Soi Xim

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Soi Xim logo (2017).

Soi Xim is a constructed language designed by web user Lkolkalki.

Soi Xim is a language thought to be as of minimal as of maximal complexity, depending on the use.

Wants to demonstrate the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis in terms of philosophical achievements, due to its particular idea-formation method, as universal as possible.

It is a personal language, firstly crafted as a stylish experiment and can possibly be used as an international auxiliary language for easier communication purposes.

As a philosophical language, the main feature is to form practical thoughts to understand nature, human behavior and action-reaction processes, making this with as few words as possible.

Its inner nature is the one of an a priori language, by which root words are created ex novo by the author and merely inspired by Asiatic languages, like Altaic and Sino-Tibetan ones, also like a hypothetical isolated idiom.

As of grammar, it can be either an isolating, an agglutinative or a polysynthetic language, making it really flexible and adaptable to any context and level of difficulty.

It focuses on simple concepts and elements that are relatively universal among cultures. It was created to express a wide range of human and natural concepts with a simpler wordcraft, making it the shortest vocabulary based language. The language has 17 phoneme, 6 vowels and 11 consonants, for a total of 72 basic words.

Alphabet and pronuntiation

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  • Latin a b c d e i k m o p r s u v x y z
  • Cyrillic а б ц д е и к м о п р с у в х ы з
  • IPA a ɓ c ɖ eː i ç ɱ o p ɹ s ʊ ɤ ß iː ɧ

Official 72 word list

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aee ☳☴
n water, liquid, sea
aei ☳☶
n air, gas, sky
aeke ☷☳
N earth, land, world
bae ☷☵
n fire, flame, heat
be ☲☶
v to have, possession
bu ☷☶
n need, want
cie ☷☱
cong fused with other words, can create new conjunctions relating to the context of the speech
dam ☶☰
n object, practical thing
dem ☴☲
n feeling, sentiment, emotion
dia ☱☱
n enemy, evil, opposition
die ☱
n person, human being
diem ☷☷
n people, crowd, group
dim ☷
n animal, sentient being
diue ☱☲
n growth, crescere
v to sleep, to rest
docri ☰☶
v to know, understand, comprehension
dom ☵
n element
dosiu ☴☱
n peace,harmony, gentleness
dozriom ☰☳
n war, conflict, violence
dum ☵☵
n number, measure, dimension
dym ☵☱
v to do, to use
iam ☴☵
adj impure, criptic
iea ☱☵
adj difficult
ieie ☲☵
adj easy, simple
ieim ☶☴
v to see, to feel
iem ☷☲
adj pure, untouched
ieom ☶☵
n greeting
ieoram ☲☴
n respect, dignity
kam ☲☳
adj negative, no, unfavorable
kem ☵☶
n chance, possibility
kemsaee ☲☷
adj dark, obscure
ki ☳☷
n you, another
kie ☳☱
n thing, what
kim ☱☶
n answer, solution
kram ☴☷
n question, problem, doubt
kre ☵☷
v create, make
kreda ☳☲
adj new, young
kum ☵☰
cong insieme, with, ensemble
peam ☰☰
adj away
peim ☶☷
adj near
peom ☰
n place
ra ☶☲
adj mobile
ram ☴☳
adj old
re ☲
v to be, being, existence
rei ☲☲
n energy, force
rem ☱☷
n changement, transformation
riom ☵☴
v to go, move
ry ☱☰
adj immobile, stable
sa ☲☱
adj positive, yes, favorable
sam ☶
n begin, life
sem ☶☶
n spirit, soul, essence
si ☴☶
n I, me, same
siekae ☱☳
n modus, way, method
sioe ☰☱
adj less, little bit
siom ☷☴
adj a lot, very
soi ☰☷
adj big, great, major
sue ☴☰
adj little, tiny, minor
sumram ☲☰
n food, eat, goods
vaeie ☵☲
n light, good
ve ☷☰
v to want
vivom ☳☰
n power, will
xea ☵☳
adj female, woman
xeom ☶☱
adj male, man
xeoucri ☰☴
cong before, ancient
xeousiu ☶☳
cong after, future
xy ☰☵
n sound, effect
xiam ☴☴
n picture, image, symbol
xim ☴
n thought, idea
zeam ☳☳
n nature, ambient
zram ☳
n death, die, end
zrim ☳☵
n event, fact, action
zumky ☱☴
n time, prosecution


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