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Sport Innovation/2011 Women In Super Mother's Day Classic/Project Life Cycle, Phases and Tasks MDC

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Like all project the 2011 Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic had a project lifecycle. The life cycle consists of many phases and within each phase, many tasks and activities [1]. The diagram in figure 1 demonstrates the identified phases in chronological sequence. As you can see there is the possibility for a clear sequence within the phases, moving from one phase straight to the next. However, if after the event team reviews the event plans and determine that the plans put in place will not achieve the best outcomes, and therefore limit the success of the event and the achievement of the primary goals, they may wish to return to phase 2 and redevelop the event plans. Phases 2 and 3 can be repeated as many times as necessary in order to achieve the best outcomes. However, time is usually a constraint when planning an event and the event team should take this into consideration. figure 2 shows the possible phases sequences within the lifecycle of a project should the event team need to redevelop their event plans.

During each phase there were numerous activities and tasks in which Women in Super must have completed prior to moving to the next phase. Having said that the activities and tasks focus on in this case study are those that directly relate to the goals of the overall event. The identified activities and tasks for the Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic include:

  1. Registrations
    • Donations
    • Merchandise purchase
    • Data collection
  2. Services
    • Merchandise
    • Finisher rewards
  3. Marketing & Sponsorship
    • Website management
    • Social media management
    • Advertising and communications
    • Sponsorship attainment
    • Charity alignment

Each of the key activities and tasks identified above are discussed within each phase of the event lifecycle:

  1. Definition of Event
  2. Development of event plans
  3. Review of event plans
  4. Execution of event plans
  5. Evaluation of event plans

N.B. # Phase 2 and 3 can be repeated by event planners


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1.^ Mantel, S., Meredith, J., Shafer, S., & Sutton, M. (2005). Project Management in Practice (2nd Edition ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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