United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/GROUP PC – Digital stamps generated by personal computer software or online
GROUP PC: Special designs generated by personal computer
[edit | edit source]Click here to return to the United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog
NOTE: All the stamps listed here are valid only on the date generated. PC stamps with unrestricted validity, i.e. savable for future use, are more like traditional stamps than meter stamps and thus are not cataloged here. PC stamps with unrestricted validity are cataloged in USA: Variable Denomination Stamps (1989-2015) by Karim Roder (available on Amazon).
- Group PC stamps can vary considerably in size, font styles, and color within the same stamp type depending on personal printer settings, available fonts, etc. Size variations or colors other than black are unusual but are user controlled variables.
- The stamps are found on plain paper and adhesive labels depending on what the user has in his printer. Self-adhesive labels are sold by the various PC stamp companies and also by outside vendors. These labels exist both with and without fluorescent tagging. As with color and font, paper or label type is a user controlled variable, however to a great extent the parameters are set by United States Postal Service ( see: https://postalpro.usps.com/parcellabelingguide). It is recommended that the collector save the entire label.
- PC stamps are often found in a frame at the top right of large address labels. To the left of the stamp is a smaller frame containing a large letter or number representing the class of mail. Codes found are: "1" (first class), "fcm" (first class), "P" (priority), "E" (express), "M" (media), "T" (parcel post), solid block (media, or other), "H" (Hazardous), "G" (Ground Advantage), "X" (Media). Not all the codes are found with all the stamp types that use the labels.
- 2-Dimensional barcodes occur in two major types and several subtypes:
- PDF417 A horizontally stacked 2-dimensional barcode, each consists of 2 punctuators, 2 indicators and a variable number of data blocks.
- subvariety PDF417(4) has 4 datablocks
- subvariety PDF417(6) has 6 datablocks
- subvariety PDF417(7) has 7 datablocks
- subvariety PDF417(8) has 8 datablocks
- subvariety PDF417(9) has 9 datablocks
- subvariety PDF417(12) has 12 datablocks
- Data matrix is a 2 dimensional barcode consisting of square or rectangular data blocks
- subvariety DM-2H has 2 datablocks arranged horizontally
- subvariety DM-2V has 2 datablocks arranged vertically
- subvariety DM-4 has 4 datablocks arranged as a square
- PC stamps on labels the sizes of which are recommended by the USPS, the sizes are 4 inches by 6 inches (FS) in two subvarieties, 4 inches by 4 inches (FF), 6 inches by 2 inches (ST), and a form for customs declaration included. Many illustrations in the listings are of size 'FS' but with only one or two of the 5 or six horizontal sections of the label.
Several stamps in Group Q resemble stamps in Group PC. If you don't find what you are looking for here, check there.
Sub-group PC-A: Franks from E-Stamp software, ID numbers with 05#E prefix
[edit | edit source]- All stamps have large, negative “e” logo at top right and "PDF417" bar code across the bottom with identification number at bottom right.
- "US Postage" and date are at top center, usually below a mail classification statement.
- Found both with and without FIM barcode at top left and also with and without slogan or directional slug at left.
- One hundred FD covers were prepared by E-Stamp in cooperation with the National Postal Museum on March 31, 1998. Trials took place for several more months. The first day of national availability was September 27, 1999.
- Although we must assume other mail classes were available, only First Class, First-Class, Priority, and Priority Mail have been reported.
- E-stamp ceased operations at the end of 2000.
For information on the various types of 2 dimensional barcodes see introduction to "Group PC" above
Type RA1a in 2001 edition
PC-A1.1. March 31, 1998. [RR]
- This stamp is found only on the First Day Covers prepared by E-Stamp and the National Postal Museum. (See above). They were sold for $100 each.
- The value figures are large, 4mm tall.
- With "FIM" barcode at top left and PDF(7) 2-D barcode across the bottom.
- Mail class: "First Class" (without hyphen).
- Idenification number with 051E prefix.
- V/F: $0.00o (large figures, 4mm tall)
Type RA1e in 2001 edition
PC-A1.2. 1998. [S]
- As Type PC-A1.1 but with smaller value figures, 2 to 3mm tall.
- With "FIM" barcode at top left and PDF(7) 2-D barcode across the bottom.
- "e-stamp.com" normally at bottom left below the barcode.
- ID# with 051E, 052E or 053E prefix.
- V/F: $0.00 (small figures, 2-3mm tall)
- Mail classes: ♦
- A. First-Class (with hyphen)
- B1. Priority [R]
- B2. Priority Mail [R]
- a. With "Additional" instead of mail class above "US Postage" [R]
- b. With recipient's identity instead of "e-stamp.com" at left below bar code field [RR]
- c. With 4-digit ZIP code
♦ "Express" (or "Express Mail") was an option but has not been reported by collectors.
For information on the various types of 2 dimensional barcodes see introduction to "Group PC" above
Types RA1c and d in 2001 edition
PC-A1.3. [S]
- As Type PC-A1.2 but value figures show decimal fractions of a cent and have wide spacing between the dollar sign and the decimal digit with the other figures.
- ID# with 051E, 052E or 053E prefix.
- With "FIM" barcode at top left and PDF(7) 2-D barcode across the bottom.
- The mail classes are the same as for PC-A1.2.
- A. V/F regular: $ 0.00 o
- B. V/F italic: $ 0.00 o
- a. With "Additional" instead of mail class above "US Postage" [R]
Type RA1b in 2001 edition
- As PC-A1.3B but the value figures are spaced closely together.
- With "FIM" barcode at top left and PDF(12) 2-D barcode across the bottom.
- A. Destination town name at bottom left below the barcode, and ID# with 051E prefix [RRRR]♦
- B. "e-stamp.com" at bottom left below the barcode, and ID# with 053E prefix [S]
- The mail classes are the same as for PC-A1.2.
- V/F italic: $0.00o
- a. With "Additional" instead of mail class above "US Postage" [R]
♦ Type PC-A1.4A is possibly the first E-stamp placed in use with paying customers, earlier than when PC-A1.2, PC-A1.3, and PC-A1.4B were issued.
Type RA2 in 2001 edition
PC-A2. March 2000. [S]
- As Type PC-A1.2 but the inscriptions are larger.
- "e-stamp.com" at bottom left below the barcode.
- With PDF(7) 2-D barcode across the bottom.
- ID# with 053E prefix.
- V/F: $ 0.00
- Mail classes: ♦
- A. First-Class (with hyphen)
- B. Priority Mail [S]
- a. With "Additional" instead of mail class above "US Postage" (see below) [R]
- b. "Mailed From ZIP Code" town line with 4-digit ZIP code instead of normal 5-digit code [RR]
♦ "Express" (or "Express Mail") was an option but has not been reported by collectors.
Sub-group PC-B: Franks from Neopost software, ID numbers with 04#N or NO4#N prefix
[edit | edit source]- The stamp designs are quite different from each other. One has a four-pointed star logo, two have a torch in hand logo, and one has no logo. Even the bar codes are dissimilar.
- Neopost was the second company to enter the PC postage business with an experimental design sometime in early 1998. Circumstances of the trial remain unknown to us.
- Stamps are found both with and without FIM barcode at top left. Examples are not known with slogan or slug.
- Classes of mail seen on PC-B stamps:
- Mail classes E through L were discontinued in June 2002. Examples are exceptionally rare. Most mail classes except the First Class variations are scarce to very rare.
- Neopost PC stamps became available nationally in May 1999.
For information on the various types of 2 dimensional barcodes see introduction to "Group PC" above
PC-B1. The stamp previously cataloged here has not been found used on actual mail. For this reason the Type has been deleted and the stamp re-cataloged as Type ESY-DF2 in the Essay section.
Type RC1 in 2001 edition
PC-B2. ”Postage Plus”™, “PC Stamp™”, 1998. [RRR]
- This too is an experimental stamp. It was first seen in live tests in and near Washington DC and parts of northern California. It was offered nationally in May 1999 but saw little use.
- The stamp was used by two different systems, "Postage Plus" which used a live internet connection, and "PC Stamp" which downloaded postage credit into a rented hardware vault.
- The design shows at top right two horizontal bars with "U.S. POSTAGE" above the top one and the town line below the bottom one. Between the bars at right are a torch-in-hand logo left of small "U.S. POSTAGE" reading up. Also between the ars are the class of mail, the value figures (centered), and the date.
- PDF417(7) barcode across the bottom
- With "DEVICE and identification number at bottom right.
- Meter number with N041N, N041NA, or 041N prefix.
- V/F: $0.00
- a. With "CORRECTION" at bottom left
- b. With "FIM" baarcode at top left
For information on the various types of 2 dimensional barcodes see introduction to "Group PC" above
Type RC2a in 2001 edition
PC-B3.1. “Simply Postage”™, 1998. [RR]
- Produced by an internet-connected labeling device.
- Similar to PC-B2 with torch-in-hand logo and point of sale data mixed with two horizontal bars, but otherwise quite different.
- The stamp is found only on self-adhesive labels with rounded corners and fluorescent red bar across the bottom edge.
- "U.S. POSTAGE" is vertical at far right just left of a double line of micro-printing reading "NEOPOSTNEOPOST..." vertically.
- Between the bars are the identification number, value figures, and date. Below the bottom bar is the town line, MAILED FROM and ZIP code.
- Stamp with "PDF417(9)" bar code.
- Meter number with N042N prefix.
- Large value figures, 4½ to 5mm tall
- V/F: $Ø.ØØ (with slashed zeros)
Type RC2b in 2001 edition
PC-B3.2. “Simply Postage” . [RR]
- As Type PC-B3.1 but the value figures have a tenths of a cent figure.
- Stamp with "PDF417(9)" bar code.
- Meter number with N042N prefix.
- V/F: $Ø.ØØø
Type SA1A in 2001 edition
PC-B4.1. “ProMail” , 1998? [S]
- Produced by an internet-connected labeling device.
- Also printed on self-adhesive labels this stamp is much smaller than the PC-B3 stamps and contains the point-of-sale data at left and a square "Datamatrix (DM-4)" bar code at right.
- Point-of-sale data have the value figures at top followed by the class of mail, MAILED FROM (ZIP code) town line, "U.S. POSTAGE", date and identification number.
- Fluorescent bar at far left just outside two lines of micro-printing reading "NEOPOSTNEOPOST..." vertically.
- Meter number with 045N prefix.
