them and for being there when they needed help. I am still close with my music teacher and she even helped me when I was debating about going back to school. Even after all these years, she is still guiding and believing in me.