Software Engineering with an Agile Development Framework/Iteration Two/Peer review
On at least four occasions throughout the project we we perform peer testing (see positive Tasmanian experience). In given sessions every group will present their work to date to a "review group" who will test and comment on that work. The review groups will be allocated by Sam and contain one member from the producing group an "author" who will present the work for 5 minutes and then the rest of the group will review the work using a worksheet provided. This review does not count towards assessment for IT301 but participation is compulsory.
The "author" from each group will present information to their review group who will critique it for you (template review form)
This material might be:
Prototype *
Functional requirements *
Decision: Overall approach *
Decision: Plan for next few weeks *
Decision: What are you developing for the first major major release? *
something that you did a while ago *
something you've just done and want feedback on *
process and artefact
Resources: Chapters from Wiegers's book, (and examples)
Follow-up survey about peer review process