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Physics demonstration experiments and hands-on activities

Numbers used in headings are the numbers used in various databases for indexing the subjects.

Please add new guides to the main Guide index so they don't end up as stubs on this page.


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Measurement (1A)

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Motion in One Dimension (1C)

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Motion in Two Dimensions (1D)

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Relative Motion (1E)

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Newton's First Law (1F)

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Newton's Second Law (1G)

[edit | edit source]

Newton's Third Law (1H)

[edit | edit source]

Statics of Rigid Bodies (1J)

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Applications of Newton's Laws (1K)

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Gravity (1L)

[edit | edit source]

Work & Energy (1M)

[edit | edit source]

Linear Momentum & Collisions (1N)

[edit | edit source]

Rotational Dynamics (1Q)

[edit | edit source]

Properties of Matter (1R)

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Fluid Mechanics

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Surface Tension 2A

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the ratio of total force acting on the surface of water to the area.

Statics of Fluids 2B

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Dynamics of Fluids 2C

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Oscillations & Waves

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Oscillations 3A

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Standing waves

[edit | edit source]

Wave Motion 3B

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Acoustics 3C

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Instruments 3D

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Sound Reproduction 3E

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Thermal Properties of Matter 4A

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Heat and the First Law 4B

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Change of State 4C

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Kinetic Theory 4D

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[edit | edit source]

Gas Law 4E

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Entropy and the Second Law 4F

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Electricity & Magnetism

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Electrostatics 5A

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Electric Fields and Potential 5B

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High Voltage

[edit | edit source]

High Voltage generators

[edit | edit source]

Capacitance 5C

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Resistance 5D

[edit | edit source]

Electromotive Force & Current 5E

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DC Circuits (5F)

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Magnetic Material 5G

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[edit | edit source]

Magnetic Fields and Forces 5H

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Inductance (5J)

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Eddy currents

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Electromagnetic Induction (5K)

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AC Circuits (5L)

[edit | edit source]

Semiconductors and Tubes (5M)

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Electromagnetic Radiation (5N)

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Geometrical Optics (6A)

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Photometry (6B)

[edit | edit source]

Diffraction (6C)

[edit | edit source]

Interference (6D)

[edit | edit source]

Color (6F)

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Polarization (6H)

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The Eye (6J)

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Eyes make us capable of glancing this beautiful world.

Modern Optics (6Q)

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Modern Physics

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Quantum Effects (7A)

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Atomic Physics (7B)

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Nuclear Physics (7B)

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Elementary Particles (7E)

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Relativity (7F)

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Planetary Astronomy (8A)

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Stellar Astronomy (8B)

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Cosmology (8C)

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Support Systems (9A)

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Electronic (9B)

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Mechanical (9C)

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Resources on the net

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