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Training Best Practices/Informal learning

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

"Informal learning is simply that, which is not directed by an organization or somebody in a control position." - Jay Cross

It is about converting Tacit knowledge to Explicit Knowledge by documenting the Tacit Knowledge.

Informal learning is adhoc. It can be in the form of:

  • Collaboration
  • Communities of practive
  • Access to Experts
  • Mentors
  • Knowledge banks

Tools which support Informal learning are:

  • Wiki
  • Blogs
  • Podcast
  • Videoblog (vlog)
  • FlockPod

Definition of Wiki

  • A website created by a group; rather than by an individual
  • In Hawaiianm, Wiki means "quick"
  • What I Know Is... (descriptive of the process of collaborative content development.)

Definition of Blog

  • Webpages made up of regular entries in reverse chronological order, containing commentary by the blog owner
  • Used for information sharing, collaboration, and debate