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User:Art Saucedo

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Art.S Solaris Systems
Art.S Solaris Systems

Solaris Operating Systems Technology


In 1970 After high school my mother called in for me to live with her and I started to attend English Academies in several areas of the city and pubic libraries offering GED for non-speaking persons. One year later I was asked to join my family places of business and it is how I started in the work force - Then in 1976 I met a co-worker invited me to join his place of work without having any clue of the type of work. It turned out to be IT.

The system hat I felt more comfortable using was Solaris Unix(Sun Solaris) Is an operating system originally developed in 1970 by Sun Microsystems. It superseded their earlier SunOS in 1993. Oracle Solaris, so named as of 2010, has been owned by Oracle Corporation since the Sun acquisition by Oracle in January 2010.[2]

Solaris is known for its scalability, especially on SPARC systems, and for originating many innovative features such as DTrace, ZFS and Time Slider.[3][4] Solaris supports SPARC-based and x86-based workstations and servers from Oracle and other vendors, with efforts underway to port to additional platforms. Solaris is registered as compliant with the Single Unix Specification.[5]

Science and Technology - Systems Technology


Chicago Operating Systems



|Hardware Corporation

  • In 2016 now 64 years of age I accepted a technical operations technical assembler position to support Vendors Display Electronic Equipment and experienced a fabulous team of people with an excellent 3-month training later I was badly hurt at work causing me to stop my assignment due health accident issues - art.s 03/05/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


|[Oracle Solaris Systems]]

  • In 2014-Current Joined ORACLE Education Systems attending classes in the Chicago Loop Office working as a volunteer assisting with issues from folks in immediate need for assistance via Oracle Technology Network also learning via Oracle_Certification_Program to begin a (3) year certification program that includes ORACLE:
  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


|Software Corporation

  • In 2015 Accepted a SOLARIS Administration position to support Sun Solaris and experienced a fabulous team of people with an excellent 3-month intensive training ending my contracting period assignment due to luck of advanced skills - art.s 03/05/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs



  • In 2013 Accepted a SOC position with Secureworks Command Center experienced a fabulous team of people with an excellent 3-month intensive training ending my contracting period assignment due to luck of advanced skills - art.s 03/01/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs



  • In 2011 Accepted a technical position with Discover Command Centre a bit over 1 year and experienced a fabulous team of people ending my contracting period assignment - art.s 03/01/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • In 2010 Returned to COD to begin a (3) year certification program that includes (3) CISCO
  • Domain Levels it was not ended until 2010 due to the increased technology programs in Cisco_certifications Computer Information Systems, Computer and *Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • IBM ORACLE Systems
  • In 2009 Accepted a technical position with Sprint_Corporation/Embarq Datacenter Center To provide UNIX skills to Mainframe EDI team working I experienced a fabulous team of people ending my contracting period assignment - art.s 03/01/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • Oracle Solaris Systems
  • In 2008 Accepted a technical position as Oracle Systems for Oracle_WebLogic_Server Due to unconditionally human issue I was unable to attend cancelling my out of town assignment. art.s 03/01/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • Oracle Solaris Systems
  • In 2007 Accepted a technical position as Oracle Systems for Oracle_WebLogic_Server Project a bit over 6 months to assist on a project and experienced a fabulous team of people successfully ending my contracting period assignment. - art.s 03/01/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • |Oracle Solaris Systems
  • In 2006 Accepted a technical position as Solaris_(operating_system) to support Sterling_Commerce special project a bit over 4 months to finish a project and experienced a fabulous team of people successfully ending my contracting period assignment. - art.s 03/01/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs

!IBM Systems

|In 2005 Accepted a technical position with IBM Global Services a bit over 3 years and experienced a fabulous team of managements and due to a legal restriction I was only there into 2008 - art.s 02/27/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • In 2005 - 2008 Returned to work for Motorola Schauburg to begin traning in robotics processing plants and joined COD for basic electronics course program that includes non-advanced rudimentary lessons to aid me in my |Domain Levels it was not ended until 2010 due to the increased technology programs in Cisco_certifications Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs

!College_of_DuPage | |In 2004 Returned to COD to begin a (3) year certification program that includes (3) CISCO |Domain Levels it was not ended until 2010 due to the increased technology programs in Cisco_certifications Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs ORACLE:

