Scottish Gaelic/Phrases

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Scottish Gaelic Phrase Book

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  • tiugainn!
come on!
  • tiugainn leam
come with me
  • tiugainn comhla rium
come along with me
  • de tha Beurla air "làmh?"
what is the English for "lamh"?
  • siuthad!
on you go!, proceed!
  • bidh modhail!
bidh! /bi:/ be!; modhail /mo:l/ good;
  • bidh sàmhach
be quiet!
bidh! /bi:/ be!; sàmhach /savax/ quiet, peaceful;
  • na bidh gorach!
don't be silly!
  • trobhad an seo!
come here!
trobhad! /trot/ come!; an seo, here;
  • càite bheil Catrìona?
where is Catherine?
(càite - where; bheil - is; Catrìona - Catherine)
  • càite bheil Iain?
where is Iain?
(càite - where; bheil - is; Iain - John)
  • cum mo lamh!
hold my hand!
(cum! - hold!; mo - my; lamh - hand)
  • cum an lamh aig Iain!
hold John's hand!
(cum! - hold!; an - the; lamh - hand; aig - belonging to; Iain - John)
  • cum an lamh aig Catrìona!
hold Catherine's hand
  • tha acras air Seumas
James is hungry (literally 'hunger is on James')
  • tha Seumas ag iarraidh bainne
James is wanting milk
  • tha sin cunnartach
that is dangerous
  • tha e cunnartach
it is dangerous
  • bidh curramach!
be careful!
  • am bheil thu ag iarraidh bainne?
are you wanting milk?
  • tha mi ag iarraidh bainne
I am wanting milk
  • tha Iain ag iarraidh bainne
John is wanting milk
  • caite bheil am bainne?
where is the milk?
  • am bheil thu ag iarraidh sùgh?
are you wanting juice?
  • am bheil thu ag iarraidh sùgh ubhail?
are you wanting apple juice?
  • tha Mairi ag iarraidh sùgh ubhail
Mary is wanting apple juice
  • am bheil thu ag iarraidh sùgh orainds?
are you wanting orange juice?
  • caite bheil an sùgh?
where is the juice?
  • am bheil thu ag iarraidh bùrn?
are you wanting water?
  • am bheil thu ag iarraidh aran agus ìm?
are you wanting bread and butter?
  • tha Seumas a' dol a laighe
James is going to bed
  • a bheil a' Ghàidhlig agad?
do you speak Gaelic? (literally: Do you have Gaelic?)
  • cuir do chota ort
put your coat on (Literally: put your coat on you)
  • tha an taigh againn mor
our house is big (Literally: The house at us is big)
  • chan eil an taigh againn mor
our house is not big (Literally: The house at us is not big)
  • tha am fear ag ionnsachadh
the man is learning
  • bha a' chaileag a' seinn
the girl was singing
  • tha an taigh beag
the house is small
  • tha an taigh mor
the house is large
  • tha an taigh alainn
the house is lovely
  • their Seumas sin
James will say that
  • an abair Seumas sin?
will James say that?
  • dé chì thu?
what do you see?
  • cluinnidh tu na h-eòin
you will hear the birds
  • tha am 'playpark' mor
the playpark is big
  • chan eil am 'playpark' mor
the playpark is not big
  • chì sinn thu nuair a thig thu
we will see you when you come
  • tha Seumas ann an itealan
James is in an aeroplane
  • chunnaic Màiri an itealan
Mary saw the aeroplane
  • bha Màiri a' cluich leis an ainealar
Mary was playing with the computer
  • ní iad an dìcheall
they will do their best
  • ní Màiri sin
Mary will make that
  • an dean Mairi sin?
will Mary make that?
  • nach abair Seumas riut?
will James not tell you?
  • an doir thu airgead do'n carthannais sin?
will you give money to that charity?
  • dh'fhaodadh tu a dhol rud beag nas luaithe
you could go a little faster
  • bidh fiughar agam ri sin
I look forward to that (fiughar = hope or expectation)
  • an dig thu a chéilidh orm a-nochd?
will you come to visit me tonight?
  • seas air mo bheulaibh!
stand in front of me!
  • bha i na seasamh air mo chùlaibh
she was standing behind me
  • tha na solais sràide os cionn an taigh-òsda
the street lights are above the hotel/restaurant
  • théid sinn a Phartaig
we will go to Partick (Partick is a place-name)
  • chan eil anns an taigh ach Dòmhnall agust Màiri
there is no-one in the house except Donald and Mary
  • Gaelic: Gàidhlig (GAH-lick)
  • welcome: fàilte (FAL-tyuh)
  • good-bye: mar sin leibh (mar SHIN laif)
  • please: mas e do thoil e (mah SHEH daw HOL eh)
  • thank you: tapadh leibh (TAH-pah ley)
  • sorry: tha mi duilich (hah mee DOO-leekh)
  • that one: am fear sin (am fer SHIN)
  • how much?: cia mheud (kah VIUT)
  • English: Beurla (BYER-luh)
  • yes: 2tha (hah)
  • no: 3chan eil (chan YIL)
  • I don’t understand: chan eil mi a' tuigsinn (khan YIL mee uh TOOK-shin)
  • Where’s the bathroom?: càit a bheil an taigh beag? (KATCH-uh vil an TUH-eeh bik)
  • generic toast: slàinte (SLAN-tyuh)