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This page is intended to supply a list of some useful symbols separated by topic so they can be found quickly without the need to search in the Unicode reference tables.


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§ 00A7 section
 00B6 paragraph
· 00B7 interpunct, middle dot
¼ 00BC one-quarter
½ 00BD one-half
¾ 00BE three-quarters
 2012 figure dash
 2013 en dash
 2014 em dash
 2015 quotation dash
 2018 left single quote
 2019 right single quote, apostrophe
 201C left double quote
 201D right double quote
 2020 dagger
 2021 double dagger
 2022 bullet
 2026 ellipsis
 203D interrobang
 2042 asterism
 2150 one-seventh
 2151 one-ninth
 2152 one-tenth
 2153 one-third
 2154 two-thirds
 2155 one-fifth
 2156 two-fifths
 2157 three-fifths
 2158 four-fifths
 2159 one-sixth
 215A five-sixths
 215B one-eighth
 215C three-eighths
 215D five-eighths
 215E seven-eighths
 215F fraction numerator one
 2190 left arrow
 2191 up arrow
 2192 right arrow
 2193 down arrow
 23CE carriage return symbol
 232B erase to the left (backspace)
 2423 space symbol
 25A1 square
 2605 starf, bigstar, black star
 2606 white star
 26E4 pentagram
 2610 ballot box
 2611 ballot box with check
 2612 ballot box with X
 261B black right pointing finger
 261E white right pointing finger
 269C fleur-de-lys
 2713 check mark
 2717 cross mark
 2E3A two-em dash
 2E3B three-em dash
 3003 ditto

Special Typography Symbols

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 00A0 non-breaking space - invisible forced space.
- 00AD soft hyphen - is shown where it is inserted in a word if the word is too long for the line and breaks just after the soft hyphen. Otherwise the hyphen is invisible. In several wordprocessors soft hyphen can be entered by holding the control key and at the same time pressing the hyphen key, and is shown as a hyphen with gray background.
 200B zero-width space - provides a non-printing word separator, an invisible line break opportunity
 200C zero-width non-joiner - non-printing character to separate two characters that would otherwise produce a ligature


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Unary operators

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√ 221A radic, Sqrt, radical, square root
∛ 221B cube root
∜ 221C fourth root
± 00B1 plus or minus
∓ 2213 minus or plus
′ 2032 prime, derivative
″ 2033 Prime, double prime
‴ 2034 tprime, triple prime
∏ 220F N-ary product
∑ 2211 N-ary summation

Binary operators

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− 2212 minus
× 00D7 multiplication sign
⋅ 22C5 sdot
∕ 2215 division slash
÷ 00f7 division sign


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∝ 221D prop, propto, Proportional, vprop, varpropto, proportional to
∣ 2223 divides
∤ 2224 does not divide
≃ 2243 asymptotically equal to
≄ 2244 not asymptotically equal to
≅ 2245 approximately equal to
≆ 2246 approximately but not actually equal to
≇ 2247 neither approximately nor actually equal to
≈ 2248 almost equal to
≉ 2249 not almost equal to
≜ 225C trie, triangleq, delta equal to
≝ 225D equal to by definition
≟ 225F equest, questioned equal to
≠ 2260 ne, NotEqual, not equal to
≡ 2261 equiv, Congruent, equivalent to
≤ 2264 less-than or equal to
≥ 2265 greater-than or equal to
≪ 226A much less than
≫ 226B much greater than

Calculus, Vector Calculus, Differential Equations

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∞ 221E infinity
∂ 2202 partial differential
∫ 222B integral
∬ 222C double integral
∭ 222D triple integral
∮ 222E contour integral
∯ 222F surface integral
∰ 2230 volume integral
∱ 2231 clockwise integral
∲ 2232 clockwise contour integral
∳ 2233 anticlockwise contour integral
∇ 2207 nabla, Del, backward difference, gradient
⊂ 2282 subset, included in, proper subset
⊃ 2283 superset, includes, proper superset
⊆ 2286 subset of or equal to
⊇ 2287 superset or equal to
⊄ 2284 notin set
∩ 2229 intersection
∪ 222A union
∈ 2208 isin, isinv, Element, in, element of (large symbol)
∊ 220A element of (small symbol)
∉ 2209 notin, NotElement, notinva, not element of
∋ 220B niv, ReverseElement, ni, SuchThat, contains as member (large symbol)
∍ 220D contains as member (small symbol)
∌ 220C notni, notniva, NotReverseElement, does not contain as member
∅ 2205 empty, emptyset, emptyv, varnothing, empty set

