User:الحارث بن همام/God's Rights/USA

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In conformity with the Quran

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  • Muslims have more freedoms in the USA than in some Arab or Muslim countries.

In contradiction with the Quran

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  • Supports Israel. Israel has fought a series of wars with neighboring Arab states, and in consequence, Israel controls territories beyond those delineated in the 1949 Armistice Agreements.
  • Permits the public expression of sexual acts.
  • Permits torture. [1]
  • Has no alcohol prohibition.
  • Land of cinema ,movies and video clips.

To do:
Some of these items need a rewrite to be directly related to the subject matter. Supporting Israel is problematic but not directly against the Quran, probably linking it to a similar list on Israel and then explain what are the violations.

External opinions

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  • Many Muslims perceive that US cultural, political and economic hegemony as enemy number one.


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  1. التعذيب الديمقراطي,موقع المسلم

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