Supplementary mathematics/Cylindrical coordinate system

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The distance from the selected reference plane that is perpendicular to the axis. Cylindrical coordinate system or abbreviated cylindrical coordinate system is a three-dimensional coordinate system and has calculations that use length, width, height, angles and rarely integral and trigonometric calculations. This type of coordinate system is simpler than spherical coordinates. To determine the position in cylindrical coordinates by measuring the point from the distance of a reference axis and the center as its distance and determining the dimension and direction of the axis point relative to where the point is located and the distance from the plane is determined. The selected reference perpendicular to the axis must be specified. It depends on which direction and at which point and in which sign the reference plane is located, and the distance is also determined as a positive and negative sign.The origin of the coordinates is also a place in all three longitudinal dimensions of the coordinates must be zero.The distance from the point to the axis is in the form of radius and length or in short height.Spherical and cylindrical coordinates have two sub-sets called longitudinal coordinates and angular coordinates, whose longitudinal coordinates are made in the form of threes based on integrals and trigonometry, and their angles are calculated in the form of spatial angle calculation. Of course, in coordinates Spherical, more integral and complex trigonometric calculation and spatial angle calculation form are performed than cylindrical coordinates.Cylindrical coordinate form is more algebraic and has a little bit of integral and trigonometry.The method of writing cylindrical coordinates is similar to three-dimensional coordinates, which starts with length, width, and height, respectively, from top to bottom.