Mathematical typography

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⋮ 22EE vellip, vertical ellipsis
⋯ 22EF hellip, horizontal ellipsis
⋰ 22F0 utdot, rising dots, up right diagonal ellipsis
⋱ 22F1 dtdot, falling dots, down right diagonal ellipsis
〈 27E8 lang , left angle bracket
〉 27E9 rang, right angle bracket


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¬ 00AC not sign
∧ 2227 Logical AND
∨ 2228 Logical OR
∴ 2234, THEREFORE , there4, therefore, Therefore
∵ 2235, BECAUSE , becaus, because, Because
∀ 2200, FOR ALL , forall, ForAll
∃ 2203, THERE EXISTS , exist, Exists
∄ 2204, THERE DOES NOT EXIST , nexist, NotExists, nexists


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∠ 2220 ang, angle
∡ 2221 angmsd, measured angle
∢ 2222 spherical angle
⟂ 27C2 perpendicular to
∟ 221F right angle


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° 00B0 degree
µ 00B5 micro
π 03C0 Greek small letter pi
ℓ 2113 Small script letter L, litre.


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Meteorology and astronomy

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☁ 2601 cloud
☇ 2607 lightning
☂ 2602 umbrella
☔ 2614 umbrella with rain drops
☈ 2608 thunderstorm
☉ 2609 sun
☼ 263C white sun with rays
☀ 2600 snowflake
☽ 263D first quarter moon
☾ 263E last quarter moon
☿ 263F Mercury
♀ 2640 female sign, Venus
♁ 2641 Earth
♂ 2642 male sign, Mars
♃ 2643 Jupiter
♄ 2644 Saturn
⛢ 26E2 Astronomical Symbol for Uranus
♅ 2645 Astrological Symbol for Uranus
♆ 2646 Neptune
♇ 2647 Pluto
⚳ 26B3 Ceres
⚷ 26B7 Chiron
♈ 2648 constellation Aries
♓ 2653 constellation Pisces
⛄ 26C4 snowman without snow (light snow)
⛅ 26C5 sun behind cloud (partly cloudy)
⛆ 26C6 rain
⛇ 26C7 black snowman (heavy snow)
⛈ 26C8 thunder cloud and rain
🌀 1F300 cyclone, typhoon
🌁 1F301 foggy
🌂 1F302 closed umbrella
🌌 1F30C Milky Way
🌑 1F311 new moon
🌓 1F313 first quarter moon
🌕 1F315 full moon
🌗 1F317 last quarter moon
🌙 1F319 crescent moon
🌠 1F320 shooting star


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⌭ 232D cylindricity (drafting)
Ω 2126 omega, ohm
℄ 2104 Centerline symbol
﹊ FE4A overline dashes
﹎ FE4E underline dashes


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฿ 0E3F Baht
Ƀ 0243 Bitcoin
¢ 00A2 Cent
¤ 00A4 Currency
$ 0024 Dollar
€ 20AC Euro
₴ 20B4 Hryvnia
₹ 20B9 Indian Rupee
₤ 20A4 Lira
₪ 20AA New Shekel
₱ 20B1 Peso
₽ 20BD Russian Ruble
£ 00A3 Sterling
₺ 20BA Turkish Lira
₩ 20A9 Won
¥ 00A5 Yen


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‰ 2030 Per mille
‱ 2031 Basis point, per ten thousand, permyriad
💰 1F4B0 money bag
💱 1F4B1 currency exchange
💳 1F4B3 credit card
📈 1F4C8 chart with upward trend
📉 1F4C9 chart with downward trend