- V/F: $Ø.ØØø
Type SA1B in 2001 edition
PC-B4.2. “ProMail” . [S]
- As Type PC-B4.1 but the value figures are slightly larger and the text is slightly bolder.
- square "Datamatrix (DM-4)" bar code at right.
- Labels have fluorescent bar at right.
- Meter number with 047N prefix.
- V/F: $Ø.ØØø
For information on the various types of 2 dimensional barcodes see introduction to "Group PC" above
Sub-group PC-C: Franks generated by software from Stamps.com (StampMaster before 1999), ID numbers with 06#S prefix
[edit | edit source]- The first stamp design has a negative S in oval logo. All others contain stamps.com somewhere in the design. Some time after Stamps.com acquired Endicia in November 2015 (see Sub-group PC-E) the logo stampsendicia came into use.
- The stamps are found both with and without a FIM barcode at upper left.
- Mail classes found with PC-C stamps:
- FIRST CLASS, FIRST CLASS MAIL, FCI (first class international) ♦
- ♦ Collectors should be aware that the primary mail classes are found in a multitude of variations. For example, FIRST CLASS can be found as FIRST-CLASS PKG RATE, FIRST-CLASS MAIL PARCEL, FIRST-CLASS PACKAGE INTL, USPS FIRST CLASS MAIL, etc.. We do not know them all. Please inform the catalog manager regarding something different ("Alan Knutson, boris1951@charter.net") if possible also include a scan.
- The StampMaster/stamps.com system was first trialed in the Washington DC area and in parts of California sometime before August 1998. It was made available nationally on September 27, 1999.
- PC stamps on labels the sizes of which are recommended by the USPS, the sizes are 4 inches by 6 inches (FS) in two subvarieties, 4 inches by 4 inches (FF), 6 inches by 2 inches (ST), and a form for customs declaration included. Many illustrations in the listings are of size 'FS' but with only one or two of the 5 or six horizontal sections of the label.
Several stamps in Group Q resemble stamps in Group PC. If you don't find what you are looking for here, check there.
Type Note: In the following listings, the descriptions will often include specific details regarding the mailing label "size FS5 (with 5 horizontal boxes, A thru E) or size FS6 (with six horizontal boxes, A thru F)", they will referenced as follows
- Panel or Box A: USPS insignia ( sometimes not present)
- Panel or Box B: oftentimes subdivided [USPS Service Icon/ Postage Payment]
- Box B1 "F, P." etc, [USPS Service Icon]
- Box B2 includes, barcode, date, identification number [USPS Postage Payment]
- Panel or Box C: Mail Class [USPS Service Banner]
- Panel or Box D: Address [USPS Address and Delivery Information Segment]
- Panel or Box E: Tracking number/Bar code [USPS Intelligent Mail package barcode segment]
- Panel or Box F: often times blank ( sometimes not present) [USPS Additional Information and User Segment]
Type RB1 in 2001 edition
PC-C1. StampMaster, summer 1998. [RRRR]
- Experimental stamp with negative “S”/Internet Postage logo at top center.
- At top right are value figures, mail class, "US POSTAGE”, and date.
- "PDF417(7)" bar code across bottom with town line below at left and identification number below at right.
- Identification number with 061S prefix.
- V/F: $0.00o
For information on the various types of 2 dimensional barcodes see introduction to "Group PC" above
Type RB2 in 2001 edition
PC-C2.1. stamps.com, 1999.
- As Type PC-C1 but with "stamps.com" logo instead of the S in oval logo.
- "FIM" barcode at upper left
- At top right are the value figures, date, "US POSTAGE", mail class, and town line.
- 2-D barcode PDF417(6} across lower portion
- "STAMPS.COM" is below left of the bar code.
- Identification number with 061S or 062S prefix below right of bar code.
- V/F: $0.00o
- a. With "ADDITIONAL POSTAGE" instead of class of mail below "US Postage"
- b. With "CORRECTION" instead of class of mail below "US Postage"
- c. With bottom line missing, blank below bar code
- d. Bottom line present but without bar code
- e. With "MAIL TO:" and ZIP code above left of the bar code
- f. With nonsense characters across the bottom (system malfunction)
- The "stamps.com" logo can vary considerably in size.
- The system could produce a re-date stamp without postage value, as shown (right).
Type RB3 in 2001 edition
PC-C2.2. 2000.
- As Type PC-C2.1 but with larger inscriptions.
- Identification number with 062S prefix below right of 2D "PDF417(6)" barcode.
- Town line with town, state and ZIP code or with MAILED FROM and ZIP code.
- V/F: $0.00o
- a. With "ADDITIONAL POSTAGE" instead of class of mail below "US Postage"
- b. With "CORRECTION" instead of class of mail below "US Postage"
- c. With bottom line missing (blank below bar code)
- d. With "MAIL TO:" and ZIP code above left of the bar code
- e. With mailer's name replacing town line
- The NOTES below PC-C2.1 apply to PC-C2.2 also.
- These stamps can be printed directly to the mail piece or on labels. Stamps.com provided L-shaped labels with pink fluorescent bars along the top and right.
PC-C2.3.1 2005.
- At top left: postage value above "US POSTAGE" and class of mail.
- At top right: meter identification number with 062S prefix above "FROM" and ZIP code.
- "Stamps.com” logo at far right of 2D "PDF417(7)" barcode.
- Basic stamp without framing
- V/F: $(0)0.00
- "Stamps / Endicia” logo at far right of 2D "PDF417(7)" barcode.
- At top left: postage value above "US POSTAGE" and class of mail.
- At top right: meter identification number with 062S prefix above "FROM" and ZIP code.
- Stamp at top right of address label (FS5) with large mail class indicator to its left and the class of mail spelled out below.
- V/F: $(0)0.00
- As PC-C2.3.2,
- "Stamps.com” logo at far right of 2D "PDF417(7)" barcode.
- Stamp at top right of address label (FS5) with large mail class indicator to its left.
- Class of mail spelled out below V/F, with type of pricing below
- At top right: meter identification number with 062S prefix above customer ID, above "FROM" and ZIP code.
- V/F: $(0)0.00
PC-C2.4.1 2005.
- As Type PC-C2.3 but with rate statement instead of value figures.
- Stamps.com logo right of "PDF417(7)" barcode.
- "US POSTAGE & FEES PAID" at top left above rate statement.
- Meter number with 062S prefix above mailer’s Zip code at top right.
- A. 2 lines at upper right, Meter number/zip code
- 1. Basic stamp without framing
- A. 2 lines at upper right, Meter number/zip code
- 2. Stamp at top right of address label with large mail class indicator or solid block to its left and the class of mail spelled out below.
Form size | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Line A type | Line B type | Line C type | Date | Zip | City | Notes | |
FS5? | BLACK | VIII | 062S0005418699 | A7 | B0 | C5 | 11/21/2005 | 02845 | |||
FS5 | 1 | I | 062S0005715741 | A6 | B3 | C1 | 09/06/2011 | 66030 | GARDNER, KS | Box F split horizontally in two, "Thank You" in bottom half. | |
FS5 | F | I | 062S0008902567 | A2 | B3 | C1 | 05/28/2014 | 19803 | Wilmington, DE | ||
FS5 | F | I | 062S0008902567 | A2 | B3 | C1 | 06/02/2014 | 19803 | Wilmington, DE | ||
FS5 | F | I | 062S0008902567 | A2 | B3 | C1 | 07/15/2014 | 19803 | Wilmington, DE | ||
FS5 | F | I | 062S0009143056 | A2 | B3 | C1 | 02/20/2018 | 08080 | Mount Holly, NJ | ||
FS5 | F | I | 062S0009151784 | A2 | B3 | C1 | 06/01/2015 | 92154 | San Diego, CA |
- B. 3 lines at upper right, Meter number / customer ID number / zip code
- 2. Stamp at top right of address label with large mail class indicator or solid block to its left and the class of mail spelled out below.
- B. 3 lines at upper right, Meter number / customer ID number / zip code
NOTE: Sub-type B has been found printed directly onto a plastic bag. See image below.
PC-C2.4.2 2005.
- As Type PC-C2.3 but with rate statement instead of value figures.
- With "stamps / endicia" replacing the stamps.com logo right of "PDF417(7)" barcode.
- "US POSTAGE & FEES PAID" at top left above rate statement.
- ID number with 062S prefix above mailer’s Zip code at top right.
- Click here for type description
- PC-C2.4.2A. 2 lines at upper right, Meter number/zip code (Box B2).
- Stamp at top right of address label with large mail class indicator (of various sizes) or solid block to its left (Box B1) and the class of mail spelled out below (Box C).
- PC-C2.4.2A. 2 lines at upper right, Meter number/zip code (Box B2).
- -1 Prefix "026W"
- ’’’Known usage’’’:
Form size | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Line A type | Line B type | Line C type | Date | Zip | City | Notes | |
FS5 | F | I | 026W00048272786 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 04/11/2022 | 07036 | LINDEN, NJ | Box F: order info? | |
- -2 Prefix "062S"
Form size | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Line A type | Line B type | Line C type | Date | Zip | City | Notes | |
FS5 | 1 | XXXIV | 062S0000618312 | A6 | C5 | 01/02/2020 | 92373 | INGLEWOOD CA | Box E: Blank, no tracking #, Framed | ||
FS5 | 1 | XXXIV | 062S0000618312 | A6 | C5 | 01/30/2020 | 92373 | INGLEWOOD CA | Box E: Blank, no tracking #, | ||
FS5 | E | XXXV | 062S0006097059 | A19 | B2 | C3 | 11/25/2019 | 45177 | VALENCIA CA | Order info | |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0009416802 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 05/10/2022 | 14150 | Order info, framed |
- PC-C2.4.2B. 3 lines at upper right, Meter number / customer ID number / zip code (Box B2). Box F blank or with Proprietary info.
- Stamp at top right of address label with large mail class indicator (of various sizes) or solid block to its left (Box B1) and the class of mail spelled out below (Box C).
- PDF417(7) across bottom
- PC-C2.4.2B. 3 lines at upper right, Meter number / customer ID number / zip code (Box B2). Box F blank or with Proprietary info.
