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The science of finance/Thierry against the dragon Crypto

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Winter is coming and it will be hard. People are stocking up. They are not consuming all their wealth. They are saving it, because they do not want to starve to death when winter comes.

Crypto is a very gluttonous and very thieving dragon. He devours almost all the wealth saved for the winter. So people are afraid.

When Thierry learns this, he says to himself that something must be done : "We cannot let this dragon starve us." But Thierry is small. He is not muscular and he has no weapons. So he goes to see the Goddess, the Truth, and he says to her "Madam Truth, I would like a sword." The Goddess answers him in a stern tone: "But why do you want a sword? - It is because of the dragon Crypto. He devours all our wealth and we are afraid of dying this winter."

Then the goddess smiles at him and gives him the most beautiful sword of all, very strong, very sharp, and very light, because she sees that Thierry is not muscular. Thierry thanks her and gets ready to go in search of Crypto. But the Goddess stops him: "Wait, you also need a shield. Crypto spits flames and he could burn you. But with this shield you will be protected. He always returns to the sender the projectiles and flames that bounce off it"

She gives Thierry the most beautiful, the lightest and most powerful shield.

When Thierry arrives in front of Crypto, he tells him: "Dragon Crypto, if you don't stop devouring our wealth, I will kill you."

Crypto laughs: "But Thierry, did you see yourself? You are very small, so small that I don't even want to eat you. Your sword and shield are ridiculous. You can't do anything against me. Go away quickly before I get angry, because if I get angry you will be burned by my flames."

Thierry stays straight in front of the dragon. He is not afraid because he knows that the Truth protects him. He insists: "Dragon Crypto, if you do not promise to stop devouring our wealth, I will kill you now."

Crypto gets angry at this affront: "Little insolent, you will receive the punishment you deserve." And he spits his flames. Thierry brandishes his shield, the flames bounce and Crypto has his eyes burned by his own flames. Then it is easy for Thierry to thrust his sword into the throat of Crypto, who has become blind. And the dragon dies.