Solresol, being based on 7 syllables, has a wide variety of ways to be written. The most popular are:
- The musical tones are written out in full (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si)
- The musical tones are abbreviated (d, r, m, f, so, l, s)
- The musical tones are written as numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
- The musical tones are written on a musical staff (do=c, re=d, mi=e, fa=f, sol=g, la=a, si=b)
- The musical tones are written as colors (Do=red, re=orange, mi=yellow, fa=green, sol=blue, la= indigo, si= violet)
- The musical tones are written in a stenographic script.
Out of these, the full written out form, the abbreviated, and the number forms are the most widely used.