Form size | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Customer ID | Line A type | Line B type | Line C type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5? | BLACK | VIII | 062S0001435225 | 11675116 | A7 | B1 | 02/24/2023 | 91311 | CHATSWORTH, CA | BOX F: order info | |
FS5 | F | III | 062S00014423-- | 8014-- | A1 | B1 | C3 | 12/12/2022 | 84032 | HEBER CITY, UT | Box F= order info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0001442380 | 9726250 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 12/15/2022 | 28674 | PINEHURST, NC | Box F= order info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0001442584 | 7557381 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 12/21/2022 | 37211 | NASHVILLE, TN | |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0001442597 | 7395525 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 01/10/2023 | 90058 | VERNON, CA | Box F= order info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0001442618 | 7395525 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 01/10/2023 | 92618 | IRVINE, CA | Box F= order info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0001442648 | 7535523 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 12/15/2022 | 54115 | DE PERE, WI | Box F= order info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0001442652 | 7535523 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 12/16/2022 | 54115 | DE PERE, WI | Box F= order info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0001442674 | 7460441 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 12/21/2022 | 63367 | LAKE SAINT LOUIS, MO | Box F= order info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0001442685 | 9619750 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 01/11/2023 | 94931 | COTATI, CA | Box F= order info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S000144269- | 7395525 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 01/11/2023 | 90058 | VERNON, CA | Box F= order info |
FS5? | P | V | 062S0001443299 | 6080690 | A5 | B5 | C4 | 11/17/2022 | 32174 | ORMOND BEACH, FL | |
FS5? | F | III | 062S0001484855 | 17633955 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 03/08/2023 | 68048 | PLATTSMOUTH, (NE) | PC malfunction? Missing Box B2 barcode and insignia |
FS5? | F | I | 062S0009145384 | 8290678 | A1 | B3 | C1 | 02/05/2018 | 98338 | GRAHAM, WA | |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0008589402 | 7557381 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 09/19/2022 | 37211 | NASHVILLE, TN | |
FS5? | F | III | 062S0009146178 | 8239329 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 09/21/2022 | 60543 | OSWEGO, IL | Box F order info |
FS5? | F | I | 062S0009564660 | 7778491 | A1 | B3 | C3 | 10/22/2018 | 91304 | CANOGA PARK, CA | BOX F with Business Info |
FS5? | 1 | I | 062S0009565018 | 10860336 | A4 | B0 | C5 | 04/06/2020 | 33458 | JUPITER, FL | |
FS5 | P | V | 062S0010887747 | 8128979 | A3 | B1 | C4 | 06/13/2022 | 33167 | MIAMI, FL | BOX F with Prop Info |
FS5 | F | II | 062S0010937521 | 10709064 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 02/08/2021 | 92648 | HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA | BOX F with Order Info |
FS5 | X | II | 062S0010984631 | 10354575 | A8 | B2 | C3 | 04/27/2020 | 11791 | SYOSSET, FL (ERROR FOR NY) | BOX F ORDER Info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0011128915 | 8051382 | A2 | B1 | C3 | 10/19/2020 | 53715 | MADISON, WI | |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0011129014 | 8051382 | A2 | B1 | C3 | 09/30/2020 | 53715 | MADISON, WI | |
FS5? | P | IV | 062S0011682632 | 10232544 | A3 | B1 | C4 | 02/08/2021 | 31558 | SAINT MARYS, GA | |
FS4? | P | IV | 062S0011682632 | 10232544 | A3 | B1 | C4 | 09/29/2022 | 31558 | SAINT MARYS, GA | |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0011692109 | 9897299 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 09/19/2022 | 30101 | ACWORTH, GA | BOX F with Order Info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0012584392 | 5455555 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 10/27/2020 | 33458 | JUPITER, FL | |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0012584433 | 16035441 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 09/19/2022 | 84096 | HERRIMAN, UT | BOX F with Order Info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0012584494 | 6916215 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 09/21/2022 | 85298 | GILBERT, AZ | |
FS5 | P | V | 062S0012584517 | 17771454 | A5 | B5 | C4 | 08/22/2022 | 32401 | PANAMA CITY, FL | |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0012584551 | 7778491 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 06/12/2020 | 91311 | CHATSWORTH, CA | BOX F with Order Info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0012584560 | 17663543 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 09/21/2022 | 27525 | FUQUAY VARINA, NC | Please Do Not Bend |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0012584561 | 8072505 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 06/28/2022 | 06475 | OLD SAYBROOK, CT | BOX F with Order Info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0013352599 | 10538570 | A1 | B1 | C4 | 09/21/2022 | 45249 | CINCINNATI, OH | BOX F with Order Info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0013352605 | 8072505 | A1 | B2 | C3 | 06/28/2022 | 06475 | OLD SAYBROOK, CT | BOX F with Order Info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0014950040 | 10137355 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 11/16/2022 | 38474 | MOUNT PLEASANT, TN | BOX F with Order Info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0014950074 | 8014787 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 12/15/2022 | 84032 | HEBER CITY, UT | Box F:Thank You For Your Order |
FS5 | P | V | 062S0014950080 | 8014787 | A5 | B4 | C4 | 12/12/2022 | 84032 | HEBER CITY, UT | BOX F "Thank you for your order!" |
FS5 | P | V | 062S0014950085 | 9765391 | A5 | B5 | C4 | 11/11/2022 | 84606 | SPRINGVILLE, UT | BOX F with order Info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0014950089 | 9716903 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 11/02/2022 | 83442 | AMMON, ID | BOX F with Order Info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0014950092 | 9728837 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 11/10/2022 | 84026 | FORT DUCHESNE, UT | BOX F with Order Info |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0014950241 | 8570771 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 11/19/2022 | 84062 | PLEASANT GROVE, UT | |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0014950278 | 17957223 | A1 | B1 | C3 | 01/03/2023 | 78245 | SAN ANTONIO, TX | |
FS5? | G | VI | 062S0014950365 | 580628? | A6 | B2 | C3 | 09/13/2023 | 75041 | ||
FS5 | F | III | 062S0014950507 | 6080690 | A2 | B1 | C3 | 11/17/2022 | 32174 | ORMOND BEACH, FL | |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0014950544 | 10875452 | A2 | B1 | C3 | 03/14/2023 | 19317 | CHADDS FORD, PA |
- PC-C2.4.2C. 2023
- 3 lines at upper right, Meter number / customer ID number / zip code (Box B2).
- Stamp at top right of address label with large mail class indicator (of various sizes) or solid block to its left (Box B1) and the class of mail spelled out below (Box C).
- PDF417(8) across bottom
- PC-C2.4.2C. 2023
- Click here for type description
Form size | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Customer ID | Line A type | Line B type | Line C type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5 | P | VI | 062S0001442545 | 7537397 | A3 | B1 | C7 | 01/22/2024 | 48212 | HAMTRAMCK, MI | Box F: Order info. |
FS5 | G | VI | 062S0001443239 | 6928035 | A9 | B2 | C3 | 01/22/2024 | 91733 | EL MONTE, CA | Box F: Order info. |
FS5 | F | III | 062S0001443325 | 11683909 | A2 | B2 | C3 | 06/28/2023 | 46323 | HAMMOND, IN | |
FS5 | BLACK FILL | VIII | 062S0014949809 | 7542988 | A7 | B1 | 03/25/2024 | 80116 | FRANKTOWN, CO | ||
FS5 | G | VI | 062S0014950062 | 9717116 | A9 | B2 | C3 | 03/16/2024 | 98467 | UNIVERSITY PL, WA | Box F: Order Info |
FS5 | G | VI | 062S0014950187 | 4998344 | A9 | B2 | C3 | 02/27/2024 | 91761 | ONTARIO, CA | Box F: Order Info |
FS5 | G | VI | 062S0014950544 | 19750766 | A9 | B2 | C7 | 08/22/2024 | 93105 | SANTA BARBARA, CA | Green band at top and a portion of left |
FS5? | G | VI | 062S0014950560 | 17195820 | A9 | B2 | C3 | 10/12/2023 | 85013 | PHOENIX, AZ | |
FS5 | G | VI | ? | 6636835 | A14 | B6 | C7 | 05/01/2024 | 43228 | COLUMBUS, OH | Box F: Order Info |
PC-C2.5.1 2014.
- Similar to Type PC-C2.4 but the manufacturer's logo is above the right end of the "PDF417{8)" barcode.
- Meter number with 062S prefix.
- Manufacturer's logo is "stamps.com". With "US POSTAGE & FEES PAID" instead of value figures.
PC-C2.5.2 2014.
- Similar to Type PC-C2.4 but the manufacturer's logo is above the right end of the "PDF417{8)" barcode.
- Meter number with 062S prefix.
- Manufacturer's logo is "stamps endicia".
- A. With value figures: $00.00
- B. With "US POSTAGE & FEES PAID" instead of value figures.
PC-C2.5.3 2012.
- Very similar to Type PC-C2.4 but with date between the "FROM" (ZIP code) and the Stamps.com logo.
- Seen with tracking number at right of the frank, on a customs form.
- Meter number with 062S prefix.
- PDF417(7) barcode
For information on the various types of 2 dimensional barcodes see introduction to "Group PC" above
PC-C2.6. 2015.
- Very similar to Type PC-C2.3B but "U.S. POSTAGE" is right of the value figures rather than below them.
- Meter number with 062S prefix.
- PDF417(7) barcode
- V/F: $(0)0.00
- A. Manufacturer's logo is stamps.com
- B. Manufacturer's logo is stamps endicia
- With "DPDF417" barcode as with Types PC-C2.1 through PC-C2.5 but without "stamps.com" logo.
- Top panel contains USPS eagle logo and Click-N-Ship® logo.
- Value figures and "US POSTAGE" at left.
- Tracking number above the barcode.
- Identification number with 062S prefix.
- V/F: $0.00, $00.00
- a. With "Commercial Base Pricing" immediately below the 2D barcode
- Similar to Type PC-C2.7.1 but very wide imprint with Click-N-Ship® logo above usps.com (without the eagle-head logo)/ "US POSTAGE / PAID" at left.
- Along the bottom are the weight, date, Mailed from ZIP code, and meter identification number with "062S" prefix.
- It appears that this stamp is generated only for International Priority and Express mail services.
- Two versions are known:
- A. Tracking barcode at far left in the panel. Smaller lower panel contains the mail class statement.
- B. Smaller stamp, traditional barcode at center of panel, USPS logo at far left. A Customs Declaration statement appears above the traditional barcode. No lower panel containing a mail class statement, and no indication anywhere of the mail service being used.
PC-C2.8 2020.
- With barcode as with all previous PC-C2 types but with the value figures and "US POSTAGE" at top above the date and "Mailed from ZIP" and ZIP code.
- Below the bar code is the stamps endicia logo at left and the identification number at right.
- The identification number prefix is uncertain as the stamp we have seen appears to suffer from a software glitch. (See the illustration.)
