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United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/GROUP E – Frameless design with arcs in the corners

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GROUP E – Frameless design with arcs in the corners

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  • All stamps in Group E are from meters produced by the National Cash Register Company (NCR). Only one meter model was used, the Model P-1924(3-3)P-P, a multi-value (MV) machine.
  • Most stamps have "Z. Wt." (Zone number of destination, Weight) at left center. It is usually seen with a line above but occasionally below or missing altogether. Most stamps simply show a zero above "Z. Wt." but occasionally numbers are present representing the postal zone and/or weight and sometimes "L" for Local.
  • All NCR stamps are printed on imperforate adhesive labels 54 mm x 46-48 mm, never directly to covers. Four basic paper stock types were used for the labels:
- matte, creamy yellow
- shiny yellow to orange-yellow, white on the back
- matte orange to pale orange, pink to salmon-pink [R], beige [R], brown (shades) [RRR]
- white [RR]
  • The stamps are printed in two stages, the top and bottom sections are printed together, and the central horizontal band is printed separately. The two stamp colors are usually the same but often different.
  • Stamp ink colors:
  • The top and bottom sections are found in dark purple, violet, red, red-pink, and blue-green.
  • The center line is found in dark purple, violet, red, red-pink, blue, and green.
  • Ink combinations known:
- purple, purple
- purple, red-violet
- red-violet, purple
- red-violet, dark purple [S]
- purple, blue [RR]
- purple, green [RR]
- red-violet, red-violet [RR]
- red-violet, red [RRR]
- blue-green, green [RRRR]
  • Most stamps show the town name at the bottom. Stamps used for registered mail are often found without town name.
  • All stamp types are known with portions missing, probably from breakage. Missing parts include the wavy lines in the corners and occasionally the entire top or bottom portions.
  • Meter numbers: 775, 1000-3676, 4200, 4234, and 8049.
  • First seen in 1931.

Sub-group EA – Five wavy horizontal lines in lower corners

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  • The arc at bottom above the town name is quite deep.
  • Meter number below "PAID" with "NCR Meter" prefix.
  • Other than the date figures, all the letters in the stamp have serifed letters.
Meter numbers 1001 to 1015. Stamps from meters 1010 and 1013 have not been seen or reported.
  • Earliest known use, January 17, 1931. Latest known use, April 18, 1935. The stamp dies on meters 1001–1015 were replaced with later types, mostly from sub-group EB.
Virtually all the known stamps are loose tapes. Only one stamp is known still affixed to the original mailing piece, a cover front pictured below.

Type EA1 in 2001 edition

EA1.1, January 19, 1931.

"Z Wt." at center left.
Three-figure impression counter number at center right.
Meter numbers:
1001, DAYTON, OHIO (used by NCR) [RRRR]
1002, DAYTON, OHIO (used by NCR) [RRRR]
1004, NEW YORK, N.Y. [RRR]
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)
a. Without "Z Wt." at left:
1005, DETROIT, MICH. loose tape [R]
1005 on cover front [RRRR unique]
1006, no town name, registration use [RRRR unique]

Type EA2 in 2001 edition

EA1.2, 1931. Latest known use 18 Apr 1935.

As Type EA1.1 but with four-figure impression counter number at right.
Meter numbers:
1003, NEW YORK, N.Y. [RR]
1014, CHICAGO, ILL. [RR]
1015, CHICAGO, ILL. [R]
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)

Sub-group EB – Four wavy horizontal lines in lower corners, top lines connect across the stamp, bottom lines longer than the two middle lines

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  • The arc at bottom above the town name is shallower than in Sub-group EA. It is a continuation of the top lines in the wavy line formations in the lower corners.
  • Meter number below "PAID" with "NCR Meter" prefix.
  • Other than the date figures, all the letters in the stamp have serifed letters.
  • Released early in 1931.

Type EB1 in 2001 edition

EB1.1, 1931.