  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • IT Operations. In 1999 Accepted a position with LOYOLA as EDI Systems Programmer and later was introduced to Sun_Microsystems becoming a System_administrator and took part of a major DNA systems data load before the code was finally completed also took a major role during Y2K Mainframe Migration ending my services in 2004 due to a merger. - art.s 02/8/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • General Electric Co.'s financial assurance division has announced the purchase of Signature Group, Richmond, VA, a direct marketing company formerly owned by Montgomery Ward & Co. GE said this week that its unit's acquisition of Signature would help better position the company as a direct marketer and emerging e-commerce merchandiser. At GE Financial Assurance, Kathryn V. Marinello was name president/CEO of the Signature Group. She was formerly head of consumer financial services at GE Capital, where she served as executive vice president of GE Capital Card Services. In 1997 Accepted a position with GE_Capital Financials (Signature Group) started learning Electronic_data_interchange Systems Programmer II Sterling_Commerce


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs

!Chicago Board of Options Exchange CBOE

  • IT Operations Trading at CBOE is carried out by way of the exchange's Hybrid system, which enables customers to trade – either electronically or through open outcry. About 95 percent of CBOE orders are traded electronically, which equates to between 50 and 60 percent of the exchange's total business. The remaining transactions, traded via open outcry, typically are large or complex institutional orders that use the skills of floor brokers to "work the order" to gain potential price improvement. In 1986 Accepted a position a year before Black_Monday_(1987) day when computing History_of_IBM_magnetic_disk_drives systems had gone 100% full capacity. - art.s 02/27/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs



  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • IRI was formed Information Resources, Inc. ("IRI") in Chicago in 1979 with the introduction of the BehaviorScan service,
  • In 1985 Accepted a position and started to learn telecommunications using Universal_Product_Code and USRobotics. - art.s 02/27/2017


  • Domain Levels in Computer Information Systems, Computer and Internetworking Technologies, and Office Technology Information programs


  • Aldens was established in 1889 under the name Chicago Mail Order and Millinery Company and was incorporated in Illinois on December 15, 1902. In 1906 the name of the business changed to Chicago Mail Order Company. In the mid-1930s Aldens expanded its operations through acquisitions. It acquired the goodwill and mailing lists of M.W. Savage Company of Minneapolis in April 1935, Hamilton Garment of New York in May 1936, and D.T. Bohon of Kentucky in June 1936.
  • In 1946 the company changed its name to Aldens, Inc., and was the fourth-largest mail-order distributor in the United States. Gamble-Skogmo acquired a 46% interest in Aldens, and acquired the remaining stock in the company in 1964.

The catalog operation was liquidated in 1985.

  • Beginning in 1961 the company began offering life insurance for sale through its catalog, operated by its wholly owned subsidiary, John Alden Life Insurance Company. In 1974 Accepted a position by being introduced to the IBM Systems and History_of_IBM_magnetic_disk_drivesmachine and worked until catalog operation was liquidated in 1985. - art.s 02/27/2017

Operating Systems Art.S History External Educational Institutions I have Afiliations

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Art.S Solaris Systems
Art.S Solaris Systems

Solaris Operating Systems Technology


In 1970 After high school my mother called in for me to live with her and I started to attend English Academies in several areas of the city and pubic libraries offering GED for non-speaking persons. One year later I was asked to join my family places of business and it is how I started in the labor force - Then in 1976 I met a co-worker invited me to join his place of work without having any clue of the type of work. It turned out to be IT

Here are current working links from wikibooks to places interested related to Science & Technology Education Sites for example, Cisco,Oracle,IBM having a particular interest in Distance_Learning in order to achieve a common goal (particularly if the "learning process") The websites sometimes have news and stories posted directly or link up to wikipedia. Art.S.

The Importance of Wikibooks Science & Technology in Chicago Computing Systems (EXTERNAL SYSTEMS)

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Topic Table Education in Science & Technology IT-Science Educational Institutions
Netacademy Education in Academic Achievements * https://communities.cisco.com/people/arturo.saucedo Netacademy]]
DEVNET Education in IT-Software Development * https://developer.cisco.com/site/devnet/home/index.gsp DEVNET]]
CISCO Education in IT-Networking * https://communities.cisco.com/people/arturo.saucedo/content Content]]
LINKEDIN Education in Application Presentation * https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/1FUHYmle0hXEov SlideShow]]
ORACLE Education in Operating Systems * https://community.oracle.com/people/artsunixlabs
NETWORKS Education in IT-Networking * https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Category:Internet_Protocol_Analysis
WIKIVERSITY Education in Wikipedia * Wikipedian: Art.S_Turtle

My best and most likeable wiki pages (Work in progess):

