Supplementary mathematics/Discrete mathematics

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Discrete mathematics is a part of mathematics dedicated to the study of discrete objects (discrete means distinct or unrelated elements); In other words, in response to the question of what is discrete mathematics, we can say that whenever objects are counted, relationships between finite (or countable) sets are studied, and in general, discrete mathematics is used in processes that involve a limited number of steps. Discrete mathematics study areas include counting, transformation (permutation), composition, graph theory, number theory, sets and relations, function and recursive relation.

From the time of the English scientist Isaac Newton until the late Renaissance period, almost 80% of all emphasis on the structures of branches of mathematical sciences such as applied mathematics and pure mathematics has been on continuously variable processes modeled by the mathematical continuum and derived from methods of calculus. Differential and integral and limits from branches of geometry such as: analytical geometry and spatial geometry) and statistics and probability are used. In contrast, discrete mathematics is mainly concerned with finite sets of discrete objects such as numbers and skeletal figures (such as graphs). With the growth of digital devices, especially computers, discrete mathematics has become more important.

Discrete structures can be counted, arranged, placed in collections, analysis can be done with mathematical logic, tabulation of numbers and calculations can be done and compared with each other. Although discrete mathematics is a broad and diverse discipline, it also has specific rules for mathematical, logical, physical, and geometrical formulas that exist in many subjects. The concept of independent events and resulting rules, sums, and PIEs is shared between compositions, set theory, and probability. In addition, De Morgan's laws are applicable to many areas of discrete mathematics.

Often, what makes discrete math problems interesting and challenging are the constraints placed on them. Although the discipline of discrete mathematics has many elegant formulas for applications, it is rare that a practical problem corresponds perfectly to a particular formula. Part of the fun of exploring discrete mathematics is learning about many different approaches to solving a problem, and then being able to creatively apply different strategies to a solution.