With "Z.Wt." at left.
Four digit impression counter number at right.
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)
a. With Permit number above Meter number
b. With Permit number below Meter number
c. Upper section containing "U.S. POSTAGE" missing (1068, 1154) [RRRR]
d. As c, Permit number above Meter number (11/1063) [RR]
e. Entire bottom section, including Meter number, missing [RRR]
f. Entire bottom section below Meter number, missing (1036) [RRR]
g. Three figure impression counter number (1004, 1023, 1027) [RR]
h. Meter number prefix contains "N.C.R." with stops (1016) [R]

Type EB2 in 2001 edition

EB1.2 (MV).

As EB1.1 but without "Z.Wt." at left.
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)

Type EB3 in 2001 edition

EB1.3 (MV).

As EB1.1 but with "PM.AM." instead of "Z.Wt." at left.
Meter number 1117 used by General Electric in Schenectady, N.Y.
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)

Type EB4 in 2001 edition

EB1.4 (MV).

As EB1.1 but value figures: 0.00 (0.01 to 99.99)
a. Used with town name removed for registered mail (shown)

Sub-group EC – As Sub-group EB but the bottom lines are same length as the two middle lines

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  • The earlier stamps have serifed letters in all the inscriptions but starting in the early 1940s all or part of the inscriptions are often found with sanserif letters.
The town name is found both in all capitals and with only the first letter capitalized.
  • Released in 1932 with many remaining in use in the 1950s and 1960s.

Type EC1 in 2001 edition


With "Z.Wt." at left.
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)
a. With Permit number above Meter number (1063, 1159, 1227)
b. With Permit number below Meter number (1155)
c. Line below "Z.Wt." rather than above (1243) [S]
d. "Wt." only at left, without "Z." (1254) [R]
e. Three figure impression counter number at right (1023) [R]
f. Without impression counter number at right (1187) [R]
g. With station name above Meter number (1286) [RR]
h. With station name below Meter number (1286) [RR]
j. Wavy lines at top left missing (1067) [R]
k. Wavy lines at bottom right missing (1558) [R]
l. Entire bottom section missing (1036, 1116, 1138, 1156) [R]
m. Entire bottom section missing including meter number [RRRR]

NOTE: This stamp with meter number prefix "P.O." will be cataloged in the Post Office section of the catalog.

Type EC2 in 2001 edition


As EC1.1 but value figures: −.00½ (−.00½ to 9.99½)
a. With Permit number above Meter number [S]
b. With Permit number below Meter number (1155, 1790) [S]
c. Zone number after town name, "WEST ALLIS 14, WIS." (2105) [S]
d. Meter number 775 for 1775 (error) [S]
e. Entire top section except for the arc missing (1041) [RR]
f. Entire bottom section below Meter number missing (1942, 2386) [RR]
g. Entire bottom section below Meter number missing and "NCR" missing (1942) [RR]
h. Entire bottom section including Meter number missing [RRR]
j. Arcs in lower right corner missing (1024)
k. Meter 1117 with town name misspelled as "SCHNECTADY" rather than the correct SCHENECTADY

Type EC3 in 2001 edition


As EC1.1 and EC1.2 but value figures: 0.00 (0.01 to 99.99)

Type EC4 in 2001 edition


As EC1.1-EC1.3 but value figures: −0.00 (−0.01 to 99.99)

Type EC5 in 2001 edition


As Type EC1.1 but with time indicators "A.M. P.M." or "P.M. A.M." instead of "Z.Wt." at left.
A. "A.M. P.M." [RRR]
B. "P.M. A.M."
Meters 1117 and 1317 only, used by General Electric in Schenectady, N.Y.
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)

Type EC6 in 2001 edition


As Type EC1.1 but blank at left without "Z.Wt.".
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)
a. Without impression counter number at right (1127, 1187) [R]
b. With Permit number above Meter number (1171, 1193) [R]
c. With line at left above where "Z.Wt." would normally appear (1117, 1273) [R]

