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The Devonshire Manuscript/Wythe seruing still

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love doth againe now all of chaunge
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 81r

 f. [81r] 

1    {_i}{{s}8} Wythe seruing still
2    this have I won{_o}ne
3    for my god will
4    to be vndon{_o}n

5    And for redresse
6    of all my payne
7    disdaynefulnes
8    I have againe

9    And for reward
10    of all my smar{m'}te
11    so thus vnharde
12    I must depar{p+}te

13    Wherefore all ye
14    that after{t'} shall
15    bye ffortune be
16    as I am thrall

17    Example take
18    what I have won{_o}n
19    thus for her sake
20    to be vndon{_o}ne
fs lerne but ^to syng


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Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H8. Rebholz notes that in the Trinity College Dublin MS D.2.7 the scribe attributes the poem to Thomas Vaux.[2] The speaker’s efforts to woo the lady have won him only disdain; he warns other lovers to pay heed to his misfortune.

Works Cited

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Textual Notes

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Texts Collated

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1      seruing] seruyng DBla24     still] styll this DBla24 
2      have] haue DBla24 
3      for] ffor DBla24     god] good DBla24     will] wyll DBla24 
4      vndonn] vndonne DBla24 
5      for] ffor DBla24     redresse] redres DBla24 
7      disdaynefulnes] disdaynffulnes DBla24 
8      againe] agayne DBla24 
9      And] and DBla24     for] ffor DBla24 
10      smarte] smart DBla24 
11      so] lo DBla24     vnharde] vnhard DBla24 
13      Wherefore] Wherfore DBla24     ye] ye that that DBla24 
15      bye] by DBla24     ffortune] fortune DBla24 
17      Example] Exempell DBla24 
18      have] haue DBla24     wonn] wonne DBla24 
19      her] hes DBla24 
20      vndonne] vndone DBla24