Travel Time Reliability Reference Manual/Availability of Data

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Here are some graphs and data for an 6-lane urban freeway (I-43/I-894 near Milwaukee) and 4-lane interregional (I-94 west of Eau Claire). I realize the corridor lengths are much different, but the options were limited for non-urban interstates which had more than just a couple TMC points and the urban corridors tend to be shorter. In this case, we actually have more data for I-94. The reliability indices follow what we’d expect with the more rural freeway performing better. I had to use the 70th percentile travel time for the free flow travel time on the urban freeway because using the speed limit would have led to a mean speed less than the free flow. Let me know your thoughts.

6-lane urban freeway (4.34875 miles) Free flow travel time is based on the 70th percentile travel time

Reliability Index Value
TTI 1.007
BI 0.257
OPT 94.900
PTI 1.266
TTI80 1.021
MI 1.4

Travel Time in minutes
Mean 4.583
Free Flow 4.550
95th % 5.762
80th % 4.648
97.5th % 6.466

4-lane interregional freeway (20.178 miles) Free flow travel time is based on speed limit of 65mph

Reliability Index Value
TTI 1.034
BI 0.058
OPT 98.400
PTI 1.094
TTI80 1.038
MI 1.150

Travel Time in minutes
Mean 19.261
Free Flow 18.626
95th % 20.378
80th % 19.327
97.5th % 21.421

Availability of data on 6-lane Freeway in January Data Availability for 6-lane Urban Freeway in January Data Availability on 4-lane Inter-regional Freeway in January Availability of Data on 4-lane Inter-regional Freeway in January Travel Times for 6-lane Urban Freeway in January Travel Times for 4-lane Inter-regional Freeway in January