Understanding Scientific Terms/Common Prefixes

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Understanding Scientific Terminology
Greek and Latin Roots of Scientific Terms.
Lessons: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Index

Lesson 3 - Common Prefixes

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ab-  : from, away from
ad-  : toward, to
end/o-  : inside, inner
ecto-  : outside, outer
epi-  : over, upon
ex/o-  : from, out of
hyper-  : above, excessive, more
hypo-  : below, under, less
micro-  : small
macro-  : big
peri-  : around
pro-, proto-  : before
derm  : skin
EXERCISE • Common Prefixes • Define the word
  1. epidermis
  2. hypodermic
SOLUTION • Understanding Scientific Terms/Common Prefixes • Define the word
  1. The skin found on the top of an organism.
  2. Pertaining to something below the skin.

How would you write the words with these meanings?

EXERCISE • Common Prefixes • Write the word
  1. The skin on the inside of an organism.
  2. Someone who is more active than is normal.
SOLUTION • Understanding Scientific Terms/Common Prefixes • Write the word
  1. endoderm
  2. hyperactive