- PDF417(4) barcode
- V/F: $0.00
- A. Manufacturer's logo is stamps endicia large
- B. Manufacturer's logo is stamps endicia small
PC-C2.9 2021.
- Similar to PC-C2.8 but with a rate statement rather than value figures.
- Above the "PDF417(7)" bar code:
- - date, Mailed from ZIP [code]
- - weight and rate statement(s)
- Below the bar code: stamps endicia logo at left and the identification number with 062S prefix at right
- A. Large "stamps / endicia" logo, 062S with 7 digits
- B. Small "stamps / endicia" logo, 062S with 10 digits, FS5 label
PC-C3.1. 2007.
- Stamp with horizontal "IBI Lite" barcode.
- Small frank with value figures at top above "U.S. POSTAGE", class of mail, "FROM" ZIP code, and date.
- Below the date are the stamps.com logo, the barcode, and identification number at bottom.
- Identification number with 062S prefix.
- V/F: $0.00o
- As Type PC-C3.1 but the "IBI Lite" barcode is vertical at right next to the identification number reading down at far right.
- Stamps.com logo, identification number with 062S prefix.
- Town line "FROM" and ZIP code
- V/F: $0.00o
- a. Identification number omitted (possible printer misalignment)
- b. Town line without ZIP code showing "FROM" alone
PC-C3.2.2. stampsendicia logo, identification number with 062S prefix.
- a. Identification number omitted (possible printer misalignment)
- c. Numeric month in date, as: 00/00/2018
- d. With "FIM" barcode to left
NOTE: These stamps can be printed directly to the mail piece or on labels. Stamps.com provided L-shaped labels with pink fluorescent bars along the top and right. Other label sizes and shapes exist. See below.
PC-C3.3. 2018.
- Identification number and Stamps.com logo read down at far right.
- From the top down, point-of-sale data is:
- Value figures
- mail class
- ZIP code and date
- Horizontal IBI Lite bar code
- Identification number with 062S prefix.
- V/F: $0.00o
NOTE: Seen on plain white self-adhesive labels with rounded corners.
PC-C3.4. 2021.
- As Type PC-C3.3 but with stamps /endicia at right.
- Identification number with 062S prefix.
- V/F: $0.00o
NOTE: Seen on plain white self-adhesive labels with rounded corners.
PC-C4.1.1. 2002.
- Very wide design with large "Delivery Confirmation" 1D barcode at center and square Datamatrix barcode at right.
- Above the 2D barcode are the weight, ZIP code, ID# with 062S prefix, and date.
- At far left is the class of mail above “US POSTAGE & FEES PAID”.
- Without value figures. The "stamps.com" logo is below the 2D barcode.
PC-C4.1.2.. With value figures but otherwise as PC-C4.1. ("stamps.com" logo below 2D barcode)
PC-C4.2.1.. With "stamps.com" logo and value figures at top above the 2D barcode: $0.00 ("stamps.com" logo at top)
- a. Without tracking barcode at center
PC-C4.2.2.. Without value figures but otherwise as PC-C4.2.1.
Several stamps in Group Q resemble stamps in Group PC. If you don't find what you are looking for here, check there.
PC-C4.3.. As PC-C4.1.1., with new company logo, stamps indicia
PC-C5.1. 2011.
- The point-of-sale text is immediately to the left of the square Datamatrix barcode rather than above.
- The frank appears unframed at the top of an address label.
- Identification number with 062S prefix.
- The country name is not in or near the frank, but "US POSTAGE & FEES PAID" is found at bottom below the mail class.
- With value figures
- V/F: $0.00
PC-C5.2.. As PC-C5.1.,Without value figures
PC-C5.3.. As PC-C5.2., with new company logo, stamps / endicia
PC-C6.1. 2020.
- ”stamps/endicia” logo reads down at right of the 2D barcode, and the ID number is below the barcode.
- Meter Identification number with 062S prefix.
- Value figures and "US POSTAGE", mail class, date, "Mailed from ZIP" and code. V/F: $0.00
- Click here for type description
PC-C6.2.. AsPC-C6.1., Without value figures. "US POSTAGE & FEES PAID" at top
- ”stamps/endicia” logo reads down at right of the 2D barcode, and the ID number is below the barcode.
- Meter Identification number with 062S or 071S prefix.
- A. Small Mail Class letter, shorter than the barcode.
Form size | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Customer ID | Line A type | Line B type | Line C type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS4 | G | XXIX | 062S0001442198 | 11613058 | A14 | B2 | C7 | Jun 07 2024 | 54914 | APPLETON, WI | |
FS4 | BLACK | VIII | 062S0009761530 | 13928181 | A7 | B1 | Feb 02 2023 | 48375 | NOVI, MI | ||
FS4 | F | X | 062S0010968105 | 12429570 | A10 | C6 | Sep 20 2022 | 32207 | JACKSONVILLE, FL | ||
FS4 | F | XI | 062S0012584411 | 17222940 | A10 | C6 | Aug 22 2022 | 33634 | TAMPA FL | ||
FS4 | F | XI | 062S0013352605 | 17222940 | A10 | C6 | Aug 22 2022 | 33634 | TAMPA FL | ||
FS4 | F | XI | 062S0014950307 | 17222940 | A1 | B2 | C6 | Nov 10 2022 | 33634 | TAMPA FL | |
FS4 | F | XI | 062S001495343 | 11746372 | A1 | B2 | C6 | Mar 06 2023 | 11716 | BOHEMIA NY | |
FS5 | F | XI | 071S00894672 | A10 | C6 | Apr 15 2022 | 90021 | (RIALTO CA) | |||
FS5 | F | XI | 071S00894672 | A10 | C6 | Feb 09 2023 | 90021 | (NEWARK NJ) |
- B. Large Mail Class letter, taller than the barcode.
Types SE1 and SE2 in 2001 edition
- Downloaded directly from the Stamps.com web site.
- Square Datamatrix barcode at right with "stamps.com" reading up to its right.
- Text left justified as follows:
- Value figures at top above "US POSTAGE", mail class, date, ID number, and ZIP code
- Meter Identification number with 062S prefix.
PC-C6.3.2. Without value figures. "US POSTAGE & FEES PAID" above date, ID# with 062S prefix, ZIP code, rate statement
PC-C7 2023.
- DataMatrix 2-D barcode at right
- Manufacturer's logo is to the right of the "DataMatrix(4)" barcode.
- "FIM" barcode at top left
- Meter number with 062S prefix.
- Manufacturer's logo is "stamps endicia".
Sub-group PC-D: Franks from Pitney Bowes software, ID numbers with 02#P, 02#W, or 07#P prefix
[edit | edit source]- The earlier stamps show logos consisting of an eagle's head and wing. Later stamps are generic, text and bar code only, but most include "Pitney Bowes" in the design. One stamp, Type PC-D4, does not include the company name and is identifiable as a Pitney Bowes product only by the identification number with "02" prefix.
- Identification number prefixes seen so far are 022P, 024P, 022W, 026W and 071P.
- Pitney Bowes PC stamps began field testing in the Washington DC area in December 1998.
Several stamps in Group Q resemble stamps in Group PC. If you don't find what you are looking for here, check there.
PC-D0. “ClickStamp Online”, probably 1998. [Exceptionally rare]
- Experimental stamp with small eagle profile image at upper right. Left of the eagle are the date, value figures, and “US POSTAGE” with three stars. Above the “PDF417(9)” barcode field are the identification number at left and “Mailed From Zip Code” and ZIP code.
- Identification number with 022P000230 prefix.
- A. The type font is somewhat heavy. The "P" in the ID number has no serif. Three reported:
- 1) ID number 022P0002300165, ZIP code 20260
- 2) ID number 022P0002306771, ZIP code 20032
- 3) ID number 022P0002307167, ZIP code 13057
- B. The type font is somewhat lighter. The "P" in the ID number has serif at bottom. ID number 022P0002306600, ZIP code 20260
- A. The type font is somewhat heavy. The "P" in the ID number has no serif. Three reported:
- V/F: $ ~0.00o
- NOTE: This stamp type was previously cataloged as an essay (ESY-DB4.4) until verifiably postally used covers were identified.
Type RD2 in 2001 edition
PC-D1. “ClickStamp Online”, 21 April 1999. [Exceptionally rare]
- Experimental stamp with eagle with wavy wing below "FIM" barcode.
- Stamp with “PDF417(9)” barcode.
- "US POSTAGE", date, value figures, ZIP code, and identification number stacked at right.
- Identification number with 024P prefix.
- Class of mail vertical at left side.
- V/F: $00.00o
- NOTE: When printed on a color-capable printer, the wing of the eagle is (usually) in red.
Type RD3 in 2001 edition
PC-D2.1. “ClickStamp Online”, 2000.
- Similar to Type PC-D1 but straight eagle's wing above "PITNEY BOWES".
- Identification number with 024P prefix.
- A. Inscribed "U.S. POSTAGE" with stops. "MAILED FROM ZIP CODE" one line, all capitals.
- B. Inscribed "US POSTAGE" without stops. "Mailed from ZIP Code" in two lines, mixed case.
- V/F: $00.00o
- 1) When printed on a color-capable printer, the wing of the eagle is (usually) in red.
- 2) The system allows for a re-date stamp without postage value (as shown below).
- 3) Pitney Bowes required at least some users of ClickStamp Online to send them a sample print once a year on an envelope marked withe the components of the user's system. (Example shown below right.)
Type RD4 in 2001 edition
PC-D2.2. “ClickStamp Online”.
- This is the postage correction frank used with the software system that produced type PC-D2.1.
- The eagle is larger than with type PC-D2.1 and in line with the date which is above "U.S. POSTAGE" rather than below.
- Large “POSTAGE CORRECTION” below eagle.
- Identification number with 024P prefix.
- Without town line or ZIP code.
- V/F: $00.00o
Type Note: In the following listings, the descriptions will often include specific details regarding the mailing label, they will referenced as follows
- Panel or Box A: USPS insignia ( sometimes not present)
- Panel or Box B: oftentimes subdivided
- Box B1 "F, P." etc,
- Box B2 includes, barcode, date, identification number
- Panel or Box C: Mail Class
- Panel or Box D: Address
- Panel or Box E: Tracking number/Bar code
- Panel or Box F: often times blank ( sometimes not present)
PC-D3.1A. "Shipstream Manager".
- As with PC-D1 through PC-D2.3, with "PDF417" barcode.
