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Template:Arimaa/board part

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Template for partial board diagrams. Usage:

  • Argument 1 specifies the part of the board to show. Values are nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se or leave empty to show the whole board.
  • Arguments 2 and 3 give the number of ranks and files to include. Valid values are 4, 5 and 8.
  • The class argument gives the class attribute of the outermost <div> element; tleft and tright are usual values.
  • The title argument is argument above the diagram.
  • The caption argument is shown beneath the diagram.

Subsequent arguments give the contents of each square, from north-west to south-east. Piece codes are:

Gold Elephant eg
Gold Camel mg
Gold Horse hg
Gold Dog dg
Gold Cat cg
Gold Rabbit rg
Silver Elephant es
Silver Camel ms
Silver Horse hs
Silver Dog ds
Silver Cat cs
Silver Rabbit rs
Empty square [empty]


{{Arimaa/board part|nw|5|4|=
|rs|  |  |cs|cs|=
|  |rs|rs|  |  |=
|  |ds|  |  |  |=
|  |  |hg|  |  |=
|caption=A caption

expands to:

A caption