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infinitive {{{1}}}è
gerund [[{{{1}}}enno]]
present participle [[{{{1}}}ente]]
past participle [[{{{1}}}uto]]
person singular plural
first second third first second third
indicative io tu isso/essa nuje vuje lloro
present [[{{{1}}}o]] [[{{{1}}}e]] [[{{{1}}}e]] [[{{{1}}}immo]] [[{{{1}}}ite]] [[{{{1}}}ono]]
imperfect [[{{{1}}}evo]] [[{{{1}}}ive]] [[{{{1}}}eva]] [[{{{1}}}evamo]] [[{{{1}}}iveve]] [[{{{1}}}evano]]
passato remòto [[{{{1}}}ette]] [[{{{1}}}iste]] [[{{{1}}}ette]] [[{{{1}}}ettemmo]] [[{{{1}}}isteve]] [[{{{1}}}etteno]]
(or [[{{{1}}}ettero]])
future [[{{{1}}}arraggio]] [[{{{1}}}arraje]] [[{{{1}}}arrà]] [[{{{1}}}arrammo]] [[{{{1}}}arrate]] [[{{{1}}}arranno]]
conditional [[{{{1}}}arria]] [[{{{1}}}arrisse]] [[{{{1}}}arria]] [[{{{1}}}arriamo]] [[{{{1}}}arrisseve]] [[{{{1}}}arriano]]
passato pròssimo Use the present tense of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
trapasato pròssimo Use the imperfect tense of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
trapasato remòto Use the passato remòto tense of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
futuro anteriore Use the future tense of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
cundizziunale passato Use the conditional tense of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
imperfect subjunctive ca io ca tu ca isso/ca essa ca nuje ca vuje ca lloro
[[{{{1}}}esse]] [[{{{1}}}isse]] {{{1}}}esse [[{{{1}}}essemo]] [[{{{1}}}isseve]] [[{{{1}}}esseno]]
imperative - tu isso/essa nuje vuje lloro
[[{{{1}}}e]] [[{{{1}}}e]] [[{{{1}}}iamo]] [[{{{1}}}ite]] [[{{{1}}}iano]]