Sidux/Post-installation work

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If you want to have an access to non-free, contrib and multimedia repositories just change
"sources.list" file adding new server addresses.
There are two ways to do so:
1. Midnight Commander's built-in text editor: Menu-> Accessories-> Terminal:
admin/root password
a. Tab "Options" -> Configuration-> use internal edit-> make sure it is marked and Save it.
b. Go to: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list -> edit it with F4 key.
c. Change a line:
deb sid main
d. For new one you can see below:
deb sid main contrib non-free
e. Add new line of multimedia repo:
deb sid main non-free
f. Save the file with F2 bottom and escape using F10 key.
g. Enter file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sidux.list and change the line for:
deb sid main contrib non-free fix.main fix.contrib fix.non-free
or: sid main contrib non-free fix.main fix.contrib fix.non-free
h. Save it and quit Midnight Commander.

2. Mousepad text editor -> Terminal
 root password
mousepad /apt/etc/sources.list.d/debian.list
mousepad /apt/etc/sources.list.d/sidux.list
(sux command lets run softwares in graphic environment straight from a text console as root)
a. Change first line and add other repositories addresses as you did using "mc".
b. Tab File-> Save it and close editor.

3. Download "debian-multimedia-keyring" package (public key) from:
Go to Terminal and (as a root) install it:
dpkg -i debian-multimedia-keyring_2008.10.16_all.deb
b. Refresh packages list:
apt-get update
c. And install updates:
apt-get dist-upgrade

Language packages

If you have chosen different language than English you may install missing language packages.
Just check what's available to get, I used to install additional polish packages:
apt-get install wpolish myspell-pl aspell-pl iceweasel-l10n-pl
For KDE I install package:


The firewall "iptables" is pre-installed with the system, what you have to do is activate it.
1. The simplies way to do that is use "ufw" (Uncomplicated Firewall) so create two rules for firewall:
all outgoing connection are allowed and all incoming connections are blocked:
apt-get install ufw
ufw enable
You should get confirmation:
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup
You can always check the firewall status:
ufw status
Status: active
Or deactive it (I suggest not):
ufw disable

2. There is an another way to activate firewall using GUI software like Firestarter or Gufw
or Guarddog for KDE.

Mounting partitions

After system installations all partitions should be detected and mounted automatically
in "/media" folder.
In a case if anyone missing you can mount it manually.
Run terminal and type:
 root password
fdisk -l
You will get a list of all partitions on your computer drive including not mounted.

Pernament mounting

All partitions will be mounted pernamently editing "fstab" file, type it in Termial as root:
mousepad /etc/fstab

1. "ntfs" file system partition (for example /dev/sda1) read only: add the line on the end of the list:
/dev/sda1  /media/sda1  ntfs-3g  ro,users,auto   0   1
a. Do not use "Space" button but "Tab" only.
b. Create "sda1" subfolder in "/media":
mkdir /media/sda1
c. And install "ntfs" package if needed:
apt-get install ntfs-3g

2. "fat32/vfat" file system partition (for examle /dev/sda5), read and write - add the line:
/dev/sda5  /media/sda5  vfat  rw,users,auto   0   1
/dev/sda5  /media/sda5  vfat  defaults,umask=007,gid=46,utf8,auto   0   1
Create "sda5' subfolder in "/media":
mkdir /media/sda5

3. "ext3" or "ext4" (for examle /dev/sda6) - add the line:
/dev/sda6   /media/sda6   ext4   defaults,users,auto   0   1
Create "sda6" subfolder in "/media:
mkdir /media/sda6

4. "swap" partition (for example /dev/sda7) - add the line:
/dev/sda7    none    swap   sw    0    0

Any "fstab" file changes will be working after system rebooting.

Temporary mounting

Partitions can be temporary mounted for a session time.
1. Create "new" subfolder (for example) in "/home" directory and mount a "vfat" (sda5) partition:
mkdir /home/your_user_name/new
mount /dev/sda5 /home/your_user_name/new -t vfat
2. The mounted partition will be unmounted automatically after system reboot or having command:
umount /dev/sda5

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