Spanish by Choice/SpanishPod newbie lesson A0076
The most important thing about jet-lag: there is good jet-lag (when the local time is behind your time because you were flying westwards) and bad jet-lag (when the local time is ahead of your time because you were flying eastwards). Similarly, our keyword has multiple meanings: cambio de horario – change of schedule/change of time zone/jet-lag.
- related SpanishPod lessons: A0016: I feel sick, A0021: I'm sleepy, A0131: I miss them
- discussion: visit the readers' forum for this lesson to discuss it or to ask questions about it
- source: SpanishPod, the original MP3 lesson content of this lesson is licensed by PraxisLanguage Ltd. under a Creative Commons 3.0 Unported license.
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Audio Lesson
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Title: “Jet-lag” Dialogue only (file info) | |
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mujer: Tengo jet-lag. hombre: ¿Qué es eso? mujer: El cambio de horario. hombre: Ah, claro, porque aquí son ocho horas más. mujer: Cierto.

Dialogue with Translation
mujer: Tengo jet-lag. (I) have jet-lag woman: I have jet-lag.
hombre: ¿Qué es eso? what (it) is that man: What's that?
mujer: El cambio de horario. the change of schedule woman: The change of time zone.
hombre: Ah, claro, porque aquí son ocho horas más. oh clearly because here (they) are eight hours more man: Oh, of course, because here it's eight hours ahead.
mujer: Cierto. certain woman: True.

Vocabulary for Dialogue
la mujer noun (feminine) the woman el hombre noun (masculine) the man tener verb (infinitive) to have (yo) tengo verb (present tense) I have el jet-lag noun (masculine) the jet-lag ¿qué? interrogative pronoun what? ser verb (infinitive) to be (él/ella) es verb (present tense) he/she(/it) is ese/esa/eso pronoun (m./f./neuter) this, that el cambio noun (masculine) the change de preposition of el horario noun (masculine) the schedule ah interjection oh claro adverb clearly, of course porque conjunction because aquí adverb here (ellos/ellas) son verb (present tense) they are ocho number eight la hora noun (feminine) the hour las horas noun (plural, feminine) the hours más adverb more cierto/cierta adjective (m./f.) certain, true cierto phrase I think so
Vocabulary for Audio Lesson
clarisimo adverb very clearly el taco noun (masculine) the taco los tacos noun (plural, masculine) the tacos el tequila noun (masculine) the tequila hasta luego phrase see you later

More Vocabulary
This section includes grammatically related words. Some of them are required by the exercise Dialogue Recast.
tener | infinitive | to have |
(yo) tengo | present tense | I have |
(tú) tienes | you have (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) tiene | he/she(/it) has | |
(usted) tiene | you have (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) tenemos | we have (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) tenéis | you have (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) tienen | they have (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) tienen | you have (formal, plural) | |
ser | infinitive | to be |
(yo) soy | present tense | I am |
(tú) eres | you are (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) es | he/she(/it) is | |
(usted) es | you are (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) somos | we are (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) sois | you are (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) son | they are (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) son | you are (formal, plural) |

Dialogue Translation
Translate from Spanish to English. Click each bar to check your answer. If possible, read the Spanish sentences aloud.
Dialogue Recall
Now translate from English to Spanish. Remember to say the Spanish sentences aloud.
Dialogue Remix
Translate this variant of the dialogue from English to Spanish.
Dialogue Recast
This translation exercise requires some of the words from the More Vocabulary section.
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