- "US POSTAGE" or "US POSTAGE & FEES PAID", date, town line (Mailed from ZIP...) and rate above barcode.
- Below the barcode are "Pitney Bowes" and the ID number with 071P prefix.
- Basic stamp without framing. Top line contains value figures and "US POSTAGE".
- V/F: $0.00
PC-D3.1B. "Shipstream Manager".
- Box B2 "US POSTAGE" or "US POSTAGE & FEES PAID", date, town line (Mailed from ZIP...) and rate above "PDF417" barcode.
- The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left and the class of mail spelled out below. Top line "US POSTAGE & FEES PAID". With rate statement instead of value figures.
- No Box A, Box B the dividing line extends the entire height of the box.
- Identification number 071P prefix
- A. "FCM" in Box B1
- a. Box B2 "US POSTAGE AND FEES PAID"/DATE "Mailed from ZIP" / / "PDF417" barcode / "Pitney Bowes" Identification number
- -a. Box B2: 3rd line "1oz First-Class Parcel rate"
- a. Box B2 "US POSTAGE AND FEES PAID"/DATE "Mailed from ZIP" / / "PDF417" barcode / "Pitney Bowes" Identification number
- A. "FCM" in Box B1
Type RD5 in 2001 edition
- Found only on labels downloaded from internet vendor eBay.
- In panel across the top are the USPS eagle logo at left and the eBay logo at right.
- Inside the stamp frame: "US POSTAGE PAID" and rate statement centered above the "PDF417" barcode.
- Below the barcode are "Pitney Bowes" and the identification number with 024P prefix.
- Large rate indicator in frame at left.
- V/F: $0.00 or nil
- See also PC-D3.3B.6
- A. With value figures
- B. Without value figures but with rate statement
- Similar to Type PC-D3.2,
- A large label formatted with as many as 7 subsections ("boxes")
- Below "Box A" if present, or at the top there are two boxes ("Box B1" at the left and "Box B2" at the right)
- Within "Box B2" is the “PDF417(7)” 2D barcode there is nothing above the barcode.
- Also within "Box B2" are 3 stacks,
- Stack B2.1 "US POSTAGE" (or variation), date, “From” and ZIP code, weight, and optionally a Zone number are stacked at left.
- Stack B2.2 Below the barcode are "Pitney Bowes" and a rate statement or statements at the center.
- Stack B2.3 Meter number/ID number at right.
- The ID number has 022W, 024P, or 026W prefix.
- In a smaller box at left ("Box B1") is a large letter code representing the mail class.
- In a wide box ("Box C") below "Box B1" and "Box B2" is the class of mail.
- If present the value figures appear above "US POSTAGE".
- Labels may be framed or unframed
- V/F: $0.00 or nil
- Click here for type description
PC-D3.3A. With value figures
- A large label with 6 boxes "FS5"("Boxes B1, B2, C, D, E, F")
- Box B2::. US POSTAGE in one line alone above the date
PC-D3.3A2. US POSTAGE IMI in one line alone above the date
- A. 026W over 10-digit number starting with 0004
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5? | F | IX | 026W0004897241 | CommPrice | 06/20/2023 | 32961 | VERO BEACH, FL | |
FS5? | G | VI | 026W0004897622 | CommPrice | 10/18/2023 | 29568 |
- B. 028W over 10-digit number starting with 0002
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5? | G | VI | 028W0002310688 | CommPrice | 05/11/2024 | 34293 | VENICE FL |
PC-D3.3A3. US POSTAGE IMI in one line alone above the date as "PC-D3.3A3", Box A with "UNITED STATES / POSTAL SERVICE ®" and emblem on left.
PC-D3.3B. With rate statement
- Box B2::. US POSTAGE in one line alone above the date
PC-D3.3B.1A. Prefix "21B"
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5 | P | V | 021B0050723999 | CommPrice | 07/20/2022 | 07112 | Newark NJ | Box F: order data |
FS5 | P | V | 021B0060312094 | CommPrice | 11/28/2022 | 07036 | Linden NJ | Box F: order data |
FS5 | P | V | 021B0060494251 | CommPrice | 11/28/2022 | 90670 | Santa fe springs CA | Box F: order data |
PC-D3.3B.1B. Prefix "26W"
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
P | VII | 026W0004897242 | ComPlsPrice | 11/25/2020 | 07419 | |||
FS5 | X | VIII | 026W0004897590 | 01/02/2021 | 97239 | Portland OR | ||
FS5 | P | V | 026W0004897774 | CommPlsPrice | 07/31/2020 | 60490 | Bolingbrook IL | |
FS5 | F | IX | 026W0004897814 | CommPrice | 01/08/2021 | 91304 | Los Angeles CA | |
F | IX | 026W0004897894 | 54843 |
- As PC-D3.1A.B but with customer ID at lower right
- Box B2 US POSTAGE above the date
- Meter numbers: 026W
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Customer ID | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5 | P | VII | 026W0004897326 | 3000093152 | ComPlsPrice | 12/04/2020 | 91706 | IRWINDALE CA | ID numbers in larger font |
FS5 | F | XII | 026W0004897491 | 3000008007 | CommPrice | 05/23/2019 | 48114 | BRIGHTON MI |
- Box B2::. US POSTAGE / PAID in two lines above the date
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5 | F | XII | 026W0004897894 | CommPrice | 12/29/2021 | 54843 | Hayward WI |
- Box B2 US POSTAGE / PAID IMI in two lines above the date
- Meter numbers: 026W
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5? | F | XII | 026W0004897241 | CommPrice | 01/26/2023 | 13147 | SCIPIO CENTER NY | |
FS5 | F | XII | 026W0004897242 | CommPrice | 08/16/2022 | 93943 | MONTEREY CA | |
FS5 | F | XII | 026W0004897400 | CommPrice | 05/24/2023 | 16063 | ZELIENOPLE PA | |
FS5 | G | VI | 026W0004897451 | CommPrice | 11/24/2023 | 95240 | LODI CA | |
PS4 | P | XIII | 026W0004897525 | CommPrice | 10/23/2023 | 98239 | COUPEVILLE WA | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E |
PS5 | F | IX | 026W0004897591 | CommPrice | 03/07/2022 | 92404 | SAN BERNARDINO CA | |
PS5 | F | IX | 026W0004897642 | CommPrice | 02/02/2022 | 92404 | SAN BERNARDINO CA | |
PS4 | G | VI | 026W0004897642 | CommPrice | 12/06/2023 | 81413 | CEDAREDGE CO | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E |
PS4 | F | IX | 026W0004897778 | CommPrice | 02/27/2023 | 76013 | PANTEGO TX | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E |
FS4 | F | III | 026W0004897790 | CommPrice | 11/01/2022 | 08110 | PENNSAUKEN NJ | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E |
FS5 | G | VI | 026W0004897812 | CommPrice | 11/25/2023 | 11432 | JAMAICA NY | |
F | IX | 026W0004897816 | CommPrice | 08/22/2022 | 33770 | LARGO FL | ||
FS4 | F | IX | 026W0004897817 | CommPrice | 06/20/2023 | 77030 | HOUSTON TX | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E |
FS5 | F | IX | 026W0004897878 | CommPrice | 08/25/2022 | 66505 | MANHATTAN KS | |
FS4 | F | IX | 026W0004897894 | CommPrice | 01/23/2023 | 08110 | PENNSAUKEN NJ | |
FS5 | F | IX | 026W0004897895 | CommPrice | 02/04/2022 | 45806 | CRIDERSVILLE OH | |
FS5 | G | VI | 026W0004897895 | CommPrice | 11/21/2023 | 95628 | FAIR OAKS CA | |
FS5 | F | IX | 026W0004897939 | CommPrice | 03/28/2022 | 55304 | ANDOVER MN | |
F | IX | 026W0004897942 | CommPrice | 04/29/2022 | 06514 | HAMDEN CT | ||
FS5 | F | IX | 026W0004898023 | CommPrice | 09/23/2022 | 75150 | MESQUITE TX |
- Box B2 US POSTAGE / PAID IMI in two lines above the date
- Meter numbers: 028W
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS4 | G | VI | 028W0002310364 | CommPrice | 03/18/2024 | 96003 | REDDING CA | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E |
FS4 | G | VI | 028W0002311094 | CommPrice | 02/05/2024 | 34222 | ELLENTON FL | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E |
FS4 | G | VI | 028W0002311374 | CommPrice | 02/22/2024 | 33436 | BOYNTON BEACH FL | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E |
- As PC-D3.3B.3 but taller, thinner font
- Box B2 US POSTAGE / PAID IMI in two lines above the date
- Meter numbers: 026W, 028W
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Customer ID | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5 | P | V | 026W0004897241 | 3001124484 | ComPlsPrice | 06/17/2022 | 93380 | VISALIA CA |
- As PC-D3.3B.3 but taller, thinner font
- Box B2 US POSTAGE / PAID IMI in two lines above the date
- Meter numbers: 028W
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Customer ID | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5 | X | VIII | 028W0002310218 | 3000559694 | 02/03/2023 | 98144 | SEATTLE WA | Box F: order info | |
FS5 | F | XII | 028W0002310350 | 3001704288 | CommPrice | 02/03/2023 | 80907 | COLORADO SPRINGS CO |
- As PC-D3.3B.3 but taller, thinner font
- Box B2 US POSTAGE / PAID IMI in two lines above the date
- No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E
- Meter numbers: 028W
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Customer ID | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5 | G | VI | 028W0002310174 | 3002184618 | CommPrice | 07/08/2024 | 60647 | CHICAGO IL |
- Similar toPC-D3.3B.3
- Box B2 US POSTAGE / & FEES PD IMI in two lines above the date
- Meter numbers: 026W
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS4 | F | XII | 026W0004897798 | CommPrice | 01/24/2023 | 30907 | MARTINEZ GA | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E |
- A large label with 6 sections, 7 boxes ("Boxes A, B1, B2, C, D, E, F")
- A box ("Box A) across the top containing the USPS eagle logo and "UNITED STATES/ POSTAL SERVICE" at left and a mailer's logo or identification at right.
