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About Me: My name is Amy Crowder and I am proud to be a native of Southside Virginia. I am 34 years old and live in South Hill, Virginia. I previously attended Virginia Tech (1992-1997) and studied Urban Affairs and Planning. For five years I served as the County Planner and Zoning Administrator in Bath County, Virginia which is home to the famous Homestead resort.

I returned to Southside Virginia in 2003 to assist my mother in caring for my grandparents who were living with her at the time. I signed up to substitute at two of Mecklenburg County’s elementary schools. It was while I was substituting that I discovered my new found love of teaching.

During the 2007-08 school year I taught 4th grade Science at LaCrosse Elementary School. This combined my two loves-teaching and science- and I was officially hooked! I am now heading towards the completion of my B.S. degree at ODU and looking forward to a M.S. in Special Education.

The irony of this all is that I swore I would never turn out like my mother and become an old crotchety school teacher. I can honestly say that I am proud to follow in the “old Mrs. Crowder’s” footsteps. This is her 40th year teaching and she is determined to work 4 more years. My classroom stood next to hers and I am ready to go back as soon as I complete my course work.

I devote any extra time to the students of LaCrosse Elementary. I am the manager of the school bookstore, assist with the preparation of VGLAs for special education students in grades 3-5, and facilitate the 4th & 5th grade “Feed Your Need to Read” Book Club. If I am not working for pay as a substitute and I am working for free for the children.

My Teaching Philosophy I believe that all students have a right to equal educational opportunities. Students with diverse educational needs must have the opportunity to learn, interact, and explore within all classroom environments. I believe that as educators we must make the effort to reach all children using a variety of teaching methods and strive for a classroom of inclusion, not exclusion.

I believe that the use of technology, when integrated in a positive and useful way, allows student and teacher minds to expand in numerous ways. The use of technology in curriculum development, interactive lessons, and assessment can bridge learning differences amongst students and create an exciting and successful classroom.