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Spanish/The Wrong Way To Learn Spanish/Part 2

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^ The Wrong Way To Learn Spanish ^ - Part Two. In this section , we'll be looking at some paragraphs given below and translate them into Spanish.

Dorothy lived in Kansas with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em. Their house was small. It had one room and a cellar.

Dorothy vivia en Kansas con Tío Henry y Tía Em. Su casa era pequeña. Estuvo un habatacion y una sotano.

The land around the house was very flat. The soil was dry and the grass was dead. The sun had turned everything dull and gray.

La tierra alrededor de la casa era muy plana. El suelo era seco y la hierba era muerta. El sol had turned todo embotado y gris.

Aunt Em was once young and pretty. The sun and wind withered her. They made her sad, too. When the orphan Dorothy came, her laughter made Aunt Em scream in surprise.

Tía Em fue joven y bonita. El sol y el viento le marchitaban. La hicieron triste, demasiado. Cuando llegó la huérfana Dorothy, su risa hizo tía Em grito de sorpresa.

Uncle Henry never laughed. He worked hard from morning till night. He was sad and gray also. He looked stern and solemn, and rarely spoke.

Tío Henry nunca se rió. Trabajó duro desde la mañana hasta la noche. Estaba triste y gris también. Miró austero y solemne y raramente hablaba.

Toto made Dorothy laugh. He saved her from growing sad and gray. Toto was not gray; he was a little black dog. He was very cute. Toto and Dorothy played all day. She loved him very much.

Toto reír a Dorothy. Le salvó de creciente triste y gris. Toto no era gris; era un pequeño perro negro. Era muy guapo. Totó y Dorothy jugaron todo el día. Ella lo amaba mucho.

Today, they were not playing. Uncle Henry looked at the sky. It was very grey today. Uncle Henry was anxious. Dorothy held Toto. She looked at the sky, too. Aunt Em was washing the dishes.

Hoy en día, no estaban jugando. Tío Henry miró al cielo. Hoy ha sido muy gris. Tío Henry estaba impaciente. Dorothy sostuvo Toto. Ella miró el cielo, también. Tía Em estaba lavando los platos.