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From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

This template is automatically included by the page template {{Weedprof}}.


[edit source]
| Image = 
| Binomial = 
| Type = 
| Conditions = 
| Seed Dispersal = 
| Germination Time = 
| Germination Signal = 
| Ripe Seed =  
| Seed Banking = 
| Vegetative Spread =  
| Allelopathy =  


[edit source]
Yellow Woodsorrel
Binomial:Oxalis stricta
Conditions:sun to light shade
Seed Dispersal:explosive
Seed Banking:short term
Vegetative Spread:none
{{weedbox|Yellow Woodsorrel
| Binomial = Oxalis stricta
| Type = annual
| Conditions = sun to light shade
| Image = Oxalis stricta0.jpg
| Germination time = 
| Germination signal = 
| Seed Dispersal = explosive
| Ripe seed = Continuous throughout growing season
| Seed Banking =  short term
| Vegetative Spread =  none
| Allelopathy = 