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fr-N Cette personne a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-3 This user can read and write fluently in English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
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Hello! I am a3_nm, French wikipedian, and this is my user page for the English version of Wikibooks.

This information on this page is **incomplete** and **outdated** (and will probably always be)! You are advised to check out my user page on the French Wikipedia for accurate info, if you don't mind it being entirely written in French! (sorry for this).

Oh and if you're interested, my blog is there : [1] (English version available for most recent posts at the time of writing).

It is very likely that I will make mistakes caused by :

  • the language and
  • the differences between conventions on French and English Wikipedia and
  • the differences between conventions of Wikipedia and Wikibooks

Please :

  • correct them when they occur and
  • notify me at once in order to avoid them from occuring and
  • notify me again and again until I got the point and they don't occur anymore (might be pretty long)