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♩ 2669 quarter note
♪ 266A eighth note
♫ 266B beamed eighth notes
♬ 266C beamed sixteenth notes
♭ 266D music flat sign
♮ 266E music natural sign
♯ 266F music sharp sign
𝄐 1D110 fermata
𝄜 1D11C six-string fretboard (tablature)
𝄞 1D11E G CLEF
𝄡 1D121 C CLEF
𝄢 1D122 F CLEF
𝄥 1D125 DRUM CLEF-1
𝄪 1D12A double sharp
𝄴 1D134 common time
𝄻 1D13B whole rest
𝄽 1D13D quarter rest
𝅗𝅥 1D15E half note
𝅘𝅥𝅯 1D161 sixteenth note
𝆒 1D192 crescendo
🎵 1F3B5 musical note
🎸 1F3B8 guitar
🎻 1F3BB violin

Food and drink

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☕ 2615 hot beverage
⛾ 26FE restaurant
🍅 1F345 tomato
🍊 1F34A tangerine
🍏 1F34F green apple
🍔 1F354 hamburger
🍕 1F355 slice of pizza
🍙 1F359 rice ball
🍞 1F35E bread
🍣 1F363 sushi
🍨 1F368 ice cream
🍭 1F36D lollipop
🍲 1F372 pot of food
🍷 1F377 wine glass
🍼 1F37C baby bottle

Health and safety

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☠ 2620 skull and crossbones
☡ 2621 caution sign (curves ahead on road)
☢ 2622 radioactive sign (trefoil)
☣ 2623 biohazard sign
☤ 2624 caduceus
☮ 262E peace symbol
☯ 262F yin yang
♿ 267F wheelchair symbol
⚕ 2695 staff of Asclepius
⚠ 26A0 warning sign
⚡ 26A1 high voltage sign
⛐ 26D0 sliding car
⛨ 26E8 hospital
💉 1F489 syringe
💊 1F48A pill


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♔ 2654 white chess king
♕ 2655 white chess queen
♖ 2656 white chess rook
♗ 2657 white chess bishop
♘ 2658 white chess knight
♙ 2659 white chess pawn
♚ 265A black chess king
♛ 265B black chess queen
♜ 265C black chess rook
♝ 265D black chess bishop
♞ 265E black chess knight
♟ 265F black chess pawn

Sports, games

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⚽ 26BD soccer
⚾ 26BE baseball
⛷ 26F7 skier
🎮 1F3AE video game
🎳 1F3B3 bowling
🎽 1F3BD running shirt and sash
🏀 1F3C0 basketball
🏃 1F3C3 runner
🏆 1F3C6 trophy
🏉 1F3C9 rugby

Control Pictures Block

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␀ 2400 symbol for null
␆ 2406 symbol for acknowledge
␈ 2408 symbol for backspace
␉ 2409 symbol for horizontal tabulation
␊ 240A symbol for line feed
␍ 240D symbol for carriage return

Box Drawing

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Block Elements

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Geometric Shapes

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△ 25B3 equilateral triangle
⊿ 22BF right triangle
⬜ 2B1C square
♢ 2662 rhombus, diamond
▭ 25AD rectangle
⬠ 2B20 pentagon
⬡ 2B21 hexagon
○ 25CB circle
⬭ 2B2D ellipse


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⏪ 23EA Black left-pointing double triangle
⏩ 23E9 Black right-pointing double triangle
⏫ 23EB Black up-pointing double triangle
⏬ 23EC Black down-pointing double triangle
⏭ 23ED Black right-pointing pointer double triangle with vertical bar
⏮ 23EE Black left-pointing pointer double triangle with vertical bar
► 25BA Black right-pointing pointer
◄ 25C4 Black left-pointing pointer
▲ 25B2 Black up-pointing triangle
▼ 25BC Black down-pointing triangle
△ 25B3 White up-pointing triangle
▽ 25BD White down-pointing triangle
◉ 25C9 Fisheye
◎ 25CE Bullseye
✂ 2702 Black Scissors
✄ 2704 White Scissors
✅ 2705 White heavy check mark
✓ 2713 Check mark
✔ 2714 Heavy check mark
✕ 2715 Multiplication
✖ 2716 Heavy multiplication
✗ 2717 Ballot X
✘ 2718 Heavy ballot X
❌ 274C Cross mark

Social Networking

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👍 1F44D Thumbs Up
👎 1F44E Thumbs Down
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