Type EC7 in 2001 edition


As EC2.1 but value figures: −.00½ (−.00½ to 9.99½)
a. With line at left above where "Z.Wt." would normally appear (2569) [R]

Type EC8 in 2001 edition


As EC2.1 and EC2.2 but value figures: 0.00 (0.01 to 99.99)
This stamp was used mostly for registered mail and is nearly always found without date and town name.
a. Top and bottom arcs on left side missing (1374) [RRR]

Type EC9 in 2001 edition


As EC2.1-EC2.3 but value figures: −0.00 (−0.01 to 99.99)
As with CE2.3 this stamp was used mostly for registered mail and is nearly always found without date and town name.

Sub-group ED – Stamps for registered mail only, with two or no lines replacing town name

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  • At bottom there are either two full lines across the bottom or none.
  • No stamps show the date.
  • Earliest reported use, November 5, 1931.

Type ED1 in 2001 edition


With two full wavy lines across the bottom with two sets of partial lines below them.
Without "Z.Wt.".
Meter number smaller than normally found on Group E stamps.
Meter numbers: 1058, 1073, 1083, 1085
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)

Type ED2 in 2001 edition


As Type ED1.1 but value figures: 0.00 (0.01 to 99.99)
Without "Z.Wt.".
Meter number smaller than normally found on Group E stamps.
Meter numbers: 1058, 1083, 1085

Type ED3 in 2001 edition

ED2. [RR]

As Type ED1.1 but the top and third line at bottom are continuous with the second and fourth lines partial.
Without "Z.Wt.".
Meter number 1026 only.
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)

Type ED4 in 2001 edition

ED3.1. [R]

As Type ED1.2 but with no lines at bottom center.
Without "Z.Wt.".
Meter number 1359 only.
V/F: 0.00 (0.01 to 99.99)

NOTE. This stamp is similar to Type EC2.3 but has no line across the stamp at bottom.

Type EE7 in 2001 edition

ED3.2. [R]

As Type ED3.1 but without "PAID" below the value figures.
With "Z.Wt.".
Meter number 1653 only.
Value figures: 0.00 (0.01 to 99.99)

Sub-group EE – Arc above town name at bottom does not connect to the arcs in the lower corners

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Type EE1 in 2001 edition

EE1.1. [S]

With "Z.Wt." at left.
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)
a. With Permit number above Meter number (11/1063) [RRR]
b. With Zone number after town name:
- "WEST ALLIS 14, WIS. (2105) [RRR]

Type EE2 in 2001 edition


As Type EE1.1 but value figures −.00 (−.00½ to 9.99½)
a. With Permit number above Meter number (138/2075)
b. Entire top section missing (1088) [RRR]
c. With Zone number after town name: "NEWTON UPPER FALLS, 64 MASS. (1822) [RRR]
d. Printed in experimental ink colors, blue-green with green center, found on both matte orange and white paper [RRRR]
e. Line above "PAID" missing (1253)
(The stamp previously listed as EE1.2f is now cataloged as Type EF1.2D.)
g. Arcs at lower right missing (2609) [RRRR]

Type EE3 in 2001 edition

EE1.3. [R]

As Types EE1.1 and EE1.2 but value figures 0.00 (0.00 to 99.99)
a. Without line above "PAID" (1253) [RRR]

Type EE4 in 2001 edition


As Types EE1.1-EE1.3 but value figures −0.00 (−0.00 to 99.99)

Type EE12 in 2001 edition

EE2.1. [RR]

As Type EE1.4 but without "Z.Wt.".
V/F: −0.00 (−0.00 to 99.99)

Sub-group EF – As Sub-group EE but without "PAID" below the value figures. Mailer's name present.

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  • The mailer's name appears in one or two lines below the meter number.

Type EE5 in 2001 edition


With "Z.Wt." at left.
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)
a. With no line above or below "Z.Wt (2621)
b. Without center line (zone, weight, value figures, impression counter number). Meter 1385, possibly a proof.

