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Alex is a cycling coach working with Australian elite cyclists. He was formerly an elite cyclist who represented Australia [1] [2] and was the recipient of scholarships from the Australian Institute of Sport. Alex is completing his Sport Science degree at the University of Canberra, and created this page as part of the unit "Health, Disease, and Exercise".

My Fact Sheet:

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The fact sheet was created as part of the assessment for "Health, Disease, and Exercise", an undergraduate unit at the University of Canberra. The fact sheet is designed to lay out the effects of exercise as an intervention on people suffering from...

Running is a form of exercise

Task Goals:

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Task Goal Complete By Completed (y/n)
Complete Research 1/10/2013 n
Write Fact Sheet 7/10/2013 n
Edit for Formatting 20/10/2013 n
Final Check 21/10/2013 n


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