Transportation Systems Simulation - A Tutorial for Multi-Modal Simulation Using VISSIM/Transit: Network Objects
The transit simulation capabilities of Vissim allow for modeling transit lines, transit stops, and passenger alighting. The transit simulation section introduces the transit network objects, network building, and builds on the previous interactive example. This section describes the functions and attributes of Transit Network Objects. For instructions on how to build a pedestrian model go to the “Network Building Section”. The transit simulation network objects in Vissim are Public Transport Stops and Public Transport Lines.
Public Transport Stops
[edit | edit source]The network object “Public Transport Stops” (stop) is used to define the space on a link where a transit vehicle will stop if the Public Transport Line (line) has the stop assigned to it. It is important to note that the Length of a stop should be longer than the transit vehicle length, otherwise the transit vehicle will not stop. When defining a stop in Vissim, the user is prompted to define attributes:
- No.
- Name
- Length
- Lane
- At
- Boarding Passengers
Public Transport Lines
[edit | edit source]The network object “Public Transport Lines” (lines) is used to define the route (not to be confused with static vehicle routes) and departure times of transit vehicles, which will stop at Public Transport Stops (stop) if the line has the stop assigned to it. When defining a line in Vissim, the user is prompted to define attributes:
- No.
- Name
- Vehicle Type
- Des. Speed distrib.
- Time Offset
- Slack Time Fraction
- Color
- Departure Times
- PT Telegrams