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Ruby on Rails/Getting Started/Is everything installed?

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

If everything was installed correctly you should be able to do the following:

  • Type irb -v on the command line and see the version number for irb, the interactive Ruby interpreter
    • What version do you expect to see here??
  • Type gem -v on the command line and see the version number for RubyGems
    • What version do you expect to see here??
  • Type rails -v and the installed Rails version number should be displayed
    • What version do you expect to see here??
  • Type rails testapp and a new Rails app should be created in a directory called testapp
  • Change into the testapp directory and run script/server, launching the built-in Rails server
  • Type rake and the Rails application's tests should run
    • Will they work out of the box? What is the expected output?