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Spain at the Beginning of 21st Century/Economy

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All shown statistical data come from the 2000 edition of Statistical Yearbook of Spain.[1]

Note: The economic figures are shown in pesetas, the currency used in Spain in the year to which these data belong, and which was replaced by the Euro in 2002. 1 € = 166.386 pesetas.

Economic overview

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Labor market

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Sector Active (thousands) Employed (thousands) Unemployed (thousands)
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing 1,196.9 989.0 207.9
Industry (without construction) 3,089.4 2,879.0 210.4
Construction 1,776.8 1,591.8 185.0
Services 9,860.8 9,014.0 846.8
Unclassifiable 920.3 - 920.3
TOTAL 16,844.1 14,473.7 2,370.4


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  • Total number of companies: 2,595,392


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  • Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices: 93,693.4 billion pesetas

Foreign trade

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  • Imports: 20,441.5 billion pesetas
  • Exports: 16,613.6 billion pesetas
  • Balance (exports - imports): -3,827.9 billion pesetas

Agriculture, hunting and fishing

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Crops Area (Ha) Production (Mt)
Wheat 2,012,431 6,040,454
Barley 3,572,150 10,697,000
Corn 439,711 3,751,072
Rye 167,118 295,718
Oats 391,343 664,312
Rice 105,133 733,972
Dried beans 34,971 29,380
Broad beans 10,455 11,206
Chickpeas 140,650 91,505
Lentils 41,071 27,193
Peas 82,130 84,110
Potato 180,066 3,855,708
Tomato 56,834 3,326,397
Onion 25,544 967,140
Cabbage 12,209 354,227
Pepper 23,247 867,667
Grapevine 1,163,901 4,973,525
Olive 2,255,537 4,517,229


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Forest product Production
Coniferous wood 7,325 (thousands of cubic meters)
Hardwood 4,599 (thousands of cubic meters)
Firewood 5,044 (thousands of steres)
Resins 3,411 (Mt)
Cork 90,025 (Mt)
Esparto grass 38 (Mt)
Pastures (year 1994) 20,297 (thousands of Ha)


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Livestock census

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Type of livestock Thousands of heads
Bovine 5,926
Sheep 23,982
Goat 2,935
Pig 18,652
Horse 248
Mules 117
Donkey 140

Meat production

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Type of livestock Slaughtered cattle (thousands of heads) Carcass weight (thousands of tons)
Bovine 2,269 568
Ovine 18,752 208
Caprine 1,606 13
Porcine 30,666 2,356
Equine 37 7
Poultry 647,827 456
Rabbits 104,723 126

Other livestock productions

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Product Production
Cow's milk 5,918 (million liters)
Sheep milk 303 (million liters)
Goat milk 358 (million liters)
Eggs for consumption (from chicken and other birds) 807,548 (thousands of dozens)
Wool 31,540 (Mt)
Honey 27,312 (Mt)
Wax 1,747 (Mt)


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Species Pieces hunted
Deer 61,443
Wild boar 81,352
Other big game 14,164
Hare 1,064,407
Rabbit 4,276,128
Other small game (mammals) 147,029
Partridge 2,815,542
Quail 1,226,400
Other volatile game 10,323,135

Industry and energy

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  • People employed in industry: 2,588,872
  • Net amount of total turnover in industry: 62,190,808 million pesetas

Domestic primary energy production

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Type of energy Ktoe (thousands of tonnes of oil equivalent)
Coal 8,586
Oil 300
Natural Gas 123
Hydraulic 2,244
Nuclear 15,337
Other 704
TOTAL 27,294


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  • Hotels: 16,229, with 672,508 rooms and 1,299,021 beds.
  • Tourist campsites: 1,170, with 719,626 beds.
  • Restaurants: 236,385 companies, with 244,717 premises.


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  • Maritime transport: 13 companies, 61 ships (43 passenger, 8 freight, 10 other).
  • Air transport: 19 companies, 267 aircraft.
  • Rail transport: 5 companies, 1,037 locomotives, 5,067 passenger vehicles, 26,008 wagons, 14,128 km of lines.
  • Urban passenger transport by bus: 149 companies, 7,492 vehicles.
  • Interurban passenger transport by bus: 3,657 companies, 29,918 vehicles.
  • Taxis (public service passenger cars): 70,142.


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Type Km
Dual carriageways and highways 8,067
Toll motorways 2,239
State-run network 24,124
Network in charge of the autonomous communities 71,080
Network in charge of the provincial councils and town councils 68,565
Network in charge of the town councils 489,698
Other bodies 11,355


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Type Number of registered vehicles Number of vehicles in circulation (thousands)
Passenger cars 1,502,531 16,847.3
Buses 3,877 53.5
Trucks and vans 316,926 3,605.0
Motorcycles 68,670 1,403.8
Industrial tractors 18,389 130.2
Other vehicles No data 371.3


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  1. "Productos y servicios / Publicaciones gratuitas / Anuario Estadístico de España". web.archive.org. 2024-04-22. Retrieved 2024-09-15.