< Trainz

This page is a soft redirect, which creates an searchable link title ('TrainzScript') earmarked as a future topic and title, but temporarily redirects a user to a topic page and/or section of the Trainz Wikibook, which may at the moment give some coverage of the term (title of the article to come).
since cannot use #redirect because {{TG|TrainzScript}}
would create a loop.
Be advised this new Trainz Wikibooks topic page is rough and incomplete. It was last edited on 24 March 2016, and is still under heavy construction. Work needed: This isn't even a stub, so not begun. Given the dated nature of the tech, it may be limited to listing Scenarios developed using TrainzScript. Move in the direction of sections like TRS2006's. Page This Page UNDERCONSTRUCTION: Content here is likely to be changed significantly in a short amount of time. All Trainzer's and Wikibookians with knowledge in this subject are welcome to help out. You can remove this tag and replace it with {{Trainz-stub}} or with section stub templates ({{Trainz-sect-stub}}) on unfinished sections when the 'page' has become more mature. |