- NOTE: For examples with Penalty of Fines Under 18 / USC 3571 for Private Use see OO-M1
- Box B2 as PC-D3.3B.3, US POSTAGE / PAID IMI in two lines above the date
- Box A with " a preferred / shipping service on ebay "
- identification number starts with "026W"
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS6 | F | XII | 026W0004897242 | CommPrice | 01/08/2022 | 19565 | WERNERSVILLE PA | |
FS6 | G | VI | 026W0004897486 | CommPrice | 08/19/2023 | 76002 | ARLINGTON TX | |
FS6 | G | VI | 026W0004897525 | CommPrice | 10/24/2023 | 35952 | SNEAD AL | |
FS6 | F | XII | 026W0004897623 | CommPrice | 05/08/2023 | 50010 | AMES IA | |
FS6 | P | 026W0004897894 | CommPrice | 30513 | ||||
FS6 | F | 026W0004897941 | CommPrice | 60108 |
- Box A with " a preferred / shipping service on ebay "
- identification number starts with "028W"
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS5 | G | VI | 028W0002310428 | 06/18/2024 | 60512 | MONTGOMERY IL | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E | |
FS5 | X | VIII | 028W0002310575 | 05/31/2024 | 34677 | OLDSMAR FL | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E | |
FS5 | G | VI | 028W0002311092 | CommPrice | 06/13/2024 | 11103 | ASTORIA NY | No Box F, DM1 barcode below Box E |
- Box B2 as PC-D3.3B.3, US POSTAGE / & FEES PD IMI in two lines above the date
- Box A with " a preferred / shipping service on ebay "
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS6 | F | XII | 026W0004897813 | CommPrice | 06/30/2022 | 07111 | IRVINGTON NJ |
- Box B2 "US POSTAGE / AND FEES PAID" in two lines above the date
- Box A with “www.pitneybowes.com”
NOTE: For labels of this type used by an US Government Agency and with a Penalty statement see type "OO-M1"
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS6 | F | XII | 026W0004897572 | CommPrice | 06/29/2021 | 76155 |
- Box B2 "US POSTAGE" in two lines above the date
- Box A with “www.paypal.com”
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS6? | X | X | 026W0004897485 | CommPrice | 11/25/2020 | 55422 |
- Similar to PC-D3.3 but with tracking number added above the PDF417 2D barcode.
- Stacked at left of the 2D barcode are "usps.com", the value figures, "US POSTAGE", a rate statement, and in the bottom corner, the date.
- Centered below the 2D barcode are “Mailed from” and ZIP code and “024P”.
- V/F: $0.00 $00.00
NOTE: The stamp previously cataloged as Type PC-D3.5 is now a sub-type of PC-D3.3.
- "US POSTAGE / PAID IMI" in two lines
- Unboxed rate class designation letter
- "PDF417(7)" 2-D barcode on right
- Meter Identification on right above customer Identification number
- Meter identification number: 028W followed by 10 digits
- On customs declaration form (CD)
- Similar to Type PC-D3.4 but in wider format with the tracking barcode at far left.
- Meter number seen with "024P" prefix.
- With value figures below "PAID".
- V/F: $0.00
- Wide format as with PC-D4.1 but "US POSTAGE" and the mail class are at far left with the tracking barcode below.
- The postage data is found below the PDF417 barcode, as follows:
- ID# with "026W" prefix
- Pitney Bowes (with "CommPrice" [or value figures?] below)
- date
- "From" ZIP code
- weight
- (destination) zone
- As with PC-D4.2 but with "US POSTAGE PAID IMI"
- At right is the square "Datamatrix" barcode.
- Centered in the middle: "US POSTAGE PAID"/ "Pitney Bowes"/ rate statement/ identification number with 024P prefix
- At left: date/ ZIP code/ weight
- Always found on framed address label, and never with value figures.
- At left solid block rate code indicator
- Centered in the middle: "US POSTAGE PAID"/ "Pitney Bowes"/ rate statement/ identification number with 024P prefix at base
- At left outline rate code indicator
- Centered in the middle: "US POSTAGE PAID"/ "Pitney Bowes"/ rate statement/ identification number with 024P prefix in middle
- -1. Meter identification number positioned as in the illustration for PC-D5.1A.
- Similar to Type PC-D4.1 but "Pitney Bowes" is vertical reading up at left.
- The rate, date, ZIP code, and weight are stacked between "US POSTAGE PAID" (italicized) at top and the identification number at bottom.
- Identification number with 024P prefix.
- "Found only on International postage/address/customs forms purchased online from the USPS web site."
- The complete form is shown reduced at right. Occurs in at least two types:
- Type I "To/From" horizontal
- Type II "To/From" vertical
- V/F: $00.00 or nil
- NOTE: "For labels of this type the collector should save the whole form"
- B. With postage paid shown in dollars and cents
- C. Without rate, blank between US POSTAGE PAID and the date
PC-D5.3. “Shipstream Manager”, 2006.
- Very wide design with square "Datamatrix" barcode at right and large tracking barcode at center.
- Above the 2D barcode are the date, ZIP code, weight, and "Pitney Bowes".
- Below the 2D barcode is the ID number with 024P prefix.
- At far left is “US POSTAGE PAID” above the class of mail.
- A. With rate statement instead of value figures.
- B. With value figures above the date
PC-D5.4. "SmartPostage", 2011.
- As Type PC-D4.5 but with "www.pbSmartPostage.com" instead of the eBay logo.
- Identification number with 024P prefix.
- A. With value figures. V/F: $0.00
- B. Without value figures but with rate statement
- a. With "Commercial Base Pricing" immediately below the "Pitney Bowes"
PC-D5.5. (presumed to be “Shipstream Manager”), 2013.
- Similar to Type PC-D4.3 but with the elements rearranged.
- The identification number, date, "From" Zip code, and weight are below the square "Datamatrix" barcode.
- The tracking barcode is at far left rather than center.
- At near left of the Datamatrix barcode is "Pitney Bowes".
- "US POSTAGE PAID" and the mail class are at far left above the tracking barcode.
- Identification number with 024P prefix.
- Click here for type description
- A. With value figures above "Pitney Bowes": $0.00
- B. Without value figures
PC-D5.6. "SmartPostage", 2006.
- Similar to Type PC-D3.2 but with square DataMatrix barcode instead of "PDF417" barcode.
- “US POSTAGE PAID” at top center above "Pitney Bowes", a rate statement, and the identification number.
- sans-serif "a preferred / shipping service on ebay" in upper right
- Service indicator in Box B1 with solid block letters
- Meter identification number with 024P prefix.
- With value figures. V/F: $0.00 [scarce]
PC-D5.7. "SmartPostage"
- Similar to Type PC-D3.2 but with square DataMatrix barcode instead of "PDF417" barcode.
- “US POSTAGE PAID” at top center above "Pitney Bowes", a rate statement, and the identification number.
- sans-serif "a preferred / shipping service on ebay" in upper right
- Service indicator in Box B1 with solid block letters
- Meter identification number with 024P prefix.
- Without value figures but with rate statement
PC-D5.8. "SmartPostage"
- Similar to Type PC-D3.2 but with square DataMatrix barcode instead of "PDF417" barcode.
- “US POSTAGE PAID” at top center above "Pitney Bowes", a rate statement, and the identification number.
- sans-serif "a preferred / shipping service on ebay" in upper right
- service indicator in Box B1 at left is narrower (not square) and the letter within is outlined rather than solid.
- Lettering in the panel [C] at bottom is smaller.
- Meter identification number with 024P prefix.
- V/F: V/F: $0.00
PC-D5.9. "SmartPostage"
- Similar to Type PC-D3.2 but with square DataMatrix barcode instead of "PDF417" barcode.
- “US POSTAGE PAID” at top center above "Pitney Bowes", a rate statement, and the identification number.
- service indicator in Box B1 at left is narrower (not square) and the letter within is outlined rather than solid.
- Lettering in the panel [C] at bottom is smaller.
- Meter identification number with 024P prefix.
- Without value figures but with rate statement
- sans-serif "a preferred / shipping service on ebay" in upper right
- Click here for type description
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007629585 | ComBasPrice | 12/28/2015 | 85541 | PAYSON AZ | |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007629647 | ComBasPrice | 02/10/2016 | 85541 | PAYSON AZ | |
FS5 | F | XIV | 024P0007629652 | ComBasPrice | 06/21/2014 | 10509 | BREWSTER NY | |
FS6 | F | XV | 024P0007629756 | 03/17/2016 | 85541 | PAYSON AZ | ||
FS5 | F | XIV | 024P0007629758 | ComBasPrice | 12/11/2012 | 32812 | ORLANDO FL | |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007629777 | ComBasPrice | 03/15/2017 | 17362 | SPRING GROVE PA | |
FS5 | F | XIV | 024P0007632129 | ComBasPrice | 06/01/2019 | 85203 | MESA AZ | |
FS6 | F | XV | 024P0007776044 | 02/25/2016 | 32701 | ALTAMONTE SPG FL | ||
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007776131 | ComBasPrice | 02/10/2016 | 85541 | PAYSON AZ | |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007776147 | ComBasPrice | 10/17/2016 | 76251 | MONTAGUE TX | |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007776172 | ComBasPrice | 11/27/2015 | 85541 | PAYSON AZ | |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007776173 | ComBasPrice | 08/18/2015 | 20904 | SILVER SPRING MD | |
FS5 | F | XIV | 024P0007776210 | ComBasPrice | 10/27/2015 | 33187 | MIAMI FL | |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007776653 | ComBasPrice | 09/12/2016 | 12992 | WEST CHAZY NY | |
FS5 | F | XIV | 024P0007776711 | ComBasPrice | 10/12/2016 | 60543 | OSWEGO IL | |
FS5 | F | XIV | 024P0007875935 | ComBasPrice | 01/20/2015 | 85211 | MESA AZ | |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007875935 | ComBasPrice | 10/06/2015 | 33161 | FLORIDA CITY FL | |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007876028 | ComBasPrice | 01/12/2019 | 22301 | ALEXANDRIA VA | |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007876132 | ComBasPrice | 11/10/2015 | 85541 | PAYSON AZ | |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007876761 | ComBasPrice | 10/13/2015 | 85541 | PAYSON AZ | |
FS6 | F | XIV | 024P0007876771 | ComBasPrice | 03/12/2016 | 85541 | PAYSON AZ |
- Italic "a preferred / shipping service on ebay" in upper right
PC-D6, 2021.
- Similar to PC-D5.2 but with Pitney Bowes at the top of the point-of-sale data stacked at left of the Datamatrix barcode.
- Datamatrix barcode (DM4) 19 mm square, with 4 data blocks
- Below Pitney Bowes are the value figures, US POSTAGE or US POSTAGE IMI, a mail class statement.
- a ten-digit number, "3000156428" evidently the customer identification number, the ZIP code and the date.
