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Usage, Limitations, and Options[edit source]

Usage[edit source]

Template name: FullWidthDrop. Place text for a heading in parameter one position. Place definitions for images, galleries, text, or an HTML table in parameter two position. The content hides initially in the collapsed state, and drops when the link button is clicked. The link toggles to collapse and expand the drop control.

The width of the control is always 100% of the page width. It is therefore intended for text and content that resembles the page itself. The drop contents can contain links. The template can be nested.

Limitations[edit source]

The width is always full-page. For those who need an expanding template or one with a narrower width , see the template DropImage.

In the event that long lines of code in pre tags are to be used, the width might extend to an unreasonable extent; In this event consider the use of the poem tags instead of the pre tags so that long lines will be wrapped. (Or use the pre-wrap property in pre.)

These few bulleted points relate to using tables as contents:

  • The content cannot reliably be a Wikitext table, since the pipe symbols confuse the code; use an HTML table instead.
  • The HTML attribute cellspacing can cause problems. Use the CSS styles for any spacing.
  • Use the HTML heading tags instead of wikitext headings. Headings within content will not be listed in the table of contents since most drops default to the closed state.
  • Use a numbered parameter for the content.

Bear in mind that the use of <pre></pre> tags will be needed for verbatim text layout, and if the block of text itself has these same tags within it, that the literals should be used to replace the ones within the text. (ie: use these instead; &lt;pre&gt; and &lt;/pre&gt;). This avoids the corrupted functioning which would otherwise result.

Options[edit source]

Container[edit source]

myclass rewrite an alternative table class declaration without quotes
mystyleT rewrite an alternative table style statement fully without quotes
the container border (default 1px solid black)
the padding for the container (default 0px)
the background color of the container,(seen for padding > 0px), (default white)

Heading[edit source]

mystyleH rewrite an alternative heading cell style statement fully without quotes
heading font family (face) (default Arial)
heading font size (default 10pt)
heading font weight(default normal)
heading background color (default white)
heading font color; (default black)
heading horizontal text alignment (default center)

Content[edit source]

mystyleC rewrite an alternative table-cell style statement for contents, fully without quotes
content font family (face) (default Arial)
content font size (default 10pt)
content text font weight(default bold)
content background color (default white)
content font color; (default black)
content horizontal text alignment (default center)
content text padding (default 10px)
content line-height (default normal)
content word-spacing (default normal)
content letter-spacing (default normal)