The Computer Revolution/Computer Graphics/Paint

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The most basic of computer graphics programs. This program is designed to be simple to use for users of the earliest age and has also been with Microsoft Windows from the earliest age. Paint is able to create image and saves them as .BMP (bitmap), .JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) .GIF (Graphic Interchange Format), .PNG (Portable Network Graphics) or .TIFF (Tagged Image File Format). Each format differs in the quality, some can have a high color depth images, such as a JPEG, or an 8 bit per pixel like the GIF format. For color photographs more people choose a JPEG format over GIF due to its quality.

Paint comes with the following options: free-form cut, 4 sides cut, an eraser that varies in 4 different sizes, a fill function, a tool to pick an existing color on your picture and replicate it, pencil, a brush, text, lines, zoom and 4 different shapes.

There is a menu function in Paint that can take and image and flip it, sketch it, invert the colors and more. There is also a choice for you to change your colors under the colors menu. You can choose new colors or different grades of existing colors.

As primitive as Paint is compared to all the computer graphics programs out there, paint is an excellent program to use for basic art such as pixel artists, or oekaki, which is Japanese for "to doodle".

Throughout the years paint has expanded its functions since the first Microsoft Paint and hopefully Microsoft will keep expanding and making it easier, but more challenging functions for those who wish to continue using it.