NOTE. Examples of EF1.1 with line below "Z.Wt." rather than above are proofs.

Type EE6A in 2001 edition


As Type EF1.1 but value figures −.00 (−.00½ to 9.99½).
With line above "Z.Wt."
a. With Zone number after town name: "KANSAS CITY 27, MO. (3108) [R]
b. Town name without state: "NEW BRUNSWICK" (3226) [RRR]
c. Mailer's name omitted [S]
d. Mailer's name very large and italic: STYLECO (2990) [RRR]
e. With number "137" instead of mailer's name (3162) [RRR]
f. Three digit impression counter number (3040) [RR]
g. Everything below the meter number, including mailer's name, missing [R]
h. Everything below the mailer's name missing [R]
j. Arcs at bottom right missing [R]
k. Experimental ink colors red-violet with red-violet center on pink paper: "SCHENECTADY, N.Y." (1117) [S]
l. Impression counter number with "Z" prefix (3068) [RRR]
m. Center line inverted (3132) [RRR]
n. Two center lines, one off-center and with "X" prefix to impression counter number (3132) [RRRR]


  • Varieties l, m, and n may be test proofs.
  • See the NOTE following Type EF1.2B.

Type EE6B in 2001 edition


As Type EF1.2A but with line below "Z.Wt."
V/F: −.00 (−.00½ to 9.99½)
a. With Zone number after town name: (3110) [R]

NOTE. Henry Meisel of the American Metered Postage Society (AMPS) prepared special NCR meter stamps for three International Metered Postage Exhibitions held in 1957, 1958 and 1959. The stamps used were Types EF1.2A and EF1.2B modified to show meter number prefix "AMPS NCR Meter" rather than the standard "NCR Meter". These modifications were unauthorized by the Postal Service.

Type EE6C in 2001 edition


As Types EF1.2A and EF1.2B but with no line above or below "Z.Wt."
V/F: −.00 (−.00½ to 9.99½)
a. Station name below town name (2496) [S]
b. Mailer's name omitted [S]
c. Zone number after town name (1299, 3239) [S]
d. ZIP code after state abbreviation (3631) [R]
e. Everything below mailer's name missing (1162, 1401, 2834) [R]
f. Everything below meter number, including mailer's name, missing (1550) [RR]
g. "NCR METER" in capital letters (2496) [R]
h. As a, large "Z.Wt." above "NCR" in center (1055) [RRR]
j. Small "Z.Wt." and "NCR Meter" close together (1905, 3417, 3548, 3655) [R]

Unlisted in 2001 edition 

EF1.2D. [RRRR]

As previous EF1 Types but "Z.Wt" is not at left but centered above "NCR Meter" and the meter number.
One stamp known, meter 1055.
Without mailer's name.
V/F: −.00 (−.00½ to 9.99½)

Type EE8 in 2001 edition EF1.3.

As types EF1.1-EF1.2A but value figures: −0.00 (−0.00 to 99.99)
a. Mailer's name omitted (1635, 1208, 1660) [R]
b. Everything below mailer's name omitted (1660) [R]
c. With no line above or below "Z.Wt." [S]
d. As c, mailer's name omitted (1359, 1653) [R]

Type EE9 in 2001 edition

EF2.1. [RRRR]

As Type EF1.1 but without "Z.Wt." at left.
V/F: .00 (.00½ to 9.99½)

Type EE10 in 2001 edition

EF2.2. [RRRR]

As Type EF2.1 but value figures −.00 (−.00½ to 9.99½).

NOTE. Both Types EF2.1 and EF2.2 are exceptionally rare stamps. We have seen only the stamp shown at right, and it could be either EF2.1 or EF2.2.

Type EE11 in 2001 edition

EF2.3. [RRR]

As Types EF2.1 and EF2.2 but value figures −0.00 (−0.00 to 99.99).
a. With mailer's name missing (1491). This stamp may be a proof. [RRRR]