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The cave painting in Magura Cave/ Retelling

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Assuming that a coherent creation story is told in the first seven scenes depicted in the Magura Cave, a retelling is found in this chapter.

Retelling of the creation myth in the Magura cave

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The Bringer of Light

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First Station: the Bringer of Light.


In the beginning our world was in darkness, and there was only an immeasurable primeval flood without living creatures.


Then the great Bringer of Light appeared above the horizon and hovered over the primeval flood.


From then on there was light by day and darkness by night.

The Celestial Bull

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Second station: the sky bull.


In the night sky the great Celestial Bull appeared, who had first already given birth to the sun as ruler of the day.


From him were now also born countless other lights in the firmament.


They came out of him into the darkness to shine also in the night.

The Seven Wandering Figures

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Third station: the seven wandering figures.


After the sun, the Celestial Bull also gave birth to the moon as ruler of the night.


Then he created five more great lights as companions of the sun and moon.


All seven great lights will forever pass by the many little lights as rulers of the ages.

The Heaven and the Earth

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Fourth station: heaven and earth.


The heaven is eternally populated by the lights.


Under heaven, in its image, the earth was created.


As the lights inhabit the heavens, so the living creatures inhabit the earth.

The Humans

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Fifth station: die Menschen.


In the midst of the many living creatures on earth, human beings were also created.


Humans were made as woman and man.


They should multiply and respect the lights of heaven.

The Water

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Sixth station: the water.


The waters of the primeval flood entered the sea and were thereby separated from the land of the earth.


From then on, the water could also flow in heaven and on the land.


This water quenches the thirst of living creatures and makes plants and food grow.

The Completion

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Seventh station: the completion.


Thus the heavens with their lights and the earth with its living creatures were completed.


The seven walking lights in heaven will watch over the earth from the beginning to the end.


They serve as visible signs of the perpetual cycle of days, weeks, months and years.