Rueda de Casino/Moves for Beginners

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This is listed in order of where they might come in a beginners' rueda. A typical calling sequence might be:

El Pozo, Arriba, Abajo, Dile Que No, Guapea (this is normally implicit), Dame, Enchufa, Enchufa Doble, Pelota, Candela

Rueda de Casino/Enchufa Doble
Name Translation Description Related Figures
Amarillo Yellow Turn to the right, push her hand, duck under your left, push her hand, back to Guapea Guapea
Arriba Up Walk forwards Abajo, Centro, Dame, Tarrito
Abajo Down Walk backwards Una Abajo, Arriba, Centro, Tarrito
Candela Flame 3 sets of claps Guapea
Cubano Cuban Leaders move side to side in front of followers El Dos, Enchufa
Dame Give me (one) video (Media Noche). Move on to the next follower Tarrito, Cucaracha
Dile Que No Tell her no video (Media Noche). Cross body step None
El Pozo The well Bring up water from a well None
Enchufa Plug her video (Media Noche). Follower's left turn and leaders move to the next follower. Enchufa Doble, Enchufa y Sacla, Enchufa para Arriba, Enchufa con Rounded, Dile Que No
Enchufa Doble Sácala Doble Connect her twice, take her out twice Enchufa Doble, then the leader changes hands, and makes the follower do a right turn in the centre, twice. Enchufa Doble
Guapea video (Media Noche). Basic step Dame, Dile Que No, Enchufa
Jardín Garden Enchufa, right-to-right, leaders go underneath the next leader's arm Dile Que No, Enchufa
Pelota Ball video (Media Noche). Stamp twice then clap twice Enchufa, Drácula, Frankenstein, Peluqería, Policía, Príncipe Bueno, Príncipe Malo, Spaghetti
Pelota Loca Crazy ball video (Media Noche). Enchufa then stamp, clap, stamp, clap, stamp, clap, clap clap Pelota, Enchufa
Sombrero Hat video (Media Noche). Hold both hands, right over left, and turn her to her left, then move your left arm over your head, and your right over hers Noventa