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The Organ Systems/respiratory

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The Respiratory system 

Function of System:

Gas exchange especially getting oxygen into the body.

How it aids in homeostasis:

Gas exchange. Regulation of blood pH.

The Respiratory system

Name and function of Major Organs:

Nose - Main gateway of the respiratory system.
Oral Cavity - Second main gateway of the respiratory system. 
Pharynx - Carries air to the lungs. 
Trachea - Main part of the body air way, providing air flow to and from the lungs.
Lungs - Allows oxygen in the air to be taken into the body. 

Comparative anatomy:

When comparing our respiratory system to that of a bird, there are some very distinct differences. The most notable of which is the fact that along with having lungs, birds also have air sacs, which extend into the humerus (the bone between the shoulder and elbow), the femur, the vertebrae and even the skull. Birds do not have a diaphragm, instead, they move air in and out of there respiratory system via pressure changes in the air sacs. 

When compared to amphibians, we discover even sharper contrasts. As their young will generally undergo a metamorphosis from larva with gills, to an adult air breathing form with lungs. They also differ from us due to the fact that they use their skin as a secondary respiratory surface. interestingly enough, certain species of frogs and salamanders lack lungs all together and rely entirely on their skin. 

The respiratory system of an insect is distinct due to the fact that it is a series of internal air tubes called the trachea. There is a main pair of lateral tracheae running the length of the body, one on each side. The tracheoles end within the body cells and gases are moved by diffusion within the tracheal system. 

FAQ: 1. What do the lungs do? They bring oxygen into our bodies and send carbon dioxide out. 2. When we take a deep breaths is it the same as when we breathe normally? Proper breathing goes by many names. You may have heard it called diaphragmatic breathing, abdominal breathing, or belly breathing. So yes these are the same as breathing normally. 3. How does the respiratory system work with the muscular system? The muscular system helps push air into and leave the respiratory system the the contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm, which is a muscle. 4. Do we get all of our oxygen from the air that we breathe? No the most oxygen we breathe comes from organisms in the ocean. More than half of the oxygen we breathe comes from marine photosynthesizers like phytoplankton and seaweed. 5. How does the respiratory system work in animals and plants? Some animals such as amphibians are able to exchange gases through their moist skin. Fish have gills while mammals, birds, and reptiles have lungs. Roots, stems, and plants exchange gases for respiration separately. ... leaves, which is used for the exchange of gases. The oxygen, taken in through stomata is used by cells in the leaves to break down glucose into carbon dioxide and water.

References: 1. Hirsch. Larissa. (2019, September). Lungs and respiratory system. TeensHealth. Retrieved from kidshealth.org/en/teens/lungs.html. 2. (2009, May). Take a deep breath. Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School. Retrieved from health.harvard.edu/Staying-healthy/take-a-deep-breath. 3. C. Nick. F. Kelsey. How does the respiratory system relate to other systems in the human body. Respiratory System. Retrieved from mansfieldct.org/schools/MMS/staff/gr6sci/Websites/RespiratoySystembyKelseyF.htm. 4. Morsink. Kalila. (2017, July). With every breath you take, thank the ocean. Smithsonian Ocean Find Your Blue. Retrieved from ocean.si.edu/oceanlife/plankton.every-breath-you-take-thank-ocean. 5. Respiratory system- all about breathing. Rader's Biology4Kids.com. Retrieved from biology4kids.com/files/systems_respiratory.html. 6. Respiration in plants. BYJU'S The Learning App. Retrieved from byjus.com/biology/plant-respiration/.

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