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Ruby on Rails/ActionView/ERb

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ERb (Embedded Ruby) is the default template language included with Rails. It is very similar to PHP, JSP and ASP.

Tags for Embedding Ruby

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  • <%= %> will render the result returned from the embedded Ruby expression as text
  • <% %> will execute the embedded expression without rendering the result
  • <% -%> will execute the embedded expression without rendering the result and will suppress trailing whitespace
  • <%- %> will execute the embedded expression without rendering the result and will suppress leading whitespace
  • <%# %> will cause the embedded expression to be parsed as a comment

ERb Utility Methods

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There are a couple utility methods which are part of ERb that you may encounter when developing Rails applications:

  • h(s) or html_escape(s) - A utility method for escaping HTML tag characters in the supplied String s
  • u(s) or url_encode(s) - A utility method for encoding the String s as a URL


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    <% @people.each do |person| -%>
    <li><%= person.first_name %></li>
    <% end -%>

If @people contained an array of Person instances, this would render something like the following:



  • While it is possible to put business logic in the view this should be avoided. Business logic belongs in the model where it can be easily tested and reused.
  • The line <%= render :partial => '/layouts/menu' %> will render a the partial app/views/layouts/_menu.