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Traditional Chinese Medicine/Fu Ling

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  • Pinyin Name: Fu Ling
  • Alternate Chinese Names: Yun Ling
  • Original Source: Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Divine Husbandman's Classic of the Materia Medica) in the second century
  • English Name: poria, indian bread, Tuckahoe
  • Botanical Name: Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf (Fu Ling)
  • Pharmaceutical Name: Poria
  • Properties: sweet, bland, neutral
  • Channels Entered: Heart, Spleen, Kidney


1. Promotes Urination and Resolves Dampness

2. Strengthens the Spleen

3. Calms the Shen (Spirit)


Fu Ling is a fungus that may be thinly sliced, in typical white ‘curls,' or cut into blocks approximately 2 cm thick. For decoctions, select the thin cut: the greater exposed surface area of the curls permits maximum extraction of active constituents. The dense nature of the block cut prevents full penetration by the water during cooking. Even after cooking, a block of Fu Ling may be completely dry in the center. Fu Ling and Zhu Ling (Polyporus) both are commonly used to regulate water. Fu Ling dispels dampness and benefits the Heart and Spleen; therefore it is often added to tonic herbs to promote restored organ function. Zhu Ling has a stronger diuretic function than Fu Ling but does not serve as a tonic. It is used mostly to dispel dampness but does not restore the body's ability to regulate water. In the past, Fu Ling was coated with Zhu Sha (Cinnabaris) at times for the purpose of calming the shen (spirit). However, this is rarely done now.