- V/F: $0.00o
- This stamp arises from the new partnership between eBay and Pitney Bowes for "eBay Delivery Service" shipping.
- A. Inscribed US POSTAGE, identification number with 026W prefix,
- B. Inscribed US POSTAGE IMI, with "FIM" barcode to left, Datamatrix barcode 20 mm square, with 4 data blocks, identification number with 026W prefix,
- -1 Datamatrix barcode 15 mm square, with 4 data blocks, identification number with 026W prefix,
- C. Inscribed US POSTAGE IMI, with "FIM" barcode to left, Datamatrix barcode 18 mm square, with 4 data blocks, identification number with 028W prefix,
NOTE: Type PC-D6 is nearly identical in appearance to Type QB7. They differ only in color and in the ten-digit number that appears below the identification number, black and 3 for PC-D5.7, and red and 2 for QB7.
Sub-group PC-E: Franks from Envelope Manager (Endicia) software, ID numbers mostly with 07#V prefix but also 07#M, 07#S, and without ID number
[edit | edit source]- All the stamps have a generic design, bar code and text. The earlier stamps include "endicia.com" in the design and later ones are identifiable only by the identification number which is most commonly 071V although 071M and 071S are also found. An exception is Type PC-E2.2, Sub-type A, which does not show an identification number.
- When first released (February 2001) the system was labeled by Indicia as "DAZzle 2000".
- On November 18, 2015 Stamps.com (see Sub-group PC-C) acquired Endicia.
Several stamps in Group Q resemble stamps in Group PC. If you don't find what you are looking for here, check there.
Type RE1 in 2001 edition
PC-E1.1. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) “DAZzle 2000” , 2000.
- “endicia.com” at bottom left of "PDF417(7)" barcode.
- “US POSTAGE” at top right.
- Stacked at center: value figures / class of mail / date / town line.
- ID# with 071M, 071S, or 071V prefix at bottom right.
- V/F: $0.00 $0.000
- PC-E1.1A. Basic stamp without framing
- a. Top portion above 2D barcode shifted far to the left (shown at right). This may be the result of inconsistent software rather than printer variables.
- b. With "CORRECTION" instead of '"endicia.com" at bottom left
- c. With "FIM" barcode at top left.
- PC-E1.1B. The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left and the class of mail spelled out below.
- PC-E1.1C As PC-E1.1A but with "endicia.com/mac" at bottom left of "PDF417(7)" barcode.
- a. With "FIM" barcode at top left.
Type RE2 in 2001 edition
PC-E1.2. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) “DAZzle 2000” , 2002.
- As Type PC-E1.1 but the point-of-sale data is at left rather than in the center, and the sequence of data is different.
- At top left: value figures/ date/ rate information
- At top right: "US POSTAGE"/ "Mailed from ZIP..."
- “endicia.com” at bottom left
- Identification number with 071V prefix
- Never with "FIM" barcode.
- V/F: $0.00
- PC-E1.2A. Basic stamp without framing
- a. With text above bar code shifted significantly to left or right. This may be the result of inconsistent software rather than printer variables.
- b. On large label (STvar) (see Section PC intro)
- PC-E1.2B. The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left and the class of mail spelled out below.
- d. Without rate information below the date
- PC-E1.2C. "endicia.com/mac" at lower left, produced by systems designed for Apple computer users
PC-E1.3. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) “DAZzle 2000” , 2002.
- Similar to Type PC-E1.2 but with rate statement instead of value figures.
- “POSTAGE AND FEES PAID” at top above date, ZIP code, and rate statement.
- “endicia.com” at bottom left
- PC-E1.3A. Basic stamp without framing
- Identification number with 071V prefix
- PC-E1.3A. Basic stamp without framing
- a. With text above bar code shifted significantly to left or right. This may be the result of inconsistent software rather than printer variables.
- b. On large label (STvar) (see Section PC intro)
- PC-E1.3B. The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left and the class of mail spelled out below.
- Identification number with 071V prefix
- PC-E1.3B. The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left and the class of mail spelled out below.
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Line A Equivalent | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | City | Notes | |
FS5 | FCM | XVI | 071V00515554 | A13 | OCT 27 2011 | 55337 | BURNSVILLE MN | NO TRACKING BARCODE | ||
FS5 | F | IX | 071V00525268 | A11 | Commercial Base Price | JAN 5 2015 | 92705 | SANTA ANA CA | ||
FS5 | F | IX | 071V00525268 | A12 | Commercial Base Price | APR 12 2016 | 92705 | SANTA ANA CA | ||
FS5 | F | IX | 071V00525268 | A12 | Commercial Base Price | JAN 3 2017 | 92705 | SANTA ANA CA | ||
FS5 | F | IX | 071V00525268 | A12 | Commercial Base Price | FEB 17 2017 | 92705 | SANTA ANA CA | - | |
FS5 | F | IX | 071V00525268 | A12 | Commercial Base Price | MAR 1 2017 | 92705 | SANTA ANA CA | - | |
FS5 | FCM | XVI | 071V00548099 | A13 | APR 17 2007 | 83333 | ||||
FS5 | solid black | VIII | 071V00682520 | A7 | FEB 6 2009 | 80922 | COLORADO SPRINGS CO | |||
FS3 | P | V | 071V01059238 | A11 | Commercial Plus Price | SEP 8 2020 | 30071 | NORCROSS GA |
- e. As B, with question mark after the mail class statement: PRIORITY MAIL 2-DAY?
- (This may be a computer error with the question mark printing in place of a registration mark (R in circle).)
- e. As B, with question mark after the mail class statement: PRIORITY MAIL 2-DAY?
- f. Without the "Box C" containing the class of mail below the frank
- g. "Box E" with USPS emblem at left, no tracking info
- h. "Box E" with USPS emblem at left, endicia emblem at right
- PC-E1.3C. As PC-E1.3B with "endicia.com/mac" at lower left, produced by systems designed for Apple computer users
- Identification number with 071M prefix
- PC-E1.3C. As PC-E1.3B with "endicia.com/mac" at lower left, produced by systems designed for Apple computer users
PC-E1.4. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) “DAZzle 2000” , 2002.
- Similar to Type PC-E1.3B but with logo and "endicia" at upper right.
- The ID number is above the 2D bar code at right.
- The date is below the mail class designation at left.
- Identification number with "071V" prefix.
- Seem on large label that includes customs information.
Type RE3 in 2001 edition
PC-E2.1. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) , 2002.
- Found only on the top of large address labels downloaded directly from the USPS web site.
- In wide box at right is the 2D "PDF417" barcode.
- To the left of the 2D barcode are "US POSTAGE" vertical, "WWW.USPS.COM", value figures, and date.
- A series of nine 4-digit numbers is above the 2D barcode, and the ZIP code and identification number with 071V prefix are below.
- Very large “P” (for Priority Mail) or “E” (for Express Mail) in box at left.
- Across the bottom is the class of mail spelled out.
- V/F: $0.00 $00.00
Type RE4 in 2001 edition
PC-E2.2. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) .
- Stamp similar to PC-E2.1 with "PDF417" barcode but with panel at top containing USPS eagle logo at left and Click-N-Ship® logo at right.
- This appears to be a replacement for type PC-E2.1.
- Identification number, with 071V prefix, at right of the ZIP code
- V/F: $(0)0.00
- Note. For similar item without identification number see "PC-G3"
PC-E2.3. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) .
- Nearly identical to Types PC-C5.2 (Stamps.com) and PC-D3.3 (Pitney Bowes) except for the identification number which has "071V" prefix.
PC-E3.1. Endicia.com , 2010.
- Square "DataMatrix" barcode at right with company identity reading down at far right.
- Text from top, at left of barcode: "US POSTAGE AND FEES PAID", mail class (may be omitted), date (mmm dd yyyy), ZIP code, rate statement (may be omitted), "CommBasePrice" or "CommPlusPrice" (may be omitted)
- Later stamps also include a second, more specific, rate statement. (see the image for "b" below)
- ID# with 071S or 071V prefix below 2D barcode.
- A1. Company identity "endicia.com" (longer than DataMatrix is tall), barred "I" font
- ID# with 071S or 071V prefix below 2D barcode.
- c. Printed on short label containing tracking bar code but not the destination address
- e. Datamatrix bar code field contains vertical bars, probably caused by a malfunction
- A2.1. Company identity "endicia.com" (shorter than DataMatrix is tall), unbarred "I" font
- ID# with 071S prefix below 2D barcode.
- b. Text at top truncated: "US POSTAGE AND FEES P"
Label type | Box B1 TYPE | Box C type | Meter number | Line A equivalent | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip code | City | Notes |
FS4 | P | XXXIII | 071S00799149 | A17 | Commercial Plus Pricing | Nov 27 2017 | 37801 | MARYVILLE TN | |
FS4 | Black | VIII | 071S00773763 | A7 | Dec 19 2017 | 30605 | ATHENS GA | ||
FS4 | Black | VIII | 071S00773763 | A7 | Dec 22 2017 | 30605 | ATHENS GA | ||
F | IX | 071S00913234 | A18 | CommercialBasePrice | Aug 04 2014 | 33351 | SUNRISE FL | subtype "b" | |
FS4 | F | IX | 071S00917592 | A18 | CommercialBasePrice | Feb 11 2014 | 11220 | BROOKLYN NY | |
FS4 | F | IX | 071S00917592 | A18 | CommercialBasePrice | Oct 11 2014 | 11220 | BROOKLYN NY |
- A2.2. Company identity "endicia.com" (shorter than DataMatrix is tall), unbarred "I" font
- ID# with 071V prefix below 2D barcode.
- f. Datamatrix bar code field is wider than tall, not square
Label type | Box B1 TYPE | Box C type | Meter number | Line A equivalent | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip code | City | Notes |
FS4 | black box | VIII | 071V00908463 | A16 | Dec 21 2017 | 75104 | CEDAR HILL TX | 2 copies, framed | |
FS4 | P | XXXIII | 071V00970570 | A17 | CommercialBasePrice | Jun 05 2018 | 28052 | shorter Enddicia on right | |
- B1. Company identity is a round logo and "endicia" (first seen in late 2018)
- Unframed
- ID# with 071S prefix below 2D barcode.
- -1 Top two lines bold
- -2 All but top line and fifth line bold
- -3 All lines bold
- B2. Company identity is a round logo and "endicia"
- ID# with 071V prefix below 2D barcode.
- subtypes unknown
- a. Datamatrix barcode field omitted
- d. Printed without the tracking bar code
PC-E3.2. Endicia.com, 2014.
- Similar to Type PC-E3.1 with square "DataMatrix" barcode, but the value figures are at upper left and "US POSTAGE" is alone at top center.
- ID# with 071V prefix seen.
- V/F: $00.00
PC-E3.3A. Endicia.com, 2015.
- Similar to Types PC-E3.1 and PC-E3.2 but "U.S. POSTAGE" is lower, below the date and ZIP code.
- The value figures are at far left.
- One seen, with "FIM" bar code at upper left.
- ID# with 071V prefix seen.
- endicia.com reads down.
- V/F: $00.00
PC-E3.3B. Endicia.com.
- As Type PC-E3.3A but with rate statement instead of value figures.
- ID# with 071V prefix seen.
- endicia.com reads up.
PC-E3.3C. Endicia.com.
- As Type PC-E3.3A but with different endicia logo.
- ID# with 071S prefix seen.
- Circular logo and endicia read down.
NOTE: The extremely narrow stamp impression shown appears to be a printer/feeder error rather than a software variation.
PC-E3.3D. Endicia.com.
- As Type PC-E3.3C but with rate statement instead of value figures.
- ID# with 071V prefix seen.
- Circular logo and endicia read down.
PC-E3.4. Endicia.com, 2016.
- Similar to Type PC-E3.1 but inscribed "U.S. POSTAGE PAID" without "AND FEES". Also the inscription is centered rather than high.
- Below "US POSTAGE PAID" is "From ZIP ##### and a rate statement.
- Rather than a large mail classification code, the mailer's name and address is found in the box at left.
- ID# with 071S prefix seen.
PC-E3.5. Endicia.com, 2018.
- Square DataMatrix barcode as with previous PC-E3 types but with round logo and "endicia" horizontal at bottom left instead of vertical at right.
- Text at left of barcode: At top (not fully visible in the image): "US POSTAGE AND FEES PAID" above the weight and mail class, price modification statement, date, ZIP code, identification number, a "CID" (Contract IDentification) number, and the Endicia logo.
- No value figures are shown
- ID# with 071V prefix seen.
- The example reported was used on international mail.
Sub-group PC-F: Franks generated by EasyPost software, with "easypost" in the frank
[edit | edit source]- EasyPost is a software company that provides companies with integrated shipping options through USPS and several private carriers.
- The company was founded in 2012 although the first stamp came to our attention in 2016.
Several stamps in Group Q resemble stamps in Group PC. If you don't find what you are looking for here, check there.
PC-F1. "EasyPost" (digital/thermal), 2016 but possibly as early as 2012.
- The stamps we have seen appear on large address labels.
- The stamp contains a PDF417 barcode which sits under "US POSTAGE AND FEES PAID" and easypost at the right of the stamp.
- Left of the barcode are the date, ZIP code, "CID" (number) or "C" (number), and COMBASE or ComBasPrice (with no value figures).
- Along the bottom are the weight and identification number with "0901" prefix.
- A. The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left (Box B1) and the class of mail spelled out below (Box C)
- B. The stamp appears by itself with no framing or large mail class indicator
PC-F2. "easypost" (digital/thermal).
- Similar to Type PC-F1 but inscribed "US POSTAGE PAID" rather than "US POSTAGE AND FEES PAID"
- The text, including easypost, is in a lighter and wider font than found on PC-F1.
- Also, without "CID" and number and with small ComBasPrice instead of COMBASE.
- And finally, the zeros are slashed.
PC-F3.1. "EasyPost" (digital/thermal), 2021.
- As Type PC-F1 but the easypost. logo now has a period after it. The web address "Template:Size=2" was added below the logo.
- This stamp includes a postage value which is preceded by "Retail" on the stamp we have seen.
- V/F: $0.00
- Note: The origin ZIP code and customer ID have been blurred in the stamp photo.
PC-F3.2. "EasyPost" (digital/thermal), 2022.
- Easypost Logo as PC-F3.1
- The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left (Box B1) and the class of mail spelled out below (Box C)
- No value figures
- Box B1 "F"
- 0901000004578 C4000013 83713 2022-09-02 BOISE, ID
- Box B1 "P"
- 0901000004698 28405 WILMINGTON, NC
PC-F4.1. "EasyPost" (digital/thermal), 2022.
- Easypost Logo different
- The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left (Box B1) and the class of mail spelled out below (Box C)
- No value figures
- Box B1 "P"
- 0901000005499 C4017644 83709 2022-11-18 BOISE, ID
PC-F4.2. "EasyPost" (digital/thermal), 2022.
- Easypost Logo same as "PC-F4.1"
- V/F: $0.00
- a. With FIM barcode to the left
PC-F4.4. "EasyPost" (digital/thermal), 2023.
- Easypost Logo same as "PC-F4.1" without the web address.
Label Type | Box B1 Type | Box C Type | Meter no's | Stack B2.2 line 2 type | Date | Zip | Customer ID | Note |
FS5 | G | VI | 0901000008901 | Commercial | 2023-12-01 | 60607 | C4650528 | 0.10 CUBIC ZONE 3 |
FS5 | G | VI | 0901000010389 | Commercial | 2023-12-28 | 63376 | C5299422 | 5.0 OZ ZONE 4 |
FS5 | P | XXXI | 0901000014322 | Commercial | 2024-06-27 | 63376 | C5299422 | 0.20 CUBIC ZONE 4 |
PC-F5. "Chit Chats" (digital/thermal), 2023.
- Similar to "PC-F4.2"
- Easypost Logo replaced by "Chit Chats"
- V/F: $0.00
PC-F6. "Sendle" (digital/thermal), 2023.
- Similar to "PC-F4.1"
- Easypost Logo replaced by "Sendle>"
Sub-group PC-G: Franks generated by U.S. Postal Service software, without a vendor's identification number.
[edit | edit source]- These stamps are a type of Post Office stamp (Group PO) but because they are generated online at the Postal Services's web site, they are listed here..
- The stamp was first reported in 2021.
PC-G1. (digital), 2021 but possibly earlier.
- The stamp is a large tracking label similar to Type PC-C5.1 with the USPS logo and "Click-N-Ship"® in the top panel. The postage part of the label is immediately below and at right. It contains in its upper left corner, "usps.com, the value figures, US POSTAGE, and a rate statement. The date is at lower left. At top right is a tracking number. At lower center is Mailed from and the ZIP code. In the center is a larger U.S. POSTAGE PAID above a small Click-N-Ship®, all backed by a field of wavy pale blue lines.
- V/F: $(00)0.00
PC-G2.1 (digital), 2023 but possibly earlier.
- Similar to "PC-G1" but with a square Datamatrix barcode at the right of box "B2".
- Includes numbers to right of date, perhaps customer ID
- Label type "FS6"
- V/F: $(00)0.00
Mail Rate Class | Type | Date | Mailed from Zip Code | "Box C" Mail Class |
P | Flat Rate Env | 05/08/2023 | 63005 | XXX |
G | Insured | 06/20/2024 | 02453 | VI |
PC-G2.2 (digital), 2024 but possibly earlier.
- Similar to "PC-G2.1" but with security print under "US POSTAGE PAID" more heavily segmented
- Includes numbers to right of date, perhaps customer ID
- Label type "FS6"
- V/F: $(00)0.00
PC-G2.3 (digital), 2024 but possibly earlier.
- Security print in "Box B2" similar to "PC-G2.1" but
- "Box D" more similar to "PC-G2.2"
- Includes numbers to right of date, perhaps customer ID
- Label type "FS6"
- V/F: $(00)0.00
Type RE4 in 2001 edition
PC-G3. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) .
- Stamp similar to PC-E2.1 with "PDF417" barcode but with panel at top containing USPS eagle logo at left and Click-N-Ship® logo at right.
- This appears to be a replacement for type PC-E2.1.
- Without identification number
- See also "PC-E2.2" for similar item with identification number starting with "071V"
- V/F: $(0)0.00,
Sub-group PC-H: Franks generated by Francotyp-Postalia software, with "FP" logo in the frank
[edit | edit source]- Francotyp-Postalia first entered the U.S. postage meter market in 2000. Only one stamp has been reported so far, and it is dated from 2019. Earlier dates are likely.
The status of this item has been questioned, more information or scans would be important to have, please reply to editor.
PC-H1. "Francotyp-Postalia" (digital/thermal), 2019 but probably earlier.
- The one stamp reported appears on alarge address label with the top (postage) section containing a PDF417 barcode.
- Above the barcode are, at left: the value figures and date, at center: the FP logo, and at right: US POSTAGE, Mailed From [5-digit ZIP code], and the identification number with 032A prefix.
- ComBasPrice appears below the date on this stamp.
- The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left and the class of mail spelled out below.
- V/F: $ (00)0.000
Franks with "E-postage" or variant in the frank
[edit | edit source]
- Shipping labels with E-Postage, ePostage, ePOSTAGE and other variants in the frank were first reported in 2011. They are used by online commerce companies with business volumes large enough to justify special arrangements with shippers such as USPS, FedX, and UPS.
- E-Postage is a program developed by USPS to accommodate the growth of ecommerce. Online merchants such as Amazon and Etsy use ePostage. In 2016 new company Shippo began operation as a shipping aggregator offering ePostage to any business.
- The stamps appear to be more like "post paid" permit stamps rather than metered mail but are shown here until we determine their exact nature.
- The stamps are found only on address labels with the top section having an enclosed mail-service letter at left and a frank box at right above a panel containing the mail class.
- The central section contains the return address, date, and addressee.
- The stamps show no value figures or identification number.
- The labels do include a tracking bar code and number.
- So far they have been found in two general formats:
- - With single-line border surrounding the complete design, printed on label 135 mm tall
- - With no outer border, printed on smaller label, 115 mm tall
- Known variations:
- - Mail class appears in the frank box
- - Incomplete box around mail-service letter at upper left
- - Mailer's name repeated at top outside the frank box
- - "ComBasPrice" appearing left of the frank box
- Merchants have some control over the appearance of the stamp. The e-Postage designation is found in different fonts. The frank box is found in a variety of sizes with contents left justified or centered.
- When inaugurated in September 2011 only certain mail services were available through e-Postage system: Express Mail, Priority Mail, First-Class Mail parcels, Package Services (except Library Mail), and Parcel Select bar-coded non-presort.
- What is common to all e-Postage stamps is that the frank box contains e-Postage (or variant), U.S. POSTAGE PAID (or variant), and the mailer's identification.