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The Devonshire Manuscript/If that I cowlde in versis close

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In places Wher that I company blame not my lute for he must sownde
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 63v
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 63r

f. [63r] 
f. [63v] 

1    If that{{th}+t+} I cowlde in versis close
2    {{th}+t+}{es} thowghtesthat in my hart be shett
3    hart so hard was newer{w+r+} yet
4    that vulde not pitie I suppose
5    vnhappy Eys1/ my Ioy I lose
6    by strokes{es} of love throw you so frett
7    that no defence / can make with{w+t+}sett
8    for nowght but sorow I can chose
9    syns that your sight so bright did shew
10    with{w+t+}in my hart by fiery gleames
11    as in a glas the sonny streames
12    suffise the then for as I trow /
13    of Right he may desir deth
14    that fyndith his foo / by frendly faith

E K2

Notes & Glosses

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     1. This spelling of "eyes" is unusual in the manuscript.
     1. Presumably, this refers to Edmund Knyvett.


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Attributed to Edmund Knyvett (“E K”) in the manuscript, this poem was entered by H7 and explores the popular medieval trope of love at first sight (that is, the sight of a lady can strike the observer with instant love).