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Swing Dancing/Sugar push

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The sugar push is one of the basic moves of Lindy Hop and all swing dances.

The lead and follow stay where they are for 6 counts. The sugar push is very stylized, bringing both partners close together and then returning them to where they started, just like in the swingout.

This is often led with two arms.

The key variations are the Jitterbug and Hollywood sugar pushes.

Jitterbug Sugar Push

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Both lead and follow start with rock steps. The lead then pulls the follow close for two counts (a triple step) and then pushes the follow back into open for two counts (a triple step). Both lead and follow end up where they started.


Counts 1 and 2
Feet: Step back with the left foot, step together with the right foot.
Body: Move back.
Arms: Push the follow away by a few inches and pull back.
Counts 3 and 4
Feet: Triple step (left, right, left) in place.
Body: Pull the follow into closed position.
Counts 5 and 6: Sync Up
Feet: Triple step (right, left, right) in place.
Body: Push the follow back to where they started and sync up for the next move.


Counts 1 and 2
Feet: Rock step
Body: Their body is pushed back and then pulled in.
Counts 3 and 4
Feet: Triple step (right, left, right) moving forward.
Body: The follow is pulled close to the lead.
Counts 5 and 6: Sync Up
Feet: Triple step (left, right, left) moving backward.
Body: The follow is pushed back (returns) to where they started and syncs up for the next move.

Hollywood Sugar Push

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The lead pulls the follow for three counts and then pushes them back to where they started for three counts. Both lead and follow end up where they started.


Counts 1 and 2
Feet: Step back with the left foot, step together with the right foot.
Body: The body moves back to pull the follow in.
Counts 3 and 4
Feet: Step left in place, step right in place, step left forward.
Body: Push the follow back to where they started.
Counts 5 and 6
Feet: Triple step (right, left right) in place.
Body: The lead returns to where they started and syncs up for the next move.


Counts 1 and 2
Feet: Step forward, step forward (right left).
Body: The follow is pulled in.
Counts 3 and 4
Feet: Step right in place, step left in place, step right backward.
Body: The follow is pushed back to where they started.
Counts 5 and 6
Feet: Triple step (left, right, left) in place.
Body: The follow returns to where they started and syncs up for the next move.


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There are many stylings for sugar pushes. Stylings can be done in sugar pushes without affecting one's partner.


Counts 1 and 2
Counts 3 and 4
Counts 5 and 6
Head: May look to partner, to audience, or to a friend.


Counts 1 and 2
Counts 3 and 4
Counts 5 and 6
Head: May look to partner, to audience, or to a friend.

Footwork: Tango, step, kick step, triple step, kick ball change, flea hop, tap variations. The triple steps may become steps, kick steps, holds, step slide, KBC, or so on. Lots of footwork variations.

Arms: Touch floor.

Arms: Two arms, pull in and push back out. One arm works, too.


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There are many variations to sugar pushes. Variations require cooperation between the lead and follow.


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Hip Push: Sugarpush arm over head, other hand pushes follow's hip. This can also lead an overhead turn at the same time. If after the turn, the lead keeps their hand on the follow's hip, then they goes into hammerlock. This can start a side pass or other variation. Usually this variation starts right to right.

Arm Loop: Like hip push without the hip push. Left to right or right to right. Put the follows arm over the leads head, and place their hand on the lead's left shoulder.

Dip: On count 3, close face-to-face and hold upright dip. On count 5, open.

Kick: On count 4, both hold and kick in the same direction.

Sugar Tuck: This is a sugar push, with a tuck turn on count 3. Turn outside, also inside. (Reverse with arm, shoulder, or hip block). Turn with either hand.


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The sugar push is usually a six count move, but it can be extended any number of counts.

Extension: The sugar push is usually a 6 count move, though it can be extended to any number of counts. (Use swivels)

Double Outer Tuck: This is an 8 count sugar tuck turn, with two turn leads (the first just a fake). This requires a two hand lead.


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Position: The follow or lead can stay in place to shift position. For example, the follow may move forward on the first 3 counts and the lead may move back on the last 3 counts.

Direction: They can turn 1/4 in either direction.

Mirror Image: Switch left and right.

Speed: Fast or slow. Half speed or double speed. This is useful for slow or fast music, or to amuse the audience.

Start Count